OMM's Social Network Grow

I was bored, so cloned a popcorn bud branch, veged it two weeks then back to flower. It might almost be worth the trouble, bud growth is much more vigorous than even the main cola of the donor plant ever was and the buds will be huge if they plump up.


Have you messed with this before?

Hi Budley. No I don't do that kind of thing, however my friend THsea does.
Did you use different soil or nutes...The plant sure looks good.
right on my brother! If you ask me, I think OMM is a trend setter. as a matter of fact but.... shhh keep this quiet now. :shhh:but I have reason to believe that OMM invented the PET ROCK! If not then he is the most intresting man in the world! rumors..maybe. but so was landing on the moon.hmmm kinda makes you wonder:scratchinghead:

Good grief fish cake! Your telling all my secrets! I couldn't believe people actually bought my rocks. Idiots! The moon thing was shot in a studio...still can't believe people bought that one too. Gullible Folks every where! :high-five:
:rofl: OMM is the original Renaissance Man!! Rumor has it he is the next to buy an island in Hawaii! Here is how he now looks in my mind!!

Sorry CF! I look more like Alfred E. Newman . :Namaste:
OMG OMG IM DYING LAUGHING!! THATS TOO FUNNY CLOSETFARMER! hahahaha. OMM, I miss your incredible knowledge and AWESOME journals! and now a new one! sorry I'm SO late! I hope theres still room! :Namaste:

Don't pay any attention to CF.....that's actually what he wished he looks like! :rofl::rofl:

Deege.....of course there's room for you...we're just on page 15..We are just beginning! :thumb:
On the airpots thing... I recently realized (damn stoner thing) that I had some of them put together upside down. It makes a big difference, and the first difference is that they REALLY leak when they are upside down and you water them. Not so much when right side up. You need to make sure that the last row that doesn't have holes is on the top. The bottom row should have air holes, only the top row shouldn't

Not saying that anyone else has made this mistake, and you do still get some water leakage otherwise, but it's quite pronounced how bad the water leaks out the sides if they're upside down.

Also, to OMM's point, it's definitely important to have your soil or media (coco coir for me) packed into those little pockets tightly where the air holes are. Or, that will also contribute greatly to water leaking out as OMM stated.

Just wanted to chime in with the upside down thing, 'cuz I didn't even know there was an "upside down" at first! :)

Not only can you put them together upside down.....but you need to lay them out flat and look for the bigger than usual nipple on the third row from the bottom. That is where the bottom is anchored in place. If you want to cheat a bit you can lower the bottom a ring. You will gain a bit more pot space that way. Watch out though, the bottom may fall out.

Everything is stolen or borrowed, and my way of doing this is a slightly modified version of how TGA Subcool germinates, and some others as well. I'm really glad it's working good for other peeps, too! :) :)

That is what I wondered about...I knew you had talked to TGA it's his way too. Cool!


As a couple of others mentioned, I have a blog. All I do, is navigate to my blog from my user profile, and then hit "+create new post". After that, it's kinda like creating a forum post. One thing to keep in mind... unlike a forum post, you'll want to enter a "title" for your post so that your blog post can be referenced easier by others once you create it. I would suggest maybe you break your stories into "chapters" and put the chapter number and/or title for the chapter as your blog title. If you number them, people will easily be able to read them in the correct order. I think this would be a good way to blog your story (numbering the chapters or entries).

Another way to add a blog post that you might consider:

If you wanted to post an addition to your story in your journal (I still favor seeing in your journal, too!) you can put it into your journal and then blog it too.

Right after you post it in your journal (or anytime after) you can click "blog this post" at the lower left of your "forum" post. It will take you to a blog post creation screen where your forum post will be quoted within your blog post. I usually edit my forum post slightly, such as the title, when I'm copying it as a "blog post" this way. I also remove the quotes so it looks more like a stand-alone blog post. Then, I just post it like a forum post, and voila!

So... each time you update a chunk of your story in your journal, right after "blog this post". Add your chapter title, and chapter number in the blog post title so that people can easily stay in the right order, and your golden 'til the next story update. This would be really easy way to blog your story I think...

Hope that made sense and helps somehow!

Great journal so far, and your plants look drool worthy my friend! +rep :yummy:
Thanks xlr8!

About the Blog. I have looked at you blogs....and understand what your saying. Some how I got my first combined page in my blog...but I couldn't tell you how I did it. I think 420 girl might have helped me. :love:

I do know that I can send my stories straight to my blog, but I don't like that idea. I would much prefer taking all stories posted in a journal and then put them in that way as one contentious page.

When I asked everyone how they would like me to post the stories and the answer was a blog. I almost passed out! OH! No! It's true, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! :circle-of-love:

Hopefully, I can straighten it all out.

Thanks for the +reps my friend! :thanks:
Thanks xlr8!

About the Blog. I have looked at you blogs....and understand what your saying. Some how I got my first combined page in my blog...but I couldn't tell you how I did it. I think 420 girl might have helped me. :love:

I do know that I can send my stories straight to my blog, but I don't like that idea. I would much prefer taking all stories posted in a journal and then put them in that way as one contentious page.

When I asked everyone how they would like me to post the stories and the answer was a blog. I almost passed out! OH! No! It's true, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! :circle-of-love:

Hopefully, I can straighten it all out.

Thanks for the +reps my friend! :thanks:

Actually I think the overwhelming majority said post PAST stories in a blog for those that get lost to catch up, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep posting new in the journals!! I Like it that way... and especially now that it's a social gathering around the greatest story teller in history.

Keep the new here, but post the past in a blog for those that want to read the back story, can do so without sifting through all the journals to find it all. It really makes it easy for the back story.

I cannot stress this enough:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the new, continued stories here!
As Promised.....A Picture Update.

The White Widow and The NYCD are on day 52 of bloom.

The Vegging Girls

The WildThai


The OG18




AK 48


AK 47




The Two Medi-Bomb 1s



The NYCD in the tent Flowering


The White Widow Flowering Outside



The Last of the veg girls...2 new PEs


Actually I think the overwhelming majority said post PAST stories in a blog for those that get lost to catch up, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep posting new in the journals!! I Like it that way... and especially now that it's a social gathering around the greatest story teller in history.

Keep the new here, but post the past in a blog for those that want to read the back story, can do so without sifting through all the journals to find it all. It really makes it easy for the back story.

I cannot stress this enough:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the new, continued stories here!

No Promblem....that was my intention from the beginning! The new original stories will always be posted here first:thumb:
LOL I must have fell asleep at the wheel! I thought I was just reading your last journal and you said you'd be starting one soon, then bam! 16 pages LOL. Got some catching up to do, but I wouldn't miss this for anything :)
LOL I must have fell asleep at the wheel! I thought I was just reading your last journal and you said you'd be starting one soon, then bam! 16 pages LOL. Got some catching up to do, but I wouldn't miss this for anything :)

No problem SurfBuddy...It's just starting. There is always room for you Bro! :high-five:
Wow, I did miss a lot, Jandre jumping out of planes, you getting shot... jeez I better come back tomorrow or something else might happen!

I think you're fine using microrizhae with oc+, docbud is doing a test with it now.

Also on the foliar sprays, he's been leaning toward some stuff called bloomit and amaze and pgr

looking forward to your first story!

Nice shots ... makes me want to post a tour through the veg room :cheesygrinsmiley:

Nice shots ... makes me want to post a tour through the veg room :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hey Buckshot ! Cool. If I had more room in my veg room, I would ask my buddy THsea to shoot a video of it. Nice idea. :high-five:
Don't pay any attention to CF.....that's actually what he wished he looks like! :rofl::rofl:

Deege.....of course there's room for you...we're just on page 15..We are just beginning! :thumb:

What he forgot to say above was,

Stay Stoney My Friend!! LoL!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Alfred E Newman Rocks!!
Hey Queen,

The email went to my junk folder. Our sever has been messing up for the last 2 months. I've been trying to get back on when it went down 2 days ago. It comes up then crashes. i guess there is some problems they are trying to work out.

Yes Capricorn Sister. I was born 1-3.

My Hernia's: well that is a long story. Yes I have had them before. I first got them from an aortic bypass surgery. my legs were not getting blood, so they cut me open to see what all needed fixing, got MRSA from the hospital surgery room, it is an internal staph infection I will never get rid of and will be plagued with for life. It caused so much damage to the stomach lining that there was nothing left to stitch to. They cut away a long part of damaged muscle and tissue, put in a mesh to keep everything in. I did nothing for 3 months. Absolutely no lifting over 5 pounds. Then they tell you not to strain, cough. Just getting out of bed use's the stomach muscles. You have no idea the extreme strain on your body until your stomach muscles have been cut in half. If he has never been cut on before I would go for the laproscopic (spelling) surgery.

I had 4 hernia's take care of This January and now have 3 more they will put me in sometime this next month - July-. The mesh is a hard thing to get over besides it feels very awkward. It can not be removed, or I should say they wont remove it. They say it takes 6 months to fully recover. Well, I had my surgery in January of this year. and I have known for 2 months now I had more. Dont delay the surgery any longer then needed. They told me that part of my bowel was twisted inside the hernia, they cant tell from x-rays it is twisted, very serious stuff. Im not aware I have Chrone's but I need to get tested. Right now I dont need another diagnosis.

Good Luck on tying him to the bed, he will not be getting up doing much of anything. Once he can feel there is no strength in his stomach he'll stay down. I would recommend him sitting as apposed to laying, it just puts to much strain on the muscles. It takes a full 6 months to recover. He will begin feeling better once the staples come out in about 14 days.


Hmm, then you must not have gotten the last email I sent you, sometimes I just hate yahoo. No, I haven't gotten to the courthouse yet to get the paperwork. But I will, I just want to try to do everything at once, and want to make sure I have the money to post it in the paper or whatever other fees I may have to pay. I probably will not be able to do it until August or September as I am trying to pay current bills off atm. Ah, a Capricorn sister!!!!! Which month is your bday in? I am 112. I don't know why flying doesn't bother me. I do tend to get a little jumpy during take off and landing but other than that, just love it.

WOW, you have 3 hernias to get taken care of? My bf has to have surgery on the 9th for his, he has 2 and on top of that has Chrones. It's going to be hard for him because he is the type that can never sit still so I will have to tie him to the bed so that he doesn't move. Have you had these surgeries before? How long does it normally take to heal? They are talking about putting something mesh over the hernia or something. Hope you feel better soon.
OMM - Just going back a few pages to see what I missed. It looks like everyone wanted you to post to the blog... Sorry I was hoping for it all to continue in the Journal, I think it helps the social

Thank you for the kind words. I have always helped where needed if I can, it gives me great joy to be humble and aide others and lift their spirits, must always pass the joy around.

Your babe's are looking fine. I have posted an article on the Tea's and microbe's in my blog. Very interesting read. Im not sure if 420 ever got the link changed but on doc's Journal it shows me as the initial poster. I wish I'd have not taken the initiative to post before Doc got all the info ready. Im not pleased with myself as I havent been back to post on Doc's journal going on right now. I should really pop in and say hi.

Wow Seagem, that's alot of stuff going on with you for sure. I told my bf what you said and I think I scared the sh@t out of him now. He doesn't like the idea of it taking 6 months to heal. The closest thing I had to that type of surgery was 3 c-sections and that was very painful...

Sorry for the mini hijack, OMM. Your girls look great as always.
...Hell I even learned how to fluff deployment so it was a little easier on my . . . ahem. . . harness area. Decelerating form 100+ to just under 30 in 1-3 seconds can be a little painful.

Yes, but it's substantially less painful than the rapid deceleration if it doesn't open! :rofl:
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