Alaskan1 Sativa Dom Flo n Gro Tent #2

like i said before its a jungle in there

It's a lot less of a jungle now.........but still a jungle none the less!

I decided to do a little of my own testing.
3 plants I defoliated like a MoFo. Anything a few inches from the bottom got cut no matter what it was. LOTSA room down there at the bottom. If it looked like all it was going to produce was some popcorn bud at the bottom it got cut as well. So all that was left was nice tall branches heading towards the top

3 plants I left completely alone.

The other 12 I defolaiated normally and got rid of the majority of the big fan leaves in the way. I also cut the very small tiny leaves at the bottom of the trunk. I hate those damn things.
It's a lot less of a jungle now.........but still a jungle none the less!

I decided to do a little of my own testing.
3 plants I defoliated like a MoFo. Anything a few inches from the bottom got cut no matter what it was. LOTSA room down there at the bottom. If it looked like all it was going to produce was some popcorn bud at the bottom it got cut as well. So all that was left was nice tall branches heading towards the top

3 plants I left completely alone.

The other 12 I defolaiated normally and got rid of the majority of the big fan leaves in the way. I also cut the very small tiny leaves at the bottom of the trunk. I hate those damn things.

Well done A1 :thumb:

I really liked the idea you did a couple crash test dummies. That will be great to see what happens. I'm sure you opened a bunch of growth places too. Don't cha just love growing?:circle-of-love:
Well done A1 :thumb:

I really liked the idea you did a couple crash test dummies. That will be great to see what happens. I'm sure you opened a bunch of growth places too. Don't cha just love growing?:circle-of-love:

I really do love growing though it's a lot more work then I thought it would be. Who knew?

I figure if I don't try things out I will never know. I can't imagine I'd hurt the plants tooooooo much by what I did. Worst case I figure is I'd loose some nug. Least I'll know what to try OR not to try next time. I really want to get this LST thing down. I know you can start anytime but I think the earlier you start the better it will be for everyone involved lol
I really do love growing though it's a lot more work then I thought it would be. Who knew?

I figure if I don't try things out I will never know. I can't imagine I'd hurt the plants tooooooo much by what I did. Worst case I figure is I'd loose some nug. Least I'll know what to try OR not to try next time. I really want to get this LST thing down. I know you can start anytime but I think the earlier you start the better it will be for everyone involved lol

Yep! That's the fun part. Have you seen the LST chart/picture? You can really make many tops with your plants and there is no stress to your girls. (Low Stress Training) they just keep growing. I went all the way around a white widow pot once and she had 6 tops. Was beautiful. The picture is somewhere in my gallery. :Namaste:
If you do many plants at once it may get a bit crowded. :surf:

Ok, so I want to make SURE I'm defolating the correct thing. Where my fingers are is the stem/leaf I am cutting off. These leaves have gotten so big in some instances that they are pulling the top bud/leaves down.



Just the "Fan" leaves with nothing else attached. Trim all the way flush with the branch

You don't really have to go flush with branch. Anywhere is fine, it'll fall off in a couple days anyways. And whatever small amount of food is in the stem of the leaf will feed that node a bit for a day too. I was told by the author of that article you didnt really have to be that critical on where you clip it off.
It's a lot less of a jungle now.........but still a jungle none the less!

I decided to do a little of my own testing.
3 plants I defoliated like a MoFo. Anything a few inches from the bottom got cut no matter what it was. LOTSA room down there at the bottom. If it looked like all it was going to produce was some popcorn bud at the bottom it got cut as well. So all that was left was nice tall branches heading towards the top

3 plants I left completely alone.

The other 12 I defolaiated normally and got rid of the majority of the big fan leaves in the way. I also cut the very small tiny leaves at the bottom of the trunk. I hate those damn things.

The only problem with "side by side" testing in this case is if the non stripped girls are going to shade any of the light penetration to the strippers. Especially if they are taller than the stripped girls, causing you to have the light a bit higher, thus less lumen on the stripped girls all the way down.

The 3 plants left alone could actually cause this issue to the others.

Everything else sounds good.:bravo:
Nice setup man, Good job! Wish I would of had the extra cash, good luck man!:bigtoke:
You don't really have to go flush with branch. Anywhere is fine, it'll fall off in a couple days anyways. And whatever small amount of food is in the stem of the leaf will feed that node a bit for a day too. I was told by the author of that article you didnt really have to be that critical on where you clip it off.

Well, yeah, but I didn't want him to be cutting at the joint of the fan leaves and leaving the stick sitting there. guess I should have just said, "Close to the main stem."
The only problem with "side by side" testing in this case is if the non stripped girls are going to shade any of the light penetration to the strippers. Especially if they are taller than the stripped girls, causing you to have the light a bit higher, thus less lumen on the stripped girls all the way down.

The 3 plants left alone could actually cause this issue to the others.

Everything else sounds good.:bravo:

The 3 plants I left alone are at the far end of the grow so they have their own row at the end. I made sure they were all at the same canopy height too. One of the plants though is pretty small and I don't think I'll be getting much outta that plant. It has been the runt of the litter.
Nice setup man, Good job! Wish I would of had the extra cash, good luck man!:bigtoke:

Hey growrook welcome to the grow !!!

:thanks: for the setup compliment. Something like this though can always cause issues like heating and the res water getting too warm. Hasn't been an issue as of late but the bigger you go the more problems it could possibly make therefore having to spend a lot more money to correct the issue. Seems I'm always needing something lol
ya those runts are discouraging some times. I actually pulled one in grow #1 and just stripped hard with hands and threw it all in kief bag it was so small.
Looking good. I like your experiment. Should be interesting to see how it goes for you. Good idea! :thumb:

Thanks X, I can already see a difference in the plants if you can believe that! The plants that got defoliated have already grown taller. The plants I have left alone have stayed the same. In the last 24 hours the plants drank close to 4 gallons and the EC dropped .20 and this is without adding any water. So they have drank and ate a bunch. I think instead of waiting a week I'll go ahead and flip them. These ladies are growing very fast.
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