Themaddabber's Hempy Bucket Bathtub Grow 2017

Happy 420 everyone!!!

It'll be the best smoke you've ever had!

Damn I sure hope so penny. Certianly not lacking in froatage!

Spectacular. Chunky monkey goodness!

...and, my plants are always in control too. Hahaha!

They say jump, and I day how high?

looking great Dabs

Thanks Crash. The final chop down count down has begun!!!

Well as promised I try to grab some better pics just now



And a couple Abbie pics

If you see that black tape in the back ground I had to pin up her biggest "cola" they aren't huge but I'm just happy to have some frosty fluffage to turn into dabbers liquid gold. Which is actually not liquid at all... some of the most stable concentrate I've seen and smoked...

And that rounds out the second half of the daily update. I will do a bowl of the sample nug so I can have an idea of what flavors and high to expect from the rest of her! Can't wait!

Hope you all had a wonderful day. And as always my your plants prosper and buds swell.


Yeah I'm a little worried she's goin to topple but hopefully the scrog will catch her first .
Don't get much more inland than we are.... can't say the same for Illz, AKgramma, and green thunder. They are all near the coast.... Hope you are all safe in the midst of the chaos ...

Anchorage is so far up the Cook inlet that tsunamis peter out before they get this far. As earthquakes go, this wasn't that big of a deal, prolly cause it was in water and not on land. In fact, at my place, I didn't recognize it as a quake at all. I thought the cat was playing around in my covers, and I kicked him outta bed, rolled over, and went back to sleep. LOL!

I didn't even feel the aftershocks. So I was surprised at all the hullaballoo when I got up and turned on the TV and the PC.

The seedlings. One more emerged from the soil this AM, so there's one more hiding in its solo cup. The three seeds in paper towel are still just lying there. I changed out their towel since the old one was showing fungi. so far a 60% sprout rate. Too bad I dropped the biggest sprout. It would have made a nice vigorous plant. Never did find it.
Anchorage is so far up the Cook inlet that tsunamis peter out before they get this far. As earthquakes go, this wasn't that big of a deal, prolly cause it was in water and not on land. In fact, at my place, I didn't recognize it as a quake at all. I thought the cat was playing around in my covers, and I kicked him outta bed, rolled over, and went back to sleep. LOL!

I didn't even feel the aftershocks. So I was surprised at all the hullaballoo when I got up and turned on the TV and the PC.

The seedlings. One more emerged from the soil this AM, so there's one more hiding in its solo cup. The three seeds in paper towel are still just lying there. I changed out their towel since the old one was showing fungi. so far a 60% sprout rate. Too bad I dropped the biggest sprout. It would have made a nice vigorous plant. Never did find it.
Evening Gramma!

So funny you mentioned this. I was wrong everyone. I guess my body felt the quake. Both my wife and I awoke and didn't realize why, well a few seconds later we lost power. I didn't put it together until she told me this evening that that was right when the quake hit .. Just chalked it up to shitty electric and another frightful reason to avoid DWC. I bought all the gear, but I have no clue how long it takes a plant to drown and sure as shit am not about to find out the hard way.

Point is gramma is safe! Good to hear. And congrats on the seeds popping! I feel good about your revamped grow. I'm struggling with the perpetual thing honestly. Bit off more than this dabber could chew .

Hope your having a great night

Evening to ya neighbor :)
Man!!! Look at those girls would ya!!! Holly crap brother, they are looking super sexy and sticky!!! I predict some BHO in your near future:rofl: and ya you gotta give me a lil so I can try and make some of them Rooster Rocks :rofl: Not sure how they are but they look pretty cool :) they look good enough to eat lol.

You guys make sure you stay bundled up extra good if you go outdoors though ok? Especially lil M ok? Have a lil emergency pack in your car, candles,matches, hat,gloves,boots, candy, blanket etc. never know when an asshat will bump ya into a ditch and you need to stay warm for a bit. Always best to have it and not need it than the opposite:) not sure if your tires have gotten really hard yet or not but something to pass along, drive really slow for a block or two and let your tires get round again, you’ll feel it if they are frozen and you have flat spots.....kinda bounces you around a bit but goes away pretty quickly if you drive slowly and let things get worked out before you get to driving off. Sorry if you already know all this brother just don’t want ya having 4 flats at once..........1 sucks enough.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Holy crap Dab! I can't imagine seeing her in all her Glori uh?

Just damn beautiful and I imagine the colors are mind blowing ..

Super stoked to see your harvest man, wishing nothing but pounds for you! Lol

Stay well my man, see you around! . . . . . .
Lilly looks dank bro. What is she?
Lilly by delicatessen. Near pure sativa land race from the Congo crossed with queen mother #1 then back bred with more Congo
So, I cannot speak to the validity of the claim I am about to make, but hope to test it at some point.

All this Emerson effect, deep red, and far red talk have me thinking, a dangerous concept indeed!

When I began my grow research, it was stated that incandescent bulbs offer no use for indoor growers as they emit most of their energy (wavelengths/ lambda) in infrared spectrum in to for of heat.

Well I did some poking around for incandescent spectral outputs and came across this cool read:

Ultimate Light Bulb Test - Incandescent vs. Compact Fluorescent vs. LED

The study of effects on cannabis grown with and without these deep far and infrared seem to offer a correlation that suggests plants that absorb a full range of electromagnetic energies, and not just the visable spectrum, grow and thrive more in comparison to those with limited "bandwidth". Which begs the question, the sun emits more than just the visable spectrum of light or energy, so shouldn't our indoor lights also?

This is where the addition of an incandescent bulb may come into play.

Again totally untested hypothesis. But the incandescent bulb ,which releases a lot of energy in the form of heat, would cool at lights out and potentially act like a HPS bulb. HPS continues to put off heat and energy after the power is cut, and this is originally how the Emerson effect was thought to have been realized by indoor growers.

My point is most white led lights be it quantum boards, cobs or even led boards, don't always offer the "full spectum" when it comes to deep far and infrared radiation.

In conclusion the incandescent bulb MAY have found it's place among cannabis growers after all! Offering the desired energies your plant craves to grow its best.

Thoughts suggestions and or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are all welcome!

Happy humpday friends
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