Radogast's Hi-Brix Basement Grow - New Location - New Soil - New Experiences

Not bad. :cheesygrinsmiley:

We didn't want to find a whole bud turning to nanners like Bo mentioned. They'll do that, in the shade under the canopy, so keep a close eye on what this plant is going to do. In my experience, it'll either accelerate by the end of a week and become an issue, or it'll just slowly spit a few out here and there, sometimes even stop.

Do you have a drench coming up soon? You have less than 2 weeks left, so if it were mine I'd give it a double strength GE/Tea right away - show's gonna be over soon - push it as hard as I can in the time left - build some extra calyxes and trichs.


I gave her 7ml GE/Tea today - the usual dose. I have been watering every 2 days, switching between GE/Tea and Xplant/Tea

I neglected to mention, I found one nearly mature seed and a dozen tiny seeds starting on 4 different buds. All in a line dropping down near the center of the plant. Sounds like nanner self-fertilization to me :)

The nanners were scattered all over the plant, high and low. I found no more than 1 nanner per bud.

I didn't look as thoroughly, but I found no nanners on the other girl.
Some of my favorite shots are of the harvested plant hanging, when I can more easily get the massive trichome development on the undersides of the sugar leaves. I keep walking down the hall today to stand there and admire the Carnival hanging there, just to gawk at the sugar leaves. :laughtwo:

I've never done a sex test on a clone. I'd forgotten that was an option. Makes the regular seeds more attractive, doesn't it?

I've tried a sex test twice before, but by the time the clone was ready for testing, the seedling I took it from had already shown female. If it's a girl, the mother in veg will probably show about the same time as the clone in flower. If it's a boy, I expect the clone in flower to show first.

The one clear advantage to sexing the small clone is that there will be a smaller number of dangly balls to try to sex up the females also in flower.

- - -

I'm not being a breeder, so I will choose feminized seeds over regular when available. But I won't throw away the regular seeds that I have in stock.
I gave her 7ml GE/Tea today - the usual dose. I have been watering every 2 days, switching between GE/Tea and Xplant/Tea

I neglected to mention, I found one nearly mature seed and a dozen tiny seeds starting on 4 different buds. All in a line dropping down near the center of the plant. Sounds like nanner self-fertilization to me :)

The nanners were scattered all over the plant, high and low. I found no more than 1 nanner per bud.

I didn't look as thoroughly, but I found no nanners on the other girl.

More good news. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If you didn't find a cluster of dried empty nanner husks, then where did the pollen come from? It must have been spitting them out slowly for awhile. That would tend to suggest that it's stable.

It feels very good to be done with retail weed .

Weed snob alert:

Gasp.... retail OMG..... I'm going to go bury and nice big can of weed in my back yard just in case!!! Un-thanks for the reminder.. j/k.
Congratulations Rado :Namaste::adore::love::cco::love::smokin:
Congratulations Rad. You've earned it.

I not the one who earned it, but thanks for all the congratulations- really.
I got the email right before I went to bed this morning and I've been grinning all day.
I had some help with the grinning :)

After breakfast the wife asked me to give her a chunk of the day to finish up her ugly bookcase to Kitchen Pantry Cupboard conversion and then move furniture. My first thought was ... what a good day to get really high. Check out her the Kitchen Cupboard here ==> Radogast's Non-420 Garden Creation Thread

What the heck, have a preview - She did a great paint job :)


After I moved the Baker's Rack from kitchen to the New Orleans Room, moved the cupboard to the kitchen, loaded up a youtube stream of classic rock, and finished installing the doors (hinges, knobs and magnetic latches,) I realized I had forgotten to smoke -
challenge accepted -:bongrip:

After moving the office table into the New Orleans Room to become a money table, the small office desk to repace the office table, the mahogany leathertop desk from the New Orleans Room (temp place since picked up 2 days ago) to be the new small office desk - and all the little stuff like computers and file cabinets to make that happen I realized I was grinning nicely and a little confused, but not deeply high -
challenge accepted :bongrip: :bongrip:

Then the sativa dominant AK47 kicked in and I hung a heavy mirror, a wall clock, 5 paintings, and a feather mask in the New Orleans Room. Also moved an Art Deco/Nouveau torchierre, swept 3 rooms, dusted, shook out 2 rugs, moved the indoor scaffolding into the garage and the 6' ladder out from the garage, and all those other little things one does when redecorating.

I was high from 1:30 past 7:30 PM on 3 little hits. (I'm a lightweight.) AK47 was the right daytime strain today :)

Nothing happened in the 420 garden. I missed the whole lights on period. Sort of makes me an April Fool, but I doubt any plants suffered. Just one more day I didn't water, mix soil, or start outdoor seeds :)

Thankyou Rex Pigeons, Graytail, bobrown14, weenmeoff, Morglie, MrGreene, CCOiler and others for everything you do to make this thread fun to visit. I got a title comment today, so lets not scare anyone, everyone lay low on the cursing until the weekend :rofl:
I don't usually swear, but shit man.... you just make it too damn tempting! Your bad.

Enjoy the goodies. Is a Kind Pen still on the list? You'll dig it.

The Kind pen and some nice 420 goodies ARE the list.

And yeah, I threw out some red meat to rile up the regulars - as bad as a talk show host :)
As a matter a fact that pen is the only one that has stood up to my "Old Lady' for the longest so far.. It actually works really good with flowers... Not like the others that burn out the first time a flower hits the element.. Congrat's and Keepem Green
As a matter a fact that pen is the only one that has stood up to my "Old Lady' for the longest so far.. It actually works really good with flowers... Not like the others that burn out the first time a flower hits the element.. Congrat's and Keepem Green

The lady of the house has had a MagicFlite Launchbox for 3 years and a similar sized dry vape portable for about a year. She prefers smoking to vaping unless we are out and about, and she was bed ridden for several months shortly after buying the portable so it hasn't had much use.

Which means the Kind Pen is ALL MINE!!!!! :rofl:
This pen has good reviews by other JOTM winners, and I live in a state with decriminalized parphenalia and cannabis in small amounts. I am looking forward to using it :)
The good news is ...
You are now growing skillfully enough that you are limitted by your light.

I'm at right at 50W per square foot in flower - but since mine are HPS watts, I imagine my flower area is underpowered.
Still, I'm on track to harvest enough to smoke only homegrown - and that's all I really want right now :)

You need more of them buds in the sweet spot! And I see you are doing just that! All looks awesome, I just caught up after my leave and I'm impressed.

thank u brotha for the kind words altho I dnt feel I deserve em lol I was jus thinkn of my "gardening skills" n if it wasn't 4 u n bobrown14 I wudnt be where I am all I'm really doing is following what u guys tell me n so far my only harvest ive done with my gud genetic seeds was done way 2 early so I had a crappy yield but my purple kush barley has any triche frost at all not compared to the frost u see on sum of bb14s buds I mean like dam he has a nice show goin on over there lol but thank u man it really means a lot 2me 2 have a grower good as ur self say tht it really makes me wana learn more so I can grow better lookn plants to REALLY earn those words. and yea I hope to get my grower skill up to be able to get a gram per watt for a yield one day thts my goal and to find out what ur square foot is don't u jus multiply the length by width by height I forget how to get it lol fukn nooby over here lol anyway enuf of me ranting on an again :thanks: an member keep it green and stay frosty my friend :Namaste:

Gram per watt is hard to do with the mars. Try to make a Scrog and the panels are best for that! Cheers!

The lady of the house has had a MagicFlite Launchbox for 3 years and a similar sized dry vape portable for about a year. She prefers smoking to vaping unless we are out and about, and she was bed ridden for several months shortly after buying the portable so it hasn't had much use.

Which means the Kind Pen is ALL MINE!!!!! :rofl:
This pen has good reviews by other JOTM winners, and I live in a state with decriminalized parphenalia and cannabis in small amounts. I am looking forward to using it :)

Congratulations! You enjoy your prizes! I like to get big thick hits from my Solo. I wonder how the Kind pen vapes. Happy gardening! :love: :Namaste:
Congrats! Enjoy the spoils of journalism!

I plan to enjoy the spoils of YOUR journalism. You and your knowledgeable entourage of growers are what makes this journal fun :)

That and fun phrases like " Bubba's Gift is almost ready for her cat dench. " - What? It's almost another language.

Reminds me of the jive talking ebonics I grew up with in the 60s.The young lady tells me the school talk is all updated:
No more "Gimme a cheeseburger you nappy headed fool. I'm starvin' like Marvin!"
Nowadays it's more like drag queen reads "Ooooh Girl, why you so ashy today? Mixin' up the KY with lotion again?"
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