Alaskan1 Sativa Dom Flo n Gro Tent #2

I have an idea about your mystery froth. Hygrozyme. Are you using it? I've been pondering your res, and I remembered people complaining that hygrozyme turned their DWC reservoirs into brown frothy messes, similar to what you had going on. So... my deducing makes me think you are using hygrozyme or some enzyme, and it became frothed up by either airstones or a water pump in the reservoir. I think it would explain it not coming back, too, though I bet it would at the next reservoir change.

Am I on to something, or on something? ;)
One more thought. I know I sound like a shill for this product, but what about going to a Dutch Master "Zone" approach, instead of hygrozyme. Zone creates a sterile environment, similar to h2o2, only it lasts longer as it doesn't disapate out like h2o2. It cleans, conditions, and sterilizes the nutrient solution. Hygrozyme, as you know I'm sure, breaks down dead organic material and converts much of that into food for the plant. But, it may not always be friendly with recirculation, and it doesn't really sterilize your system - though it will definitely help aid in sterilization.

When I started growing it was all DWC, with pretty high res temps at times(into the 70's) as long as I put Zone in every one of my res changes I had no problems with roots. In fact, in the grow box I had, I was never able to remove the reservoir to clean it during a grow. All I could really do is drain old nutrients, and refill with new nutrients. Zone was my one way to keep things clean and sterilized, and it did a great job.

In my opinion, it's amazing stuff. Sorry if I've been a broken record recommending this product, but it's been a crucial ingredient in all of my grows so far, and I've seen how it can even take brown roots and brighten them right up - it's a good emergency "fixer" too. I feel like the reservoir just runs cleaner, in general, with it (I have run out of it a couple of times, and noticed a difference right away without it).

Just sharing what works well for me in the F & G - if you ever want to try a different approach. :)
X, The only time I see froth when using Hygrozyme is when it's used in conjunction with h202. I add 6ml per gal on every res change and any nute feed and have no froth with no H202 being used at all.
X, The only time I see froth when using Hygrozyme is when it's used in conjunction with h202. I add 6ml per gal on every res change and any nute feed and have no froth with no H202 being used at all.

I'm just saying, I remembered reading a post or two regarding hygrozyme and froth with DWC. They may have been using h2o2 also, but there was a froth like that. I can't remember where or when I saw this, but a couple of people had reported a similar experience in DWC, but I wanted to mention it in case it's a clue to the concern Alaskan1 had with the froth/foam - maybe it's a longshot. Maybe A1 is using both products though and that's what caused it?
I'm just saying, I remembered reading a post or two regarding hygrozyme and froth with DWC. They may have been using h2o2 also, but there was a froth like that. I can't remember where or when I saw this, but a couple of people had reported a similar experience in DWC, but I wanted to mention it in case it's a clue to the concern Alaskan1 had with the froth/foam - maybe it's a longshot. Maybe A1 is using both products though and that's what caused it?

You were on the right track. It's the beneficial bacteria! Had my master grower friend take a look at it and thats what he said it was. The hygrozyme and orca. I have been sweating bullets over my plants and beneficials doing what they are suppose to do. I have so much air getting into the system the microbes are just going batshit and causing the foam. After much research and speaking with H202, hygrozyme Orca and WSU, I have pretty much found that you can't have TOO MUCH air when running beneficial microbes. The microbes thrive in conditions with lots of air.
My res conditions have finally stablized for the moment running anywhere from 65 to 68 degrees and with the microbes I have running around and as much air as I have running through the system everyone agrees that root rot stands very little chance.

I want to thank Jandre, Bass and X for always being there for me with advice. And OMM too with his support of always being around.
Sooooooo this is the begining of week 4. Not quite a month in the flo n gro system


Wowzers! Really growing great for you. That there is what I like to call a holy shit mofo badass jungle garden. I think some defoliation would help you keep it line if you are still thinking of doing it. Nice job so far!! :high-five:
Wowzers! Really growing great for you. That there is what I like to call a holy shit mofo badass jungle garden. I think some defoliation would help you keep it line if you are still thinking of doing it. Nice job so far!! :high-five:

Pretty awesome huh??

Thanks for the kudos X, I'm just trying to follow in your footsteps my friend :Namaste:
I'm all in. Did you flip the switch to 12/12?

No flippin yet. The grow before this I still have a bunch of room left in the tent. I want to try and get closer to the top if I can. May not be this sativa grow but the next I'll be letting them get to 24 - 28 inches before I flip them

Thanks for joining the journal SkyRocket !! :Namaste:
damn yes you are A1 very busy undeed
how the heck do you move around in there to do anything?
its like a jungle you got going
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