LA's Continuing Adventure Feat - Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flow!

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

If I can do it a blind running monkey can Light..:goof:....:circle-of-love:
I beg to differ. You've evolved into a great grower at lightning speed.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Light, there is another way to try to clone. I've had varying success with soft tissue plants using the packet you get when you buy flowers. It is usually just salicylic acid, but it does have preservative in it so the cut flowers dont rot in the water. You may want to try rooting in a solution of that. You can grab a packet of that stuff at any floral counter in any grocery store.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

You could make your own feminized GG#4 seeds for around $20us with colloidal silver......

LIGHT ADDICTS SEED BANK :420: sponsor of the year. 2015!

Just saying ;)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I beg to differ. You've evolved into a great grower at lightning speed.
Sorry Broke Ass that was a very insensitive remark...ROFLMAO.... not to mention I am far from a great grower..... Now making skim milk work for ya is pretty amazing growing... just sayin'....:circle-of-love:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all :) :) Sweetleef my friend. Ive only ever given cloning a half assed couple of attempts! My last lot got binned on a scare. They were being done in my own DIY Solar powered cloner! :) :) they had shot roots lol. So Im not really worried. Anyway ill be doing my own seeds and back crossing pheno types if needed. Then ill cross some more strains into the mix. Also as Ill have room to play soon ill be trying to polypoid some GG#4 beans then second gen them :)
Basically Im gonna go frickin nuts soon! :) :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

If I can do it (cloning) a blind running monkey can Light..:goof:....:circle-of-love:

Sorry Broke Ass that was a very insensitive remark...ROFLMAO.... not to mention I am far from a great grower..... Now making skim milk work for ya is pretty amazing growing... just sayin'....:circle-of-love:

Ha ha... That's alright, I'll take it from you. I'll soon be making another attempt at resigning as president of The Dead Clone Society anyway. But on my cal/mag concoction; skim milk/epsom salt, I did a lot more research than just that one link I supplied in my thread. I was reading up on milk being used as a plant nute for over an hour but found that to be the one in the most basic terminology & still descriptive.
I was pretty sure it was going to work but heeded everyone's warning just in case. The main concern I had was how would the milk & epsom salt react when combined.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all, Mrs LA here, or ((LA's Light). Just wanted to say hi and thanks for stealing my man away :thumb: I get some rest :) Ill pop in occasionally, just not to confident and plant savvy.
Is LA's Light, a good name?
Thanx all :)

You rock Mrs. Light.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hidden :) :)
Im gonna have one of my GG#4 as a mommy! Instead of running both side by side as I was gonna. Im now growing one out at a friends, well ill have it for a while yet but as soon as moved house and im using my new toys!!! Then one goes to my mates for safe keeping, left in permanent veg. Its better in UK not to have all your eggs in one basket! !! :)
So later down the line Ill be taking some cuts, all being well that is! :) although Im a fully fledged member of the dead clone society! Ill have to practice before hand lots & lots! :)

When you produce seeds...I would like in, pretty sure than is not breaking the forum rules.
There is literally no chance of us average joes getting our hands on it anytime soon.

Yeah I hear ya mate; better safe than sorry. I have clones round a mates and back up seeds at my mothers...although I think she is growing them haha.
Very happy to hear about your move, I know I have said it before but it's not easy in the uk, me and my GF been on the swap list for 4 years. We have given up now and have just started saving for a deposit for a house.

Your grow is so inspirational...your veg section is a thing of beauty and has showed me that I do not need a massive space with a 200w cfl and vent system.
It's simple, it's easy it's excellent
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Good day all! Hidden thanks my man :)
Honestly people go way over the top with worrying about environmental stuff in veg. Were growing weeds :) give em some light and gentle air movement and water!
I dont really fuss over my veg girls. I do as I please to them in veg and only really start fussing when about to hit flower!
My solo spot has no real way to change environmental stuff and always did me well.
Its gonna be nice to go big tent again soon as then I really do dial everything in to perfection and I aint done this yet on 420 ! So should be a real good show!! :))
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all just wanted to post a pic of my successful fimming! :) The first try didn't take, so went again, second try thought Id gone way to low!!!! Yet as pic shows we have four tiny green points! :) So a perfect Double Fluxed Waffle will be born of this Skywalker Kush! :) :) :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

cool man im still waiting to see those buckets set up and running :thumb:
im probably more antsy than you lol
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

ok maybe I was in the wrong journal to see things getting set up lol
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

lol I hit the link on your post and I thought I was in a different journal :rofl:
forget my second post above I just woke up from a nap :rofl:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Good day all! Hidden thanks my man :)
Honestly people go way over the top with worrying about environmental stuff in veg. Were growing weeds :) give em some light and gentle air movement and water!
I dont really fuss over my veg girls. I do as I please to them in veg and only really start fussing when about to hit flower!
My solo spot has no real way to change environmental stuff and always did me well.
Its gonna be nice to go big tent again soon as then I really do dial everything in to perfection and I aint done this yet on 420 ! So should be a real good show!! :))

Hahah that's the same conclusion I came to about vegging. I now just chuck mine under a 6 foot long aquarium with a few computer fans going for exhaust, humidity is as high as me ( about 70%). And I just let em go. The few in my pics that have tip burn were from a dwc conversion. Yea the hell with dwc lol

Been looking at your tutorials man. Nice stuff to share. I'm gonna try fluxing. I'm done work for the summer so I'm going to try to spend some time in the garden.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey all :) Firstly I would like to apologize for not getting around all my subs lately! Things in the real world are now sucking big time for me! So even though I have the time, my heart aint really 420 orientated. Sorry folks id normally be buzzing about like a nutter but now Im just kind of deflated!

Any way just a few pics so you can see how to get ya flux on early :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Looking good LA...
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