Fun In The Sun 2016 - Tiger - Ape - Pitbull - Gorilla & More - Run Wild

Don't chop ZD. Just make her sacrifice a lot for the group!. Defol and trim the stuff in the way. If you are considering ditching it then just trim it way back and continue with what's left... At Least you can get some results that way!



:thumb: Yeah - that's what I meant. Cut her down to 8' or so and not quite as wide so I have a place to work from. There's no way for me to support the branches the way they are now. It's a tough decision, but something is better than nothing, and if I'm going to do it, I need to do it now, before she buds.
Morning Major....instead of cutting her down a lil , can you not just carefully get a smaller rope or something around her neck and gently pull her down....way down...or will she just snap. I've seen this done with great success with other outdoor crops that were getting too tall. It does the same for outdoor girls too, however , and that's , it will create a massive bush with all the side branches turning really is pretty cool to see with those big beauties! doing this would give you the height you need to protect the whole group. just thinkin out loud bud. Man , i wanna see ya harvest ALL FIVE! All your hard work Major....don't chop any bud....:thedoubletake:
Have an awesome holiday my friend!:Namaste:
Morning Major....instead of cutting her down a lil , can you not just carefully get a smaller rope or something around her neck and gently pull her down....way down...or will she just snap. I've seen this done with great success with other outdoor crops that were getting too tall. It does the same for outdoor girls too, however , and that's , it will create a massive bush with all the side branches turning really is pretty cool to see with those big beauties! doing this would give you the height you need to protect the whole group. just thinkin out loud bud. Man , i wanna see ya harvest ALL FIVE! All your hard work Major....don't chop any bud....:thedoubletake:
Have an awesome holiday my friend!:Namaste:

I could try something like that. I sort of tried it with AS because her branches were hanging out over the netting and beginning to look like they would break. The problem is, too many tops up high that need to be tied. I don't see how I can pull each one individually. But if I lasso all of them together, they will just be one big bunch = a mold magnet. Even if I am able to tie off some of her, by the time I get it low enough to matter, the tops will be over and into one of the other plants. I had to un-bunch AS and spent a couple of hours tying each branch to another. The branches are still bunched in places but should let most of her breath and finish.

I'm headed down for one(?) last attempt to cover her as-is. I have a structure m/l prepared. Getting it erected w/o killing me or the plants is the difficult part. If I have any luck, I'll let you all know.

Get out there and finish summer in style, gang! :Namaste:
Nice looking TALL blonde in your garden :)
Hope you find a solution to the problem.. (Sending Tarzan over to help with swinging around in the mean time :) )
Tall blonde.....where????? I know, i'm a perv! Can't help myself....everything still works sooo good , is all!:bravo:

sent from my the future!:thumb:

:rofl: I am tall and blonde... and working on the slim part :rofl:
OK, got ALL my attention....waddaya gonna do with bout those toe, toes....lets have a peek!


Suddenly, very interested. :rofl:
Mmm Zd ah, well if that was a tent grow i would not take a second thought about the matter...

Out doors tho i may think twice, it is not like space is a question really & some days nature just catch's up in growing & no harm in letting her go a little longer to see what happens.

Ye ok Major bigger plant protection cage ah, not a problem just need to expand some research ideas :thumb:

Google or what ever ya use !

Gonna come with a list of search stuff ya need to type in & work on on that...

1. Fruit cages - come in different size's pretty standard height tho width, depth varies, more likely a standard butterfly mesh size.

2. Seen DIY build ya own grow tent poles / fittings etc from some sites, gonna need to look around for those supplies.

3. Butterfly mesh comes in different gauges, ya know size of hole etc... need to check out hortic or agric sites for larger rolls / grades of mesh as home depo etc may not stock all.

5mm should be ok for most critters..

That should get ya on the right road bud :thumb:

DIY option ya can build ya own frame perhaps fencing material like meta sockets with 4 by 4 inch poles etc well at least how i know the terms in my neck of woods ah ! get a suitable mesh size & secure any over lap well.
Nice looking TALL blonde in your garden :)
Hope you find a solution to the problem.. (Sending Tarzan over to help with swinging around in the mean time :) )

:welcome: my fine feathered friend!

I think Tarzan made the difference. He was able to swing the pieces into place. Promise not to laugh. It is a start...


Since the curved PVC puts a lot of outward force on the posts, the frame is tightly held. I ran rebar tie wire from post to post (wrapping it around each one). This keeps the posts from spreading outward with the push from the frame. I need to go pick up four 45 degree elbows. It turns out a 1-1/4" union fits snugly over the top of each post. I added a reducing bushing to each union. The bushing adapts down to the 1" pipe I had around and also keeps the union from sliding down the post. Once the 45's are added it will should be solid and stable. I added a center pole for more weight holding capacity, but it probably isn't needed. Getting the plastic over this mess will be another challenge. I have some ideas about adding supports to keep the plastic from sagging.

ZD(+) is about 20" below the top so I think I'm OK in the center. All plants are fully "under the dome" except one corner of GT(+). I'll have to live with that.
:welcome: my fine feathered friend!

I think Tarzan made the difference. He was able to swing the pieces into place. Promise not to laugh. It is a start...


Since the curved PVC puts a lot of outward force on the posts, the frame is tightly held. I ran rebar tie wire from post to post (wrapping it around each one). This keeps the posts from spreading outward with the push from the frame. I need to go pick up four 45 degree elbows. It turns out a 1-1/4" union fits snugly over the top of each post. I added a reducing bushing to each union. The bushing adapts down to the 1" pipe I had around and also keeps the union from sliding down the post. Once the 45's are added it will should be solid and stable. I added a center pole for more weight holding capacity, but it probably isn't needed. Getting the plastic over this mess will be another challenge. I have some ideas about adding supports to keep the plastic from sagging.

ZD(+) is about 20" below the top so I think I'm OK in the center. All plants are fully "under the dome" except one corner of GT(+). I'll have to live with that.

Bloody well good , i'de say Major, have done it bud, it will work . You are amazing my friend . What a great's friggen perfect. The rest will be a pc. of cake. Come on...the rest is the fun part.. Ya just met the challenge my good friend , what a great idea Major! For the plastic support between the poles, a lot would work , but whatever i suggest ...doesn't matter cuz youle come up with a better idea....reps for this on the way brotha! stoked .:cheer::cheer::bravo:....what did ya do with the remote co2 mini gun mounts? Cheers Major.:Namaste:
:welcome: my fine feathered friend!

I think Tarzan made the difference. He was able to swing the pieces into place. Promise not to laugh. It is a start...


Since the curved PVC puts a lot of outward force on the posts, the frame is tightly held. I ran rebar tie wire from post to post (wrapping it around each one). This keeps the posts from spreading outward with the push from the frame. I need to go pick up four 45 degree elbows. It turns out a 1-1/4" union fits snugly over the top of each post. I added a reducing bushing to each union. The bushing adapts down to the 1" pipe I had around and also keeps the union from sliding down the post. Once the 45's are added it will should be solid and stable. I added a center pole for more weight holding capacity, but it probably isn't needed. Getting the plastic over this mess will be another challenge. I have some ideas about adding supports to keep the plastic from sagging.

ZD(+) is about 20" below the top so I think I'm OK in the center. All plants are fully "under the dome" except one corner of GT(+). I'll have to live with that.

Major's "dome of protection" know , like the "dome of silence" that TV show!!!

It is gorgeous.
You did a great job :bravo:
I am glad Tarzan saved your day :)

And to cut the story short.. I am tall, blonde..still working on the slim... 2 births know what I mean...

Cough ... CONE of Silence ... cough :cheesygrinsmiley:
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