Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Just doing a fast drive bye. I hear ya about pain. It gets old fast. I've been dealing with it since 1986. In 86 I had a tear in my beer over a x and ended up running off a road on a 55 pan head, rather than end up on the grill of a on coming car. Birt hit the loose gravel on the shoulder doing about 85 MPH. Rear tire caught up with my front tire and launched me off a levee road outside San Fransico and into a barbed wire fence. Coumpound factured both forearms and broke my fool neck. Doctors had to operate on my spinal cord because of a bloood clot in my spine. Did a fusion of C-6, C-7. Also had to get a total hip replacement. I'm still paying for a mistake a stupid 26 year old made. Oh well. That's life. I could keep complaining but it doesn't do any good.
Sorry to hear ya got or hopefully 'had' bugs. I've paid my dues more than once with them suckers. GL just keep spraying every 7-10 days. Nothing really works on the eggs. So best you can ope for is to keep the population in check untill you get your harvest in. Then always spray. Weather or not they need it. I do. Crowded areas breed bugs. And them bugs LOVE Marijuana. Smart bugs huh?
Gardens looking good Xlr. GL and Keepem Green

Hey buddy!

I knew you had some pretty bad issues with your back, too, but wasn't aware of the extent of it. Sounds like you've been through the ringer - I like how you put that: "still paying for a mistake a stupid 26 year old made". Doesn't seem right, huh? We may have a higher power that forgives our sins, but our bodies don't always forgive your sins, that's for certain.

I hate bugs. I hope I'm done with them for a long while! Those root aphids are a bitch. I had to go thermonuclear. Almost wiped out the plants to kill the bugs, but they recovered nicely (the ones I didn't cull).

Good to hear from you my friend!
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hi Xlr8,
Thought I was subbed here, am now. Looks like I could learn a lot here. Nice garden bro. :thumb:

:thanks: Nice to have you here, JBC. Thanks for subbing! :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Garden is looking good buddy... I hope all is well, if it isn't, smoke a little more :D

Thanks Naph - Things are okay. I'm really trying to do everything "different". Doing the "same thing" over and over again isn't working. So, I'm trying to focus on turning negatives into positives, exercising more (whenever I can frankly), getting more/better rest, eating better...

So far it's going well, but still have some days where the physical pain is pretty overwhelming (today!). Mostly, though, I think it's all helping in a number of ways.

Time to take your advice and... vape a little more! :bong:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

looking good x
hope you having a great day

Hey Chronic -

Thanks buddy, I'm hangin' in there anyway! :thumb:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hey X,

New to the site but love your journals.. Quite the read, but much worth it.. I hope your health continues to improve.. I do believe like Mrs. Bud and others that you are a model of success.. Throughout your struggles you continue to remain optimistic and push forward.. Not to mention everything you do here for others... I completely understand how you may disagree... Being a vet I have often been looked at like I am a hero, however, to me I am just your everyday regular person, but to others my imperfections as a human being doesnt outweigh the sacrifices I make.. With everything you are going through you continue to be a huge influence in this community and for that I tip my hat to you sir..

I have a quick question. I have seen the results of BPN from numerous members grows.. Thanks to your journal I am now a fan of Subcool as well.. I know you are interested in eventually growing organic... I am not able to grow yet but when I am I have always seen myself growing from hydro because for some reason it seems to make sense to me, but the super soil recipe by subcool seems to make grows from soil easy... My question(which wasnt so quick) is what are your thoughts on the super soil Vs BPN organic nutes?? Does the super soil have a good track record because to me just being able to add water for the rest of the grow just seems to easy to be true..

Hi BChris - :welcome:

Yes, there is a lot of chat to "weed" through sometimes, but I'm glad you like the journals. Thank you so much for the kind words, and your service to our country. I know what you mean - I served as well and we were treated like heroes everywhere, (whether we'd really accomplished anything meaningful or not). It was nice, don't get me wrong (we never had to buy our own meal or drinks when we were out somewhere on liberty or leave) but it seemed misdirected when you consider everything the guys from Vietnam and other conflicts went through, only to get harassed or spit on, etc... Sigh.

I don't know if I'm much of a model for success. I feel like a failure, much of the time - but I try not to focus on those things. I am a big believer that positive mental activities breed positive physical results. So, I do my best to keep from spiraling down. I wish I could say I was better at it than I really am. I was pretty depressed for a while, but I'm finding that if I keep focusing on positive activities, pursuits and results, positive things happen... usually (lol). Thanks for the kind words, truely.

As far as Subcool, I've never grown cannabis using soil, so I can't speak to it to directly (I keep my moms in coco coir). However, some really good growers that grow in soil, love Subcool's super soil and have had much success with it. I am confident that if you are a decent gardener and understand how to structure the soil, Subcool's Super Soil will rock. If I remember right, though, quite a bit goes into that soil, and it's hard to make in small batches. I think it needs to "cook" for a while, too (allowing organic processes to occur before using it). So you need to be patient when putting it together (you can't make the soil in a weekend and start using it right away). Unlike, say, buying a good soil mix and using a fertilizer regime such as the BPN organic nutes (or any nutrient program) which allows you to get up and running right away. I know "Doc Bud"'s grown some nice plants with Subcool's soil and has a good understanding of it. I've seen really great looking plants grown in Super Soil, and also with BPN organic nutrients. Not being a soil grower, though, I'm a little out of my element here so maybe someone who's used one or the other can weigh in...

"High Brix" soil growing is the latest rage around here. "Icemud", "Vapedogg", and "Doc Bud" are all doing high brix grows right now (amongst others I'm sure). Basically, with High Brix soils, you don't really feed the plant, you feed the soil. Then the soil, feeds the plants. It's a commonly used method of growing for produce, now being applied to cannabis. Supposed to give you superior flavor, smell, quality and insanely healthy/vigorous plants.

Thanks for all the kind words, brother. I really appreciate it. :thanks:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Wow X, your feeding schedule must be far different then mine because I just changed nutes and I was at the 1500 level with just 10/10/10 across the board for the 55 gallon res. Can you PM me what your doing and when so I can compare with my notes?
Thanks my friend :)
Hope all is well in your world. With a full time job now and taking care of 3 grows I'm a lil busy and a lot tired!

Hi Alaskan1!

I thought I'd just shoot it back here, in case anyone else is curious. Is this what you meant?

Last week my nute mix was like this (20 gal. reservoir):

Zone 42 ml
Cal/Mag 50 ml
Silica 30 ml
Liquid Blue 40 ml

BPN micro 150 ml
BPN grow 150 ml
BPN bloom 230 ml

Total ppm (.7 conversion) = 1200

This week (again 20 gal reservoir):

DM Zone 40 ml
Botanicare Cal/Mag+ 50 ml
Pro-Tekt Silica 30 ml
BPN Liquid Blue 60 ml

BPN micro 200 ml
BPN grow 200 ml
BPN bloom 300 ml

Total ppm (.7 conversion) = 1450 ppm

Let me know if it seems crazy off or something... I haven't calibrated my TDS meter in a while, lol. Maybe I've got something off? :scratchinghead:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Girls are looking nice and healthy X.

How's the exercise and stuff coming along?

Thanks brotha! I'm thrilled with how things are in the garden right now. I'm rockin' the exercise thing, too. It's helping for sure, but there are days where it seems like the weather/barometric pressure does me in. When it's warm and dry out, I feel so much better than when we get cooler rainier weather. I thought I'd made more progress than I have - the last couple of days have been pretty painful and miserable, but I'm not going to let it get me off course. I'm super motivated and committed to doing everything in MY power to make things better if I can, health-wise.

Thanks for asking HMG, you're a great friend! :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

June 18 update: Day 10 bloom (since beginning of 11.5/12.5 lighting schedule) in the Flo N Gro

The gals are all healthy and happy right now, and all growing vigorously. They have very good color and texture to their leaves, and nice sturdy stems. :)

I measured the PPM's this morning at about 1400ppm (.7 conv), and PH at 5.5. Temps are steady at about 77f at the canopy during lights on, and about 67f during lights off. PH is currently at about 40% lights on, and about 55% during lights off. I will be able to lower RH pretty easily when I need to, but for now I'm happy with where it's at.

The PPM's have gone down slightly since the last reservoir change a couple of days ago, along with the water level. PH has remained pretty contstant, though it's gone down slightly, too. Overall I think they are being fed at an appropriate level.

Because all of these have the potential for really stretching, I flowered them pretty early. The Super Lemon Haze and Chocolope are very Sativa, and the Deadhead is a hybrid that is still primarily Sativa.

Check out these next couple of pics - they are 4 days apart. This first one is June 14, the next is June 18. You can see the canopy is filling out pretty quickly. So far, I've been able to keep it really low. If I hadn't topped and trained these, they'd probably be 3 feet tall by now.


June 14 (4 days prior)

June 18 (getting harder to see the floor!)

Here's a pic from the side. Don't be fooled by the angles, the canopy height is pretty even front to back and side to side:

Deadhead OG Day 10 bloom. If you look close you can see early stage pistil development:

Chocolope, also showing initial signs of flowering if you look close:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

looks like you got some very nice ladies, that room is going to be pretty full when they spread out more, cant wait to see how this turns out, going to be something amazing
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

No worries, Quix. I KNOW you always have my back, and are there for me. I appreciate that so much, and I am in somewhat better spirits. I feel bad for venting to the world about my issues. It could be worse, and I just need to suck it up better perhaps. Same goes in reverse btw - if there's ever anything I can do for you, ya know? Thanks again for the support, Q. You rock. :thanks:

Don't EVER feel bad for venting. It's how we know you're not doing/feeling 420%. If you don't say anything, we can't be assertive in moral support when the excrement hits the rotary oscillator!

Thanks Naph - Things are okay. I'm really trying to do everything "different". Doing the "same thing" over and over again isn't working.<snip>

Insanity: Repeatedly doing the same thing, the same way, each time expecting different results.

Hi BChris - :welcome:

Yes, there is a lot of chat to "weed" through sometimes, but I'm glad you like the journals. Thank you so much for the kind words, and your service to our country. I know what you mean - I served as well and we were treated like heroes everywhere, (whether we'd really accomplished anything meaningful or not). It was nice, don't get me wrong (we never had to buy our own meal or drinks when we were out somewhere on liberty or leave) but it seemed misdirected when you consider everything the guys from Vietnam and other conflicts went through, only to get harassed or spit on, etc... Sigh.

I don't know if I'm much of a model for success. I feel like a failure, much of the time - but I try not to focus on those things. I am a big believer that positive mental activities breed positive physical results. So, I do my best to keep from spiraling down. I wish I could say I was better at it than I really am. I was pretty depressed for a while, but I'm finding that if I keep focusing on positive activities, pursuits and results, positive things happen... usually (lol). Thanks for the kind words, truely.<snip>

Failure?? REALLY?! lol! You're the model of Flo-n-Gro for this site. I thought you'd have at least seen that EVERYONE here that is using the Flo-n-Gro references you as their inspiration, and at least their base model.

Things in the tent are lookin' awesome, buddy! Very nice and even canopy, and not a hint of bug stress left. +rep if I can.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hey there X! I try to be funny and possitive all the time. However, I too suffer from depression from time to time. I agree with Jankre and I sure you agree too that it is always good to talk about it. Vent away. I know you know that I do!!
You really did a great job getting rid of all those pests. Now that you are prepared and have everything ready, you probably won't ever see another bug again!!
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Don't EVER feel bad for venting. It's how we know you're not doing/feeling 420%. If you don't say anything, we can't be assertive in moral support when the excrement hits the rotary oscillator!

Insanity: Repeatedly doing the same thing, the same way, each time expecting different results.

Failure?? REALLY?! lol! You're the model of Flo-n-Gro for this site. I thought you'd have at least seen that EVERYONE here that is using the Flo-n-Gro references you as their inspiration, and at least their base model.

Things in the tent are lookin' awesome, buddy! Very nice and even canopy, and not a hint of bug stress left. +rep if I can.

Thanks Jandre -

I appreciate the kind words and support a lot. I feel fairly confident when it comes to growing (don't get me wrong, I'm not even close to having anything mastered) but I feel like I'm not winning the battle much when it comes to my health, which affects my income, my stress and my personal/professional life a ton. Even if it's not much within my control anyway, sometimes it's hard to not feel like a failure a bit. I'm in a pretty positive place at the moment, but the last few days have been very painful again, so it's definitely a roller coaster.

Thanks again for being a great friend!
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hey there X! I try to be funny and possitive all the time. However, I too suffer from depression from time to time. I agree with Jankre and I sure you agree too that it is always good to talk about it. Vent away. I know you know that I do!!
You really did a great job getting rid of all those pests. Now that you are prepared and have everything ready, you probably won't ever see another bug again!!

Thanks CF -

I know what you mean - it's good to vent I guess. I just would rather not dwell on negatives, and I get upset with myself when I do... I'm thrilled to have the bugs at bay... but I'm worried that they're teasing me. ;)

Thanks for everything my friend - it definitely helps having so much support from you guys, and I know you have a lot of your own challenges health-wise, too. You rock! :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

looks like you got some very nice ladies, that room is going to be pretty full when they spread out more, cant wait to see how this turns out, going to be something amazing

Hey DPP!

Thanks brother. I'm happy with them right now. Maybe I should have vegged them longer, but I don't like outgrowing my space and stressing the stretch - I'm still adjusting to understanding how Sativas grow in my system. I can't wait to see them fill out too - glad to have you aboard my friend! :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hey XL,

Have you ever grown Blue Himalaya Diesel from Short Stuff Seeds? If not, has anyone here on XL's thread grown it?

Kind regards
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Some of the healthiest dang plants around Brother X:bravo:
Sorry to hear you've got the pain in high gear again my man...I feel bad for askin all the questions lately!
Well, whatever you're doing, it's working...You still manage to maintain a great journal, make rounds in others' journals, and keep your grow looking top shelf. I'd rep you but I think I just did recently lol, happens a lot.

Hope you get to feelin better, my friend:Namaste:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Still here old Buddy! Everyone has already said what I would have said...so.....just keep doing what your doing!
You may not think your a master.......but your allot farther along than most of us.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

looking good X
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