In The Lab

no ego here IMO 420 magazine has the best cannabis farmers I have ever been lucky enough to stumble upon. I've enjoyed 7 months reading about the many different types of grow methods. But yesterday was my very first time to post a's exciting and scary all at the same time! Much love and respect to all

I just reread things and picked up on Doc's mention of testing your own soil. He can do custom amendments in bulk for large outdoor gardens, too - not just indoor hobbyists. The method was originally developed for outdoor vegetable gardens of 1000 sqft and more. And a soil test isn't terribly expensive, well under $100.

Great information and I do plan to work with the brix kit in the future but for now ffof will have to do until I get a few grows under my belt. I must crawl before I can walk.

If you've already invested money into bottled nutes, then might as well use them.

But, you don't have to crawl before you walk. You can go straight to flying high...

I would absolutely recommend Doc's kit to any new grower. It is so easy to use, and is cheap. The soil is consistent and eliminates guessing.

I'm following a thread started by a new grower using synthetic nutes. His journal is 30 pages long, and a full 95% of the posts are questions and concerns about PH, PPM, and of course guessing what nutrient she is deficient in. Not my idea of fun.

Hope you use up them nutes fast polllcat2, we'll be here ready to help.
Great information and I do plan to work with the brix kit in the future but for now ffof will have to do until I get a few grows under my belt. I must crawl before I can walk.

Work on dialing in your environment. It is much more important than the kind of nute's you feed.
Doc's kit will help you "walk" (run?) as quickly and easily as any other grow method.
Great information and I do plan to work with the brix kit in the future but for now ffof will have to do until I get a few grows under my belt. I must crawl before I can walk.

The kit definitely makes the learning process much easier. Especially with the crew always there to help.

I wouldn't worry about using nutes up. I have a set of barely used hydro nutes sitting in a cabinet. I thought dwc sounded like an easy starting point. After two failed attempts I figured I'd see what all this fuss was about. I kept seeing people talking about GE and brixing and had first thought it was just another overpriced bottled nutrient system. I was pleasantly surprised to discover high brix and and the crowd of amazing people here.

You really can't go wrong starting with the kit. For someone who has never grown and cared for any plants before, like myself, it has really taken away the guesswork and lowered the learning curve immensely.

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The kit definitely makes the learning process much easier. Especially with the crew always there to help.

I wouldn't worry about using nutes up. I have a set of barely used hydro nutes sitting in a cabinet. I thought dwc sounded like an easy starting point. After two failed attempts I figured I'd see what all this fuss was about. I kept seeing people talking about GE and brixing and had first thought it was just another overpriced bottled nutrient system. I was pleasantly surprised to discover high brix and and the crowd of amazing people here.

You really can't go wrong starting with the kit. For someone who has never grown and cared for any plants before, like myself, it has really taken away the guesswork and lowered the learning curve immensely.

Sent from my iPad using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Morning Morglie, that's the stuff my brotha! Doc's kit is the way to go ...right from the start , get right to it , and start getting some very valuable experience and have a lot of fun along the way with all us gang! cheers everyone and once again Morglie....very wise words my brotha! cheers to ya sir!:Namaste::high-five::bravo:
Been lurking these forums for a while and was just wondering how i can get one of your kits doc. The only promix i could find locally was bx, I saw you recommend adding perlite to it about how much do you think is needed.
Been lurking these forums for a while and was just wondering how i can get one of your kits doc. The only promix i could find locally was bx, I saw you recommend adding perlite to it about how much do you think is needed.

Good morning Youngone! A big warm welcome to the mag this morning for ya! So glad you could join us around these parts. You just won the lotto my friend . You just came to a very special place here on the web. The growers around these parts are experienced and will offer you help, guidance , tips and encouragement every chance you give them. They are all very special and more so , as people cuz of their integrity and genuineness! We only ask that you leave your ego at the door, and enter our journals with a smile and good attitude,. If you do these things , you will be met with a smile and enthusiasm. Please visit some of the other DBHBB journals and get a feel for us....if ya have any Q's. please , just ask ok! Doc will be along shortly to look after your "kit" needs. It's the shit brotha... trust us! Enjoy your stay and once again welcome to 420 Mag!:welcome::420::bravo::circle-of-love:

sent from my the future!:thumb:
Been lurking these forums for a while and was just wondering how i can get one of your kits doc. The only promix i could find locally was bx, I saw you recommend adding perlite to it about how much do you think is needed.

I can't remember if there was a standard amount for the kit. I would say at least 2 gal/10 liter bag worth
Been lurking these forums for a while and was just wondering how i can get one of your kits doc. The only promix i could find locally was bx, I saw you recommend adding perlite to it about how much do you think is needed.

I'd go with about 10% by volume. 6 cu-ft bale of Promix = 0.6 cu-ft of perlite = 5 gal m/l.
Been lurking these forums for a while and was just wondering how i can get one of your kits doc. The only promix i could find locally was bx, I saw you recommend adding perlite to it about how much do you think is needed.

ProMix HP has 27% perlite, but BX has vermiculite also.

So adding another 15% perlite should get it up to 27% or so. :thumb:
ProMix HP has 27% perlite, but BX has vermiculite also.

So adding another 15% perlite should get it up to 27% or so. :thumb:

Learn something everyday! :thanks:
I knew HP has about 10% less peat than BX so I figured the difference was in the amount of perlite.
But since BX also has vermiculite, the difference would easily be 15% more perlite and that doesn't even compensate for the extra water retention of the vermiculite.
Learn something everyday! :thanks:
I knew HP has about 10% less peat than BX so I figured the difference was in the amount of perlite.
But since BX also has vermiculite, the difference would easily be 15% more perlite and that doesn't even compensate for the extra water retention of the vermiculite.

I love the BX for outdoors, just for the vermiculite. I end up watering every 4-5 days, just like HP indoors.
If i wanted to boost the % of perlite, how high can I safely go with the kit? Reason being, I experimented with a SWICK and it didn't work, was thinking about adding more perlite before the next grow, but I don't want to throw anything out of balance.
If i wanted to boost the % of perlite, how high can I safely go with the kit? Reason being, I experimented with a SWICK and it didn't work, was thinking about adding more perlite before the next grow, but I don't want to throw anything out of balance.

I grew several HB grows with SWICKs with the promix; no added perlite. Grew great produce and with respectable yields. :)
Smaller pots require more attention.
If i wanted to boost the % of perlite, how high can I safely go with the kit? Reason being, I experimented with a SWICK and it didn't work, was thinking about adding more perlite before the next grow, but I don't want to throw anything out of balance.

Skip the SWICK unless there is some really good reason why the plants can't grow without it----like you're not home for a week, etc.

They'll do much better in every way if allowed to dry out, especially in veg. As far as adding more perlite, if the only reason you're doing it is to SWICK....please reconsider.

You can do better hand watering and dunking.
Yeah the only reason for the SWICK was because I travel for nearly 2 weeks at a time sometimes, so I'm not going to mess with the soil, I'll figure something else out. Can't say enough good things about the kit Doc, and I really appreciate all the help from you, Ziggy, and the whole community.
Yeah the only reason for the SWICK was because I travel for nearly 2 weeks at a time sometimes, so I'm not going to mess with the soil, I'll figure something else out. Can't say enough good things about the kit Doc, and I really appreciate all the help from you, Ziggy, and the whole community.

bricklayer67 ...... masonman. :hmmmm:

He's a friend. I gave him half my kit and a clone to flower. I couldn't watch him grow hydro again after using your kit.

Maybe we can get him to post a pic when she recovers from the drought. She's beautiful. So sad she got thirsty.
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