OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

Hi my Buddy jaga. I would say the average sativa finishes in 70- 80 days.

Have a good day/evening friend. Peace be with you.
I think I have a bit of a space problem,,Have a great night an see ya in Munchday land:reading420magazine:You could try using your Butter machine like Beemer was saying about the RS oil it makes you feel nice an it would help your healing as well ,,, we havent used our one as yet cause we dont have enough weed to make anything with,,but you could make some really strongly infused Butter :thanks: Love an hugs to you:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

I was about to say about 11 to 11+ weeks :rofl:

:lot-o-toke: Sigh thats a bit longer than I expected any how is it true that they will keep growing throughout the flowering period as well:loopy: she is already big for my space ,,, I will have more room when Big Betty is out of the way but it will be a squeeze have a great night to you as well cronic :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
A few Pictures...not my best for sure

The Shed Ladies.

Side of the house



A little Snow


Indoor Girls


The seeds that were sought after are the marijuana strains from 2046 Medical Seeds Co. The ganja from this particular breeder often challenges pot growers from all over the world since getting it to grow is rather difficult. So, if you are just in the process of getting to know what it is like to grow weed, getting tips from expert breeders or friends who have experienced growing this strain is a wise move. 2046 is available only in regular seeds and it this strain is versatile enough to grow in both indoor and outdoor settings. Growing is not much of a problem as long as you have the patience because this weed plant can take up to 120 days to complete its vegetative stage.

It can take up to six months before you can experience the joy of the harvest, but if you succeed, you will get more than 1 kg as its yield. It produces an intensely satisfying flavor with a very powerful effect that will give a whole new meaning to the word 'high.' So get ready to be blown away once you smoke pot of this variety. Growing this cannabis may be one of a breeder's greatest lifelong achievements in the ganja world.
I was just having a little look at some information wow OMM you do pick great plant strains
Looking good OMM :high-five: Girls are all looking healthy. The 2046 it getting big and I can see why it's demanding water is so huge. Hope this finds you feel a little better. Be safe my friend.
Looking good OMM :high-five: Girls are all looking healthy. The 2046 it getting big and I can see why it's demanding water is so huge. Hope this finds you feel a little better. Be safe my friend.

Hey beemerbill. I have it so the hose right beside the 2046. The pain pills are gone, so it's grit my teeth time. It's bill paying time, after that's done, I'll have a better idea how I feel.
Looking good my friend! :) really loving the 2046 as others have said. Your doing an amazing job for sure! Best of green vibes still Island bound! :)

Sure would love to see you over here LA...if only for a visit. Although it might be tough getting you to leave! :yikes:
I just have to tell everyone that my Buddy THsea came over and helped me today. We got me some more RO water, he helped me get my lights in the tent so they have better coverage, and just generally made things easier for me. :high-five:

THANKS THsea!:thanks:
How are you feeling is your pain easing,,I remeber reading that you ran out of pain killers:smokin: can you maybe get something off of him again
I know he said no more but wouldn't he at least give you something a little weaker if thats the guys worry:cheesygrinsmiley:you shouldn't even really have to ask
he should just have some protocol for pain control,,that goes further than a few days of relief then hell again:love:
Its great to hear that THsea has helped with the lights an watering 420 love OM nothing beats it LOve an hugs from us to you my good friend :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
How are you feeling is your pain easing,,I remeber reading that you ran out of pain killers:smokin: can you maybe get something off of him again
I know he said no more but wouldn't he at least give you something a little weaker if thats the guys worry:cheesygrinsmiley:you shouldn't even really have to ask
he should just have some protocol for pain control,,that goes further than a few days of relief then hell again:love:
Its great to hear that THsea has helped with the lights an watering 420 love OM nothing beats it LOve an hugs from us to you my good friend :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

High Brother jaga. The pain is getting less painful, but it's a slow process. I am trying some milder meds now. We will see. Thanks for your concern my friend. Of course, the home grown meds help too.

Love to you and your wonderful lady
. :Namaste:
Hey Buddy hope the Bills aren't as bad,,but it always hurts paying there extortionate prices:circle-of-love:

High jaga, the main bill is the electric bill. Many here people have solar panels. That means that the electric company is not making as much money this year as last, so they charge us without solar panels more. My light bill is around $550.00 a month. Sucks!

We do have solar panels for our water heater. Without that, who knows how much it would be!
Good Day Weed you old fart. Sure is good to hear that you're getting a little relief from the pain. Nice to have good friends come over and help also. Nice to be able to continue growing with a little help. Happy thurweedday.
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