Radogast's Hi-Brix Basement Grow - New Location - New Soil - New Experiences

The good news is ...
You are now growing skillfully enough that you are limitted by your light.

I'm at right at 50W per square foot in flower - but since mine are HPS watts, I imagine my flower area is underpowered.
Still, I'm on track to harvest enough to smoke only homegrown - and that's all I really want right now :)

Actually, Rado, you're in the gram/watt sweet spot. :thumb: Yield doesn't rise as fast as wattage. Once you reach 30 w/sqft of HID, you have enough for beautiful plants. Going to 50 only gets you denser buds and more resin. Yield won't rise by 67%.

I ran a 600w hoodless hps in 18sqft and grew some seriously fine plants, including that cured SLH that was in the NOTY contest :slide:
Hey blazing if I were u I would look on the Amazon and get a 6 inch or 8 inch inline duct booster fan from ventech or vivosun. They are only 25 bucks and I use several of them they can give u good airflow into your tent. Since u have a heat issue and a light shortage issue I wouldn't go crazy with the spending on expensive fans or lights like gray tail mentioned until u know u will be able to control the extra heat the extra light won't help if ur temps are above 80 85℉.

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using 420 Magazine Mobile App

My 6" in-line duct 'booster' fan from the hardware store is about as useful as a folded paper fan.

I'd say it's worth it to spend another $20-40 on duct fans with oversized housings, like the lozenge shaped fans with speed controller.
The good news is ...
You are now growing skillfully enough that you are limitted by your light.

I'm at right at 50W per square foot in flower - but since mine are HPS watts, I imagine my flower area is underpowered.
Still, I'm on track to harvest enough to smoke only homegrown - and that's all I really want right now :)

thank u brotha for the kind words altho I dnt feel I deserve em lol I was jus thinkn of my "gardening skills" n if it wasn't 4 u n bobrown14 I wudnt be where I am all I'm really doing is following what u guys tell me n so far my only harvest ive done with my gud genetic seeds was done way 2 early so I had a crappy yield but my purple kush barley has any triche frost at all not compared to the frost u see on sum of bb14s buds I mean like dam he has a nice show goin on over there lol but thank u man it really means a lot 2me 2 have a grower good as ur self say tht it really makes me wana learn more so I can grow better lookn plants to REALLY earn those words. and yea I hope to get my grower skill up to be able to get a gram per watt for a yield one day thts my goal and to find out what ur square foot is don't u jus multiply the length by width by height I forget how to get it lol fukn nooby over here lol anyway enuf of me ranting on an again :thanks: an member keep it green and stay frosty my friend :Namaste:
My 6" in-line duct 'booster' fan from the hardware store is about as useful as a folded paper fan.

I'd say it's worth it to spend another $20-40 on duct fans with oversized housings, like the lozenge shaped fans with speed controller.

ok so what does all tht mean the oversized housings and lozenge shaped fans with controlers lol all I can think is man are u speaking Chinese lol not really but I am confused as to what type of fan to get I'm guessing the housing wud be the actual unit itself tht holds the fan?? and obviously the lozenge part means its shape but inline and duct boosters all tht stuff is new 2me well everything about growing this plant is new 2me Ive never really grew b4 this so sry for being such a hassel guys bare with me please and thank you every1 for the help if any1 needs a better idea of what I am working with feel free 2 swing by my journal its in my sig. to see my tent setup and what I got for room. the pics mite be able to explain better then I cud, anyway thanks again every1 and member keep it green and stay frosty everybody :Namaste:

ok so I'm back quick after I went to my journal I realized I shuda followed my own advice and check my journal lol u did post what type of fan to get lol sorry for the long winded response :rofl: but yea I'm off to re read ur post and figure out what it all means and then go online and look at what I can find unless u think they wud sell this fan at home depot or THE wallmart
ok so what does all tht mean the oversized housings and lozenge shaped fans with controlers lol all I can think is man are u speaking Chinese lol not really but I am confused as to what type of fan to get I'm guessing the housing wud be the actual unit itself tht holds the fan?? and obviously the lozenge part means its shape but inline and duct boosters all tht stuff is new 2me well everything about growing this plant is new 2me Ive never really grew b4 this so sry for being such a hassel guys bare with me please and thank you every1 for the help if any1 needs a better idea of what I am working with feel free 2 swing by my journal its in my sig. to see my tent setup and what I got for room. the pics mite be able to explain better then I cud, anyway thanks again every1 and member keep it green and stay frosty everybody :Namaste:

Check the 'bay or 'zon for Solar & Palau - the one I mentioned. Like that but cheaper. A 4-incher with a speed controller is all you need for forced intake, but I wonder if you need it. From what you said, your space won't be very hot to begin with ... :hmmmm: ... probably better to put that money into exhaust/humidifier/lighting/timers, etc.

And it's easy to add later if you find that you need it.
I'll chime into the heat and humidity discussion... I happen to see a touch of it.
So, just to paint some background for Blazin (yea... wanted to abbreviate with BJ too)... I'm growing in an outdoor shed in The Big Easy. The heat, humidity, and UV are rough. When your source air is running at 99% humidity and the temps outside are floating around 100f, ya gotta know that challenges are around every corner.
One of the keys to dealing with the issue is air movement. Keeping your air moving around all corners of the garden is a huge aid to keeping any mold growth down. It's especially important to keep air flow going in and around the blooming buds.... stale air trapped inside the buds will quickly lead evil issues.
The other key is extraction. Even tho the humidity is at 99%, the air will still absorb moisture (i.e. plant expiration, evaporation from the medium)... but not much, so cycling fresh air into the area and pumping it out becomes super important.

You don't have to get fancy... I use $10 fans and cheap ducting material for such things in my world.
I'll chime into the heat and humidity discussion... I happen to see a touch of it.
So, just to paint some background for Blazin (yea... wanted to abbreviate with BJ too)... I'm growing in an outdoor shed in The Big Easy. The heat, humidity, and UV are rough. When your source air is running at 99% humidity and the temps outside are floating around 100f, ya gotta know that challenges are around every corner.
One of the keys to dealing with the issue is air movement. Keeping your air moving around all corners of the garden is a huge aid to keeping any mold growth down. It's especially important to keep air flow going in and around the blooming buds.... stale air trapped inside the buds will quickly lead evil issues.
The other key is extraction. Even tho the humidity is at 99%, the air will still absorb moisture (i.e. plant expiration, evaporation from the medium)... but not much, so cycling fresh air into the area and pumping it out becomes super important.

You don't have to get fancy... I use $10 fans and cheap ducting material for such things in my world.
Same with me. U might not need the expensive inline fans bt if u just need circulation go help with temps go with the booster fan for 25 bucks my 8 in vivosun fan has 420 cfm. It might not be as powerful as others bt if it doesn't help with temps it will help with circulation cheers!

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I'll chime into the heat and humidity discussion... I happen to see a touch of it.
So, just to paint some background for Blazin (yea... wanted to abbreviate with BJ too)... I'm growing in an outdoor shed in The Big Easy. The heat, humidity, and UV are rough. When your source air is running at 99% humidity and the temps outside are floating around 100f, ya gotta know that challenges are around every corner.
One of the keys to dealing with the issue is air movement. Keeping your air moving around all corners of the garden is a huge aid to keeping any mold growth down. It's especially important to keep air flow going in and around the blooming buds.... stale air trapped inside the buds will quickly lead evil issues.
The other key is extraction. Even tho the humidity is at 99%, the air will still absorb moisture (i.e. plant expiration, evaporation from the medium)... but not much, so cycling fresh air into the area and pumping it out becomes super important.

You don't have to get fancy... I use $10 fans and cheap ducting material for such things in my world.

Same with me. U might not need the expensive inline fans bt if u just need circulation go help with temps go with the booster fan for 25 bucks my 8 in vivosun fan has 420 cfm. It might not be as powerful as others bt if it doesn't help with temps it will help with circulation cheers!

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using 420 Magazine Mobile App

I'm glad you guys had good experiences with the in-line duct fans (the $10-20 found at the local big bix store.) My "200 CFM" in-line fan probably moved 2 CFM. I guess I just bought a broken one.

Blazin' - If you want to post a photo of your tent and window (or wherever you want to run your vent) and give some rough measurements of sizes and distance, I think you have enough people interested to discuss solutions over here.

If you have temp and humidity for inside and outside the tent, that would be great.

I'd like to see what suggestions people offer for a total lights, fans, humidifier solution.
Blazin....looked back & saw you have ~5x5 flower tent. 600w should be decent but is that 600 LED watts or 600 from the wall? The par chart makes me think it's LED watts. Try what Gray suggests or if able add more light.
Good luck brother. :Namaste:

i have my 600w and thts led watts i believe not off the wall and a 150w mars hydro led and also 2 t8s going now in my flower tent and yes i will be putting more light in there i jus ordered a mars hydro 96 and i will be ordering atleast one more this weekend so i shud be decent on light but as of now the temps get up 2 like 85 90 degrees f inside the tent 83.6 f and 43% rh rite now in tent with lights on and the floor fan on low so i no i will need sumthn to help get the heat out of there now wen i set my other hygrometer out of the tent it read right about 75f and a rh of i wana say 35 but cant fully remember i jus sat it out aagain so will check it in 30 min r so to see whats what and i will repost if i was wrong lol but yea here is a pic of my tent area i am working with

sry i cudnt help myself i had to throw in my purple kush i have in the tent rite now lol but yea notice not a lot of frost so i hope tht changes with the added light but yea thanx every1 for helpn out and member keep it green and stay frosty my friends :Namaste:

ps. after i posted this i seen my shots of the lower buds and they are lookn more frosty now cause ive had them under the mars hydro light for 2 or 3 days for side lighting when i had taken this pic but the top cola doesn't have as much i dnt feel but thts because atleast i think it is anyway lol cause of it being right under the vipar light but yea hopefully thts not guna be an issue soon lol
It does look like your lower buds are frostier than your top cola. That sucks. It's good your mars sideligting is working.
Is your Vipar light designed for veg?

In this photo, is the hole in the tent the one you want to use to remove hot air?
Is the window pictured the closest one?

Those window fans might make a nice 'stealthy' vent cover for venting out the window.

If the room around the tent really is at 75, you are going to need to vent outside - why so warm. When I lived in Arizona I cooled my house down to 80 and my swimming pool to 82. In most other places those temps would seem too hot.
It does look like your lower buds are frostier than your top cola. That sucks. It's good your mars sideligting is working.
Is your Vipar light designed for veg?

In this photo, is the hole in the tent the one you want to use to remove hot air?
Is the window pictured the closest one?

Those window fans might make a nice 'stealthy' vent cover for venting out the window.

If the room around the tent really is at 75, you are going to need to vent outside - why so warm. When I lived in Arizona I cooled my house down to 80 and my swimming pool to 82. In most other places those temps would seem too hot.

hey rad thank u and the reason its so hot is cuz winter is still stickn around here so we have the heat still on sum times but most of it I'm guessn is cuz the tent heat jus gets dumped in the room cause i don't have a fan and ducting other then a floor fan an still no ducting well u dnt really use ducting for floor fans lol but yea tht hole in the tent is the only one i can use other then another 1 near the floor below it but I'm running my cords out of it and i figured u wud wana use a top 1 instead of a lower 1 since heat rises and yes tht is the closest window tht opens tht i can use but thanx for the info :Namaste:

Blazin....Rad has some good ideas. Not seeing an exhaust fan? Even a 4" exhausting to outside or at least outside the grow room will help a lot. Otherwise hot air has no where to go & hot air from inside tent just keeps heating the room air even more. Some good & quiet 4" fans out there under $100. :Namaste:

Yea all i got is a floor fan rite now thts what I'm tryn to figure out is what kind of fan shud i get an inline fan or exhaust fan idk what the difference between them is other then my guess is one brings air into the tent the other takes it out?? am i right or no?? member keep it green and stay frosty my friends :Namaste:
In-line fan just means air is sucked in one end and pushed out the other end of a tube - for our purposes usually 4" or 6" ducting.
An in-line fan can be used for intake (your bottom vent hole) or exhaust (the top vent hole.)

Exhaust works well by itself - probably all you need.

How much air can a 4" or 6" flexible duct move? The internet tables say anything between 20-320 CFM (4") and 75 -900 CFM (6")
Any table you find will have a 6" duct easily moving twice what a 4" duct will move.

I suggest:
Measure the size of your hole
Buy an in-line fan that size. (It seems the inexpensive ones work pretty good - I learned something :) )
Mount your inline fan pointing out of the tent (mount inside the tent or out.) - Use rubber or foam padding if touching a solid object.
Run an electrical cord to the in-line fan. You probably want your fan switched on and off with lights, or always on. I switch on and off based on temperature$.
Run ducting through the upper vent hole so the in-line fan blows air against the window fan blades.

Depending on what is just outside that window, you may want to add a charcoal filter for the smell.

Getting this sorted out, knowing your plants and lights won't overheat, is worth it.
For sure,, airflow... You can run the flex duct work right out the wind thru the fan you have.. Hell you mind be able to use the one you have if it's blowing out thru the window.. If that's your place,, you can vent straight from the tent out thru a dryer vent outside.. Anything to move the ambient temps into your warm tent.. Fans work to a degree... Till the ambient temp go up to over 90 degrees. Then the only way to lower temps is A/C.. Even a fan moving 90 degree air is better than stagnant 100-degree tent without without airflow..
I have faith you'll get it figgured out.. I draw my air from under my house seeing it's the coolest air I have around.. But I try to shut down inside during the hottest months.. Even turn my lights down if needed.. GL and Keepem Green
I don't even buy the fancy inline fans.... I go with round 8" household fans.
For example, I have 4" holes in my tent. Rather than buying an inline fan, I just sit one of the fans over the hole in the roof of the tent to suck hot air out the top. Been working great for many years now. I even use the same 8" fans to push air thru my CoolTube.... again, workin great for many years now.
If it anit broke,,, don't fix it.. Like I said,, I don't read alot,, I look at pictures,, and then a word catches my eye and I throw 2 cents out.. Probably didn't pertain. I've done such minor work in tents myself.. I've been lucky and had space most of the time. And alot of places you couldn't grow inside without air period.. Arkansas gets abit hot,, mid 80's at night alot in the summer. So hell the first tent I ever bought was a 6'X6'.. Shows how much I knew about tents, And anyone can tell you they are the most worthless size around.. Besides filling a room anyways,, it restricts overhead that foot needed.. And what light throw a footprint to work with that? 4 hids in theirs? I tried using it one grow,, damn can't find he pictures, and shes still in storage since.. I use to have to crawl on hands and knees under the plants to water. No wonder why I got PM and Mites ithat cluster fuckit.. I was running 2 1000 watters in cool tubes. Them tubes are great units for temps.. Damn near as cool as them water cooled units,, well close anyways... You were running a 400 wat at first,, still? I was going to suggest when temps allow and you have afew extra bucks, you might wanna try them lamps called chrome dome, They have a built-in reflector in the bulb.. I used it inside my tubes and it made a good little increase in downward lumens over the regular bulbs with the tube reflector. I ran one in a 2X4' in the winter here in Oregon easy enough. Man I figured it wood get pretty hot down there. I use to live around Eudora Arkansas, just across the state line from Lo. Snapping turtle and alligators and all. I love the hunting and fishing around that area,, black bass to flathead catfish from crappies, to buffalo fishing.. I think I miss the cypress trees with that Spanish moss the most.. Sure makes pretty scenery from sitting in a johnboat.. Keepem Pretty and Keepem Coming,, and Keepem Green
Oppps see what happen with alittle makers mark and me.. I got side tracted and thought you lived where Teads from Radogast.. I'll fix this ,,,,, as I go to get another glass.. Hey I'm outta here,, Keepem Green
I'm not usually so happy about sharing photos of my jack-leg setup.... but I'll bend my rules a bit and do some show and tell.

A simple fan sucking out the top of my grow tent... pardon all the junk.

A fan blowing down my CoolTube that exhausts outside. It sucks air from inside the bloom area and forms part of my extraction.

The view from above. Sucks air in from the outer shed and forms more of my extraction elements. The pieces of silver insulation keep the airflow running over the outside of the CoolTube keeping the hottest part of the housing at about 106f.

There are many other fans... ones in the veg and bloom area just keeping air moving. Both exhaust and inlet fans on either side of the outer shed. AC air. A fan blowing air directly over the ballast and other electrical bits. Below you can see an outer shed exhaust fan as well as the CoolTube exhaust.

Yup... a fine example of some serious jack-leg engineering.
Oppps see what happen with alittle makers mark and me.. I got side tracted and thought you lived where Teads from Radogast.. I'll fix this ,,,,, as I go to get another glass.. Hey I'm outta here,, Keepem Green

That's understandable - Yesterday morning I drank a gulp of water from my side table only to discover it was a shot of vodka :rofl:
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