1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

Hey OG! Your outdoor gals look much better now, it seems they took nicely to their new conditions. I can see that some of these were planted pretty close to each other, watch out for it. You neighbour's grow looks pretty cool by the way, they'll probably add a drip too, won't they? Blue Dream and Hindu Kush eh? They're going for the yield that for sure.
Hey OG! Your outdoor gals look much better now, it seems they took nicely to their new conditions. I can see that some of these were planted pretty close to each other, watch out for it. You neighbour's grow looks pretty cool by the way, they'll probably add a drip too, won't they? Blue Dream and Hindu Kush eh? They're going for the yield that for sure.

Yeah I know I planted them to close together but the wife and the chickens were not willing to give up any more real-estate so I had to take what I was given. My guess is that by end of summer I will have a beautiful green hedge all along the back fence :laugh:

Yes they are, since they are a legal business they are profit driven, that and they tell me that those are 2 of their favorite strains for making oils. And as M. says bigger yields means bigger pay outs. I guess if I was growing as a business I would be thinking that way also. They only have 2 rows of those strains though, they do have a whole row of strains they are hoping will fit their business model which is big yields = big payouts.

So I got motivated and got my last plant planted and ready for the summer, I still have to get motivated to finish the ladies out back but if I do not get it done today I will get it done by next weekend for sure
2 weeks and 1 day into flower and the Huckleberry is perking my interests, looks like she will be an early finisher because she is an early starter,


The MG just keeps stretching and acting like it is still in veg, this could be a long process on this strain

and last but not least my MG I have out at my brothers place in her new 200 gallon home
On the MG if she doesn't budge go into tropical mode which means 11/13 or 10/14 photoperiod. They love shorter days and this will provoke genetical response straight away. A lot if growers are not aware it has to be done with landraces that are only one generation away from the motherland. Let's just say it's an easy solution for serious pain in the ass.
SCROGtastic, my friend!
I'm really looking forward to following along this summer (your garden).
And I am seeing great things for you both! When I come to sleep over I will lie on a cannamatress with all the buds you both will have!

OG You picked a winner. Linda is just an amazing plant!
I used psychology on you my friend I could have picked any plant, I knew what ever plant I picked you would give it a little extra love and thats all these girls need, that and a great gardener and I knew which ever one I picked, it would get both. :circle-of-love:
wow,she is a big girl:goodjob:
Yeah I know I planted them to close together but the wife and the chickens were not willing to give up any more real-estate so I had to take what I was given. My guess is that by end of summer I will have a beautiful green hedge all along the back fence :laugh:

Yes they are, since they are a legal business they are profit driven, that and they tell me that those are 2 of their favorite strains for making oils. And as M. says bigger yields means bigger pay outs. I guess if I was growing as a business I would be thinking that way also. They only have 2 rows of those strains though, they do have a whole row of strains they are hoping will fit their business model which is big yields = big payouts.

So I got motivated and got my last plant planted and ready for the summer, I still have to get motivated to finish the ladies out back but if I do not get it done today I will get it done by next weekend for sure
2 weeks and 1 day into flower and the Huckleberry is perking my interests, looks like she will be an early finisher because she is an early starter,


The MG just keeps stretching and acting like it is still in veg, this could be a long process on this strain

and last but not least my MG I have out at my brothers place in her new 200 gallon home
You may have just inspired me to make a new strain there OG.... OG Mindtrick. I have just the strains to use in seed/pollen form. Might just have to be the next on the drawing board. The father is a true pure Papua New Guinea landrace. The mother is considered Indonesian but is actually from Indonesian controlled West Papua New Guinea. Both are obviously Sativa for being on the equator. So they are OG in terms of being some of the Original Ganja ;) and in honour of your name of course OG. Both are incredibly euphoric.. you get lost in a daze but not sleepy or dim. Very creative. It's one I've wanted to do but hadn't had the needed inspiration ;) Cheers bud
You may have just inspired me to make a new strain there OG.... OG Mindtrick. I have just the strains to use in seed/pollen form. Might just have to be the next on the drawing board. The father is a true pure Papua New Guinea landrace. The mother is considered Indonesian but is actually from Indonesian controlled West Papua New Guinea. Both are obviously Sativa for being on the equator. So they are OG in terms of being some of the Original Ganja ;) and in honour of your name of course OG. Both are incredibly euphoric.. you get lost in a daze but not sleepy or dim. Very creative. It's one I've wanted to do but hadn't had the needed inspiration ;) Cheers bud

That sounds like an amazing strain combination, though I hope you read the clause in small print at the bottom of my journal ... I will blow it up so you can actually read it without a microscope.
Clause 1 paragraph 3 clearly states:
Should you be inspired by this grower and grow any amazing strains created through this inspiration there will be a 2 seed fee unless of course you create non-femanised seed if this is such the case see clause 3 paragraph 5 under exceptions
Clause 3 paragraph 5 exceptions clearly states:
All seeds created through inspiration of this journal that are non-femanised will be classified as 1/2 seeds and the 2 seed count
I would have blown up the who list of clauses but it is a whole book and mostly written in legal ease, would have to get my lawyer her to decipher it all, even I do not understand all of it:rofl:

Glad that you felt inspired, that is always a good thing :cheer::high-five:
Well it looks like Major Pita will need to medicate a little for his back because tomorrow I get to drive 10 foot stakes to install the 1st layer netting at my new friends grow. Still no signs of bud sites on the MG though everything else is buying like crazy. The big Huckleberry is loaded with bud sites and they are stacked up nice and tight. Not sure exactly when it happened, the last week has been a bit of a blur, but the MG is now drinking 2 gallons a day and the Huckleberry is holding at 3 gallons per day. The 2 smaller plants barely drink a quart a day. I am sure glad for the small ones,they are much less work. I will try to get some photos tomorrow of the ladies both inside and out. I really should be out working on the plats in the back yard, the huckleberry out back is already 4 foot tall and I had planned on i being short and squat like the one indoors. Apparently she did not get that memo. I also have a care package I need to get mailed off to Eyesforgrandpa, he got the tent and LED light, once he gets the rest of what I am sending him. he should be about ready to start growing his own. Now the hard part begins. A few other 420members have joined in and are offering him tips on what he can do to be successful with his grow, needless to say, I am not the best communicator out there and teaching a blind guy to grow weed is going to be a big challenge.
Do not know about the rest of you all but I am dead tired, it has been a very busy week and now that I have the weekend I have a ton of things to get done.
Catch you all tomorrow, I think this older grower is off to bed. :circle-of-love:
My lord what a long day, we got 2 rows completed with the netting up. I have been informed that I am to anal though because Wanted all the stakes to be in perfect rows perfectly level.When I look down the 120 foot row and line up the stakes I should only see 1 stake. Apparently that is a bit much :rofl: I just told them hey I want it to look like it would if it was my grow. I do stand corrected though, we did not pound in 10 foot stakes they were only using 8 foot stakes and we put in 98 today and will be putting in another 98 tomorrow. I had a few people asking about strains, so today I asked them to write me down a list since I would have forgot over 1/2 by now had they not so here is a list of what they are growing:
Hindu Kush, Blue Dream, Cinex, Raspberry Haze, Bruce Banner, Ice (old school), Critical Mass and last but not least Chronic Lights.

As for my grow, well I need to get my butt busy here at the house, my back yard grow has just hit 4 foot and I need to get them under control since I only have a 6 foot fence. Hopefully I will be finished out at my friends grow tomorrow and I will be able to focus on my grow on Monday. While it was a long day of hard work I did get some time off to watch the Humming Birds that were cruising in and out of the work area. One was particularly stunning, it was green and hung out with me for quiet a while before flying off. Made me think of another Hummingbird I know who is just as stunning.

My Huckleberry could not be any better, she is going to be my feather in my cap, if she was any easier, she would finish out and harvest herself, she has been so easy to deal with. Well I am dead tired and need togged some shut eye, hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend and please do not forget today thanks to a Vet. I know it is great we get a long weekend ad all but it should be in honor of the great Vets who have paid the price some can live the way we do.
If you want to really keep them low start some LST and then mount a scrog, you can even use chicken wire for that.
You better get busy with your grow. If it is 4' now, it is going to easily hit 10' in 60 days if you don't knock her down one way or another.
Happy holiday!
If you want to really keep them low start some LST and then mount a scrog, you can even use chicken wire for that.
I have one already under a SCROG net and still debating on weather to use a net system or a trellis system on the other 3 and grow them like I do our grapes. I fed them lots of silica as they were being veg'd so they have very flexible branches.

HI OG, can I follow along? I really really like that outdoor SCRog you have going, and I am so glad I stopped. It has given me an idea for an outdoor planter I've just started! So, I'm stealing an idea already. :laugh:

Love what you're doing here, I'll catch up on all the pages today.

Then I'll sit back and be quiet while you grow monsters.

1st off you can not steal what one will give to you willingly silly girl.
2nd I would be honored to have you in my garden anytime you feel a desire to do so. It is a comforting feeling when some of the best growers I know check out my garden.
I am grabbing my camera with my long lens today (will make sure the battery is charged and I have disk space before I go) and hopefully either tonight or tomorrow I will be posting a picture or two of the Humming Birds. I am a big fan of birds but the Humming Bird is my favorite of them all ;) Chance are it will be tomorrow though, I still have to change out my buckets today before I head back out to finish up with putting up the netting and more posts for "My friends" grow.
I need to get my buckets all changed out, feed the chickens water the garden out back and get the eggs from yesterday that I did not do because I did not get home till almost 11 last night, so as soon as I finish hanging out with my plants and drinking my morning coffee I need to stop being lazy and get motivated. Plus I have a care package I need to get together, I do not need nor want a email from an angry Baldfaced Hornet asking why I have been slacking , much rather get the emails from the Hummingbird :rofl: (Inside joke)

You better get busy with your grow. If it is 4' now, it is going to easily hit 10' in 60 days if you don't knock her down one way or another.
Happy holiday!

Dittoes on the happy Holiday Major P. I already informed my friends that I could work today but Monday I needed to work on my own grow. They were like take care of your own 1st and we can finish up on Monday but I feel it will be better to do theirs 1st since I will be a hurting puppy on Monday like I am this morning and I want a day to recover before I have to go back to work on my regular job. I will be looking at the branch structure either today or tomorrow on my backyard grow and that will determine if I use a trellis or just go with a net style scrog set up. I think at this point I am swaying towards a trellis. My neighbor did grow a few plants over the years which were 10 foot plus but I was always worried for them that it would lead to a break in on their home. People can be pretty stupid, they assume if you have plants growing, you most certainly must have a closet stacked to the ceiling with 100 dollar bills.
By the way as soon as I post this I will be over to check in on your outdoor grow Major. want to see how your ladies are doing. Rumor has it next week we will be hit with lots of sun and high temps. Be like a boy scout and be prepared:love: Your girls should take off like rockets.

1st cup of coffee down 1 more to go then I should have enough liquid motivation to get rolling and start another day. I hope everyone has a great weekend and takes a moment tomorrow to thank a vet for their service. It is their day after-all, we just get to celebrate it with them. Keep your gardens green and your ladies (All of them) happy

I will try to get pictures up either tonight or tomorrow of my garden, my back yard grow and my plant out at my brothers as well as "My Friends" grow so you can see the progress we have made this week. I have to say just by looking at last week verse this week I think my friends grow has made the most progress this week. I am very happy for them and their grow. It has been so much fun so far, even though the work has been hard and my body feels every bit of it (sore as hell this morning) I would do it again in a blink of an eye. I am really enjoying seeing the progress 1st hand. Plus I am building a great relationship with 2 very cool people which is always a big plus.

Really need to make the time to get over to everyones gardens, I have missed a lot by not having the time, hopefully this week I can make the time to get over to each and everyones grows and catch up with how things are going in their worlds.:circle-of-love:
So far so good at my end of the state. We are supposed to hit 97F by Tuesday.
The two soft pots I have above ground were wrapped in an old sheet yesterday. It looks stupid but at least they are now white - not black, and I can spray them down for a little evaporative cooling. They are all still getting their legs used to the new soil but seem to be settling in for the ride. :yahoo:

I'm still figuring out the best watering for my goofy soil mix. They have each been getting 6 gal. per day but I think I'm now able to water less frequently going forward. It is so hard to tell. :loopy:
High OlderGrower, after reading what you have done for Grandpa :Namaste: I wanted to follow your journal if you don't mind.

I did some "Stoner speed reading"..............I looked at the pictures :cheesygrinsmiley:

This is indeed a fun journal. :high-five:

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