Yup! It's already got a great root system. It's just the time it takes to go through the reveg that makes it a pain in the ass. Van Stank wrote up a tutorial on the best way to do it a while back. I'll go find it and put it here:

The key to revegging most strain starts with understanding the roots. Most strains stop growing roots after the stretch when they really start building the buds. In order to reveg a plant, you need to get the roots to start growing again. You do this by switching the lighting. So about 10 days before you intend to harvest a plant you should switch that plant back to an 18-6 lighting schedule. It generally takes 10-14 days (very similar to cloning) for the roots to transition back to vegging roots.

So you move the plant or plants back to 18-6 and 10 days go by.......time to chop the plant. Take 95% of the buds off the plant or plants. Leave 5-7 small nugs with a few leaves on it and continue to reveg under 18-6 until you start to see the new growth appear. If by some weird chance you see any growth before you harvest, that should be your signal to harvest it.

If you are a nute grower I would imagine you would need to switch back to mild veg nutes....but with soil I don't deal with any of that.

The key is to start the 18-6 lighting before you go chopping. Also helps not to let the plant completely die....so if you have any intention of revegging a plant, I recommend chopping a bit on the early side to help bring her back into vegging.

From here:
I may try this w the Nagual....wtf right?
Eeeeeee! Almost time!! :cheer: Gonna be a big job taking those down. Is Bebes gonna get a firsthand lesson in harvesting too? I bet that one (two?) he took over for you is getting close.
Oh yeah! I'm gonna put his ass to work with some trimmers.
Yuppers! That Passion Berry should be on day 51 with pistils, day 62 from flip.

It's hitting that window right now...

What's she doing @bebes de zorrillos ?

You checking tricomes on the PB yet?
Damn nice looking room P-dub.. Really liking that Cinderella in the back, and fo sho the Cheese.. I can almost smell it from here.. LOL... MMMMMmmmmm.... I don't Eat much cheese, but I will Smoke the hell outta some.... My BIL bought some GSC yesterday from a friend, looks good and well cured.. Colored in quite a bit, but he found a bonus seed.. That is now in the soak, till tomorrow. Gonna put that B in the soil too F it.. Worst case I will have some pollen for later breeding.. Yep Yep.. Green day bro, don't work too hard....
Very nice! Awesome set up you have! :thumb: I’m subbed in, didn’t read all of your journal, but I will be sure to follow along from here on out.
Good call!

I've had this journal since I started. Tons of good "learning opportunities " but it's all surrounded by my nonsensical babbling, dirty jokes, and memes. LoL

Great to have ya! Feel free to drop questions or jump in the rambling. This thread is wiiiiiide open!
Speaking of nonsensical rambling...

I seem to have actually hit my tolerance point today... been a long time since I've been REALLY REALLY high. Holy hell!

Good ol Amnesia auto for the win! LoL, she had a bit of help from the pile of kief that was in my grinder. Fucking blunt-tastic!
Good call!

I've had this journal since I started. Tons of good "learning opportunities " but it's all surrounded by my nonsensical babbling, dirty jokes, and memes. LoL

Great to have ya! Feel free to drop questions or jump in the rambling. This thread is wiiiiiide open!
good luck trying to filter through it all though haha
good luck trying to filter through it all though haha
Yeah... it's not for the faint of heart. In fact, highly discouraged. LoL.

The current party is where it's at anyhow!
LoL, she had a bit of help from the pile of kief that was in my grinder. Fucking blunt-tastic!
Nothing like some extra kief to spice things up brother! ;):passitleft:
Broooo those video updates are so good and I appreciate them. Your garden is looking insanely healthy! Loads of fuckin top quality plants coming up for the chop! :adore::headbanger: Those lights are dope! Seems like they’re doing the job. How much do one of the SP250’s go for?
Nothing like some extra kief to spice things up brother! ;):passitleft:
Broooo those video updates are so good and I appreciate them. Your garden is looking insanely healthy! Loads of fuckin top quality plants coming up for the chop! :adore::headbanger: Those lights are dope! Seems like they’re doing the job. How much do one of the SP250’s go for?
I got a little discount for buying 3 at once. I think it was around $215 USD each. Bought individually, I think they are like $235-ish.
But, covering a 5x8 area for under $1000, with rock hard buds... priceless.
....and there was a hiccup with my order too. The lights were supposed to be in the US warehouse, but they had none.

I was pissed! LoL

Story has a happy ending tho (I love a good happy ending ;))

Sara jumped through her ass to get them here ASAP. She ended up sending them by 3-day air, from China! I bet that shipping was almost as much as the lights.
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