InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Damn I keep ignoring my own journal! :sorry:

How about a Wednesday update on my tent-grown winter autoflowers? They're not much to look at but they're all I've got.

Starting off with the traditional SaugaView®:

Left to right, that's Queen G on day 73, Queen G 2 on day 65, and Ruby Tuesday on day 76.

And from the front:

I've had to do some manipulation of the photos in order to make them clearer so apologies if they seem a little "off."




Not much to say about them other than I have to keep spraying them for PM and they're really sticky. I'm already sick of looking at them so I'll scope the RTa this week and see whether it's getting close. I must say I'm not really enjoying tent growing generally so I certainly won't be changing my style after this!

Thanks for stopping by. :ciao:

For those who haven't been over to the contests, it's the last day to vote and there are a lot to go through between OTM and OTY. Head over and take a look since a few of them are nail biters. And even folks with just a few votes would appreciate another if that's the one that strikes your fancy.

I’ve learned to appreciate my little ones too (like the 1-2 oz girl I’m growing now) cause they seem to get the most frost, like they are trying harder than everyone else
Always good to encourage the little engine that could!
I even grew two photos on that table top with a ShedTent (bin bags curtaining the plants at lights out), and no hermies there either, but that's just an aside.
LOL I loved that bin-bag grow. :thumb:
Temps and RH fluctuate like crazy, lights go on and off at random (the plants don't like it and they put out a very strong odor when the lights go off)
That's interesting since my lights never go off. They do smell more after I water them but I thought it was just because they get jostled a bit when I do it.
I may have missed it but have you ever tried baking soda water for pm?
I have not, Are you thinking of potassium bicarbonate, which is another option for PM that @Melville Hobbes has used in the past?
Wow, hard to sleep when I'm being tagged all the time.
Kidding of course. Glad I was able to help by not being here. Carry on.
Will do, thanks! :slide:
Don't know has anyone answer to this, but the reason why buds "sparkle" is because they still have iron inside them. Maybe proper cure will solve this problem, or flush... but mainly if you reduce feeding iron at the end of the cycle, "firework" smoke will stop.

Sorry if somebody already answered to this ! Just a friendly reminder that if you want to have a good quality smoke, reduce or stop feeding metals to the plant
Howdy RKPH and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal! Thanks for stopping by and reading through some of the older stuff here.

I'm not sure having your flowers sparkle when you smoke them is a bad thing (I've never flushed nor have I seen it happen), but I can tell you that cutting back iron at the end will not change the mineral content of your flowers. Cannabis flowers don't give up their nutrients the way the fans do since the plant is singularly focused on protecting them during times of deficiencies.

Iron (and the rest of the micros) is important to the plant, and for most folks it would be virtually impossible to remove that from their diet whether using nutes or growing in LOS.
HellOOOOOOOOOOO whats up shed ? you got 14 heads over here waiting for you to say something
Hi sb, only 14?
You always bring the party wherever you go!
The plants are holding up well.

At least they have a positive attitude. :Rasta:
The plants are holding up well.
At least they have a positive attitude.
Thanks GDB, I'll take it! When I have PM outside I'm rescuing 10oz for harvest so I'm more committed. :)
That's a great auto grow Shed! Frosty as it gets!
Thank you Otter, but these days I'm having trouble distinguishing the frost from the PM. :eek:
You have some nice-looking colas.
Thanks Keith! I plan on harvesting all of them though. ;)
Doing a great job controlling the white devil in there. I wish I could breed plants that never had that problem but sometimes things just happen, environmentally.
Doing my best to show off the genetics Justin, and I'm hoping that after trimming they just look like a bunch of pretty flowers! And I never blame PM on the plants, just on my environment.
I must say I'm not really enjoying tent growing generally so I certainly won't be changing my style after this!
Really? I thought this grow might have converted you to the in-side... :laugh:

The autos look good!
Lots of weed on those 3 little ladies, too!
I have not, Are you thinking of potassium bicarbonate, which is another option for PM that @Melville Hobbes has used in the past?
I've seen both used. I know you can also use potassium bicarbonate to reset root pH as well.

Everything living needs to have the correct pH to thrive/live. Humans do and so does pm. Either bicarbonate source should alter pH.

If you don't want to mess around with it ,I can do it this summer when my cucumbers get it. I'll let you know how it goes.
It's a bummer about the pm. From here they look like a bunch of pretty flowers, with frost!
Thank you Carmen, and they are definitely frosty! I can barely get near them without ending up with sticky fingers. 🤌
Really? I thought this grow might have converted you to the in-side...
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool schlepper!
The autos look good! Lots of weed on those 3 little ladies, too!
Thanks Carcass! I'm sure there will be if I can keep them from disintegrating before harvest. ;)
In spite of lacking love for tent growing, your tent's got a nice cola heavy appearance Shed, a testament to your good care!
Thank you Stunger but you really give me too much credit! I water them, rotate them 90º each morning, and spray them for powdery mildew. Oh, and sometimes I open the tent flap even more (it's never closed all the way) if it gets too warm or moist in there. That's about it. Any goodness I pull from these are down to Justin's breeding!
I've seen both used. I know you can also use potassium bicarbonate to reset root pH as well.
That's interesting. Potassium bicarbonate is actually listed on research docs as being a PM treatment. I recall that @Melville Hobbes mentioned it was pretty hard on his plants, but I could always try a lower strength than he was using (which I'll have to look up).
Everything living needs to have the correct pH to thrive/live. Humans do
Are you in an MLM alkaline water program?
Either bicarbonate source should alter pH. If you don't want to mess around with it ,I can do it this summer when my cucumbers get it. I'll let you know how it goes.
I will probably stick with the citric acid for this grow but would love to see you test both baking soda and potassium bicarbonate to see how they compare.
I open the tent flap even more (it's never closed all the way) if it gets too warm or moist in there.
Nice looking plants Shed shame about the PM.
Do you have an extraction fan running?
Mine runs 24/7 to combat humidity and temp
I recall that @Melville Hobbes mentioned it was pretty hard on his plants, but I could always try a lower strength than he was using (which I'll have to look up).
The standard recommendation is 1tbs per litre, but I lowered it to half that, and it still worked, and wasn't so hard on them so long as I didn't overdo it.
I went a little overboard with it over the summer, but that's when I was spraying the Lemonchello Haze for that phytoplasma stuff.
It didn't do any harm to the Gorilla auto, which got a lighter treatment, but it also didn't prevent botrytis.
Nice looking plants Shed shame about the PM.
Thanks Absorber!
Do you have an extraction fan running?
I'm actually running positive pressure in the tent (24/7) to keep the temps up. Since warm air rises it's pulling from outside the top of the tent, blowing past the hot driver, and down to the canopy, which I keep in the upper 70º range. The RH has been in the low to mid 50s most of this grow, but PM seems to thrive in a very wide humidity range so it's hard to beat it by controlling the RH.
The standard recommendation is 1tbs per litre, but I lowered it to half that, and it still worked, and wasn't so hard on them so long as I didn't overdo it. I went a little overboard with it over the summer, but that's when I was spraying the Lemonchello Haze for that phytoplasma stuff. It didn't do any harm to the Gorilla auto, which got a lighter treatment, but it also didn't prevent botrytis.
Thanks Mel! Next Amazon order I may throw that in the cart and try it at the half dilution rate. I'm not looking to fight bud rot with it at this stage so I'd be happy with PM control!
They look solid, well done love seeing everyone’s updates on grows keep em coming legend
Thanks FkAutos, and :welcome: to my little grow journal. :cheesygrinsmiley: Nice to have you stop by and I certainly appreciate your screen name! I've hardly had any luck growing autos outside and so I completely gave that up and only run photos now (which I carry inside every night for additional light, or darkness when I want to flip them).

That's why I thought I would give these autos a chance indoors for the winter since even here in Los Angeles it's tough to keep plants happy outside, with the sun being low, the nights coming early, and the huge temp drop when the sun dips below the roof line. As I have always said (and still believe), autos were bred to be grown in a much more controlled environment. Some folks can grow them outside but most of the ones I've seen never lived up to what they can do indoors.
Thanks FkAutos, and :welcome: to my little grow journal. :cheesygrinsmiley: Nice to have you stop by and I certainly appreciate your screen name! I've hardly had any luck growing autos outside and so I completely gave that up and only run photos now (which I carry inside every night for additional light, or darkness when I want to flip them).

That's why I thought I would give these autos a chance indoors for the winter since even here in Los Angeles it's tough to keep plants happy outside, with the sun being low, the nights coming early, and the huge temp drop when the sun dips below the roof line. As I have always said (and still believe), autos were bred to be grown in a much more controlled environment. Some folks can grow them outside but most of the ones I've seen never lived up to what they can do indoors.
Haha yeah my name is prob a bit strong, I’d love to one day try my hand at autos and see if I can figure it out. Yours look great you’re doing a good job considering conditions wow. I had one go at autos and you can’t top them or do much LST on them or water 1ml to much they are such a sensitive plant compared to photos. Also using liquid nutrients compared to slow release organic I think makes it tougher again also. Lots to learn and figure out rewarding if it happens upsetting and expensive when it doesn’t 😔 keep up the good work intheshed 👌
Haha yeah my name is prob a bit strong, I’d love to one day try my hand at autos and see if I can figure it out. Yours look great you’re doing a good job considering conditions wow. I had one go at autos and you can’t top them or do much LST on them or water 1ml to much they are such a sensitive plant compared to photos. Also using liquid nutrients compared to slow release organic I think makes it tougher again also. Lots to learn and figure out rewarding if it happens upsetting and expensive when it doesn’t 😔 keep up the good work intheshed 👌
You're on a great site to learn about autos and photos, and almost everyone tops their autos now (even I did...all three!), and watering techniques are the same as with photos of the same size. And there are more huge autos grown here with synthetic nutes than organic, so dig around and check out what folks are up to.

I did a whole tutorial on LST that I posted back when I only grew autos. It's here:

And my biggest auto yields came off LST plants, both around 6oz.
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