SB's Multi Strain - LED - Blue Planet Nutes - 2L-DWC-H & High Brix Trials 2012

Update: Day 41 July 22 12/12 Outdoor High Brix Experiment.
We'll start with trichs. Big Bud Outdoor High Brix

Here is a cola from the same plant. Big Bud Outdoor High Brix

Mid Kola Big Bud Outdoor High Brix

the plant Big Bud Outdoor High Brix

Another trich pic Big Bud Outdoor High Brix
It surprised me how cloudy they are already... only day 41?

Northern Lights Outdoor High Brix
This one I did not defol at all, unlike the Big Bud

Speaking of Defoliation, I cleaned out the Liberty Haze and defoliated half the plant, so each quarter of the plant has a different amount of defoliation.
Here she is pre-defol

LIberty Haze Clean Under. It took me too long to start doing this.

Liberty Haze from the top. So the front half got defoliated at 21 days, and a few days ago I defoliated the right half. My little defoliation experiment. May not be fair comparison, but the strongest of the branches (front left corner) got defol at 21 days only.

LIberty Haze top Post defol

Liberty Haze from side post defol

Another trich pic Big Bud Outdoor High Brix

This looks much closer to done than what I expected to see on this nug. I may have to grab more samples, or at least check more often

Looking Good Brother! :cheer:

Looking damn good brother!

Damn, brother, lookin' good! I my Green Fluffy Bunnies finished in 44 days, so it's possible.

Thanks fellas! I've had to postpone harvest as I have uninvited house guests... and now the Big Bud is really done, hairs receeding into calyx, etc. May have to stealth trim if it is even possible.

Glad to hear there are other early strains like that... makes me glad I'm holding on to that strain.

On that note, I have been watering the veg side with straght pH water now for three weeks with no sign of nute deficiency on the "cheap" strains (NL and BigBud)or on the Liberty Haze, but harsh problems with the G13xHash. I was trying to slow them down by not feeding them, And I think they have slowed down some, but for the most part are healthy as ever.
Damn nice looking plants there bud!
I have so much crap going on I don't know which way to turn first. Being sick for almost a week I am so far behind ya can't imagine.
hoping you feel better:)
send your guest out for dinner with the other half:)
howsit surfbuddy??!

looking great- im amped to see how your g13/hash finishes up, some nice flavours you got there! i been a northern lights fan for years now- i recall my first obsession with northern lights black finger hash *drooLs* :cheesygrinsmiley: love to see some LST being used- takes me back to the original karate kid every time! :cheesygrinsmiley: im a big fan of plant training and tree training.. i love the way you can get into 'tune' with the plant and how it wants to grow and how you want it to grow and the wonderful dance that ensues loL especially after a sesh!! ZEN-like i reckon ;]

look forward to stopping back in and getting some tips :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh! My! A stealth Harvest.........Good Luck SB!:high-five:
Thanks bud! I ended up waiting till they left, days later.

a stealth harvest, and trim? with uninvited in the house? I wish you the best.
It would have been impossible. But on the bright side, I have a shot glass full of the last of a 10 year Laphroig that bottle aged another 12 years with two scissors in it ;) Cheers!

Sneaky fellow, how goes? :high-five:
It went after they left, and I'd say swimmingly.

When I harvest, my wife has one of those candle thingies that holds the wax over a light bulb, totally covers up the beautiful sent I worked so hard to obtain, but it works :D You can be ninja sb :D
Hmm, good idea, I may employ that next time...
Damn nice looking plants there bud!
I have so much crap going on I don't know which way to turn first. Being sick for almost a week I am so far behind ya can't imagine.
Take care o yourself bud, I may need some more hydro tips! Catch up when ya can, no worries.
hoping you feel better:)
send your guest out for dinner with the other half:)
Lol. Not possible, but I got a kick out of the daydream about it.
howsit surfbuddy??!

looking great- im amped to see how your g13/hash finishes up, some nice flavours you got there! i been a northern lights fan for years now- i recall my first obsession with northern lights black finger hash *drooLs* :cheesygrinsmiley: love to see some LST being used- takes me back to the original karate kid every time! :cheesygrinsmiley: im a big fan of plant training and tree training.. i love the way you can get into 'tune' with the plant and how it wants to grow and how you want it to grow and the wonderful dance that ensues loL especially after a sesh!! ZEN-like i reckon ;]

look forward to stopping back in and getting some tips :cheesygrinsmiley:
Alkhemist! Thanks for dropping in! The first G13xHash is a male, and I'm going to cross it with the Liberty Haze. Both are in 12/12 but only the beginning stages. I'm considering popping another seed of it along with another stacked kush since I have not seen either flower out yet.
For your drooling pleasure:

But she's not done yet, so she's still drinking up the sun and soil.

I dig LST also, topping and FIMming seems to slow the plant down so much more than a little (or Big) bend. And yes, way more zen to dance and lean than decapitate LoL
Stay tuned! Northern Lights should be coming down in the next week or so

Thanks Fish!!! I am feeling much better compared to where I was a few days ago!
Good! Ya know the Breakout that was struggling so much is finally starting to fill out. I ended up not changing the res last weekend because it started looking happy and I didn't want to mess with it. And the houseguest. It's hard to change out a 3 gallon res stealth like when I use the hallway bathroom for the refill LoL.
Update Big Bud Outdoor High Brix Harvest Day
July 22 to Sept 6 in 12/12
So some harvest Pics:
First the whole plant.

One of the larger Kolas

Big Bud Nug, on it's mic stand

Big Bud High Brix Outdoor Closeup

Big Bud High Brix Outdoor Closeup

And one more time for Alkhemist, the Northern Lights High Brix, She's not quite ready, but I'll be checking on her every day. Some of the outer buds are probably done, this was an inner piece of a middle bud
great pics SB, thats some beautifull buds you got there:cheer:
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