Absorber's Outdoor Stealth Grow

They sure do you never know
Who's watching
I was reading in Germany they bust you proportionally on the strength of the weed your busted with. So there all these record THC levels recorded in Germany. The record is held by some guy growing with no notes on the strain or anything, small timer. 46% or something crazy.

However, its tested by individual police stations and the methodology isn't given. No Pro German outfit has ever gone over 31%

So its wildly considered that of all the “Berlin THC Competition Mob” the cops just really didn’t like the guy growing dirty illegal with no notes the most.

As to the THC content of his weed? They sent to a Family Testing Lab - SoCal High Evaluation Division. Result came back as,

It got me high!

More formal testing has yet to be carried out.

Guess you get busted in Berlin be nice to the cops!
I was reading in Germany they bust you proportionally on the strength of the weed your busted with. So there all these record THC levels recorded in Germany. The record is held by some guy growing with no notes on the strain or anything, small timer. 46% or something crazy.

However, its tested by individual police stations and the methodology isn't given. No Pro German outfit has ever gone over 31%

So its wildly considered that of all the “Berlin THC Competition Mob” the cops just really didn’t like the guy growing dirty illegal with no notes the most.

As to the THC content of his weed? They sent to a Family Testing Lab - SoCal High Evaluation Division. Result came back as,

More formal testing has yet to be carried out.

Guess you get busted in Berlin be nice to the cops!

Looks amazing mate, can’t wait to see more of this and end result. Just crazy stuff I love it 😍
That's the plant that was originally supposed to be up the tree but it was taking too long to get it feet.
She's taking off now and drinking heaps.
I will just take a small hand saw up there and hang onto the middle of it and chop it at the base of the trunk and hold it out sideways and just drop it 🤣 i may have to do it in 2 or 3 sections depending how well it all pans out 😉🌲
Thanks for dropping by
You could probably throw a rope over one of the tree branches and attach to the cut trunk so you can lower it slowly...
I've put a few branch trainers on the lower branches to get a bit more light into the tree grow , she's drinking like an alcoholic 🤣 im having trouble keeping up :thedoubletake::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The gorilla glue got some branch trainers applied aswell and she's getting close to matching treesy on the drinking front, I've got 2 piss heads on my hands 😳 let's hope they don't get a dose of crabs ( those darned spidermites) all looking good so far

Happy safe growing peoples :snowboating:
Thanks for dropping by.
I've put a few branch trainers on the lower branches to get a bit more light into the tree grow , she's drinking like an alcoholic 🤣 im having trouble keeping up :thedoubletake::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Time to figure out a way to wrap a garden hose in tree bark camo so you can water from the ground with a pump.

Maybe some sort of 3-D printer gizmo. 🤔
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