InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Well before I ask for details I'll have to continue the research gotta keep those theta waves going, that dose of extra extra N-Dimethyltryptamine in my system always helps. 3rd person perspective speaking in 1st when Your realize your reality is fucked am I awake? Possibly everything is so vivid? Does your conscious play games of reality on you?
To answer your question that hand has no burns. my hands skin was degloved. Inexplicably the experience was the issue here not sure how but a plate 11 screws exist in my left shoulder and rod and screw in my left femur alot of broken bones and I still get on any time I get the chance and do wheelies and travel through our quantum field faster than flesh should be allowed to. But we know newton's 3rd law? Who knew traveling 90mph and being a young novice marq Marquez rider the corner said fuck you inexperienced rider it came quick. Missed that braking and the corner hello rocks and ground by the time I hit the brakes I was doing 90ish I was doing 69 when the front tire left the pavement I did a few cart wheels with the bike then we parted our ways. Thankfully an officer saw these two dumbasses driving like idiots I'm sure I would've bled out if left. He was behind us a ways but apparently following a 1000cc and a 600cc<me newbie dumbass. Now I ride a 1000cc haven't had any issues yet. Got smoked on my sumo too flew 75+ft 400cc two stroke. I still ride both.... why because I want to die but this reality rejects my death everytime. What's this limbo state I'm in? My goodness
When you get on a bike I just always remember today could be that day again. I'm sure I'll just visit my two Angel's again.
Now astral projection is a part of my life after a few hard bonks to my head who knew you could travel outside of your flesh? Well I didnt but now I do.
Man that sounds heavy. Thankful your still here with us spreading the love big guice
It's the Friday sex-day update! Buckle your seatbelts (as well as your pants) and let's dive in...

Since we know that Golden Tiger 1 is a female, here is just one pic:

On the other hand, I'm getting absolutely nothing from Golden Tiger 2:

My plan this weekend is to dump the GT2 LST and transplant the GT1 in it's place. I don't have time to mess with an indecisive plant!

Let's move on to the Purple Skunk KRUSH plants...

PSK 1:

And PSK 2:

So I'm really just looking for a definitive answer on either of the PSK's if anyone has one. Remember, this is only an exhibition. This is not a competition. Please, no wagering!

And today's cool-down pic — after all that sexing — is the Candida in the cup:

I have no idea what to do with it other than water it 2x a day.

A bit warmer today, sunny too! I hope you are feeling the same. :cool:
Happy Friday, Shed !
Well, now the PSK1 looks more like a boy...

After consulting my "reference" plants.... I'm leaning toward female on the PSK2-
nothing on my males look anything like what's showing on that plant,but they do all look like that football shaped thing on the right in PSK1, pic #4.

It is odd that #2 isn't showing any pistils- they usually pop out very soon after the pre flowers form...

And the GT2 "just said no" to sex...

That Candida is doing crazy good...and easy to schlep!
I’ve said the KRUSH #2 was female since the outset :thumb: (even if I did keep saying it wrong!) I picked GT1 as F and not GT2 as well. I’m feeing fairly confident right now...

football shaped thing on the right in PSK1, pic #4
Yep I’m seeing that too. Looks like boy bits coming along.
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