Excited to see the quads take shape! My critical girls are doing well and I’m about to start my autos off tomorrow as well!
Your whole grow right now seems to be on point. Your explanations and pictures are great. I applaud and appreciate your efforts in explaining quadlining to others and I love the detail in your updates. You definitely have done your research on quadlining and it shows in your writing.

If any of you haven't stopped by Dutch's thread it's really good. I'd highly recommend taking a visit and seeing what he has going on. Some great examples of quadlining going on there.
Your whole grow right now seems to be on point. Your explanations and pictures are great. I applaud and appreciate your efforts in explaining quadlining to others and I love the detail in your updates. You definitely have done your research on quadlining and it shows in your writing.

If any of you haven't stopped by Dutch's thread it's really good. I'd highly recommend taking a visit and seeing what he has going on. Some great examples of quadlining going on there.

Thank you kindly Ase! That really means a lot and I welcome anyone and everyone to join in over at my place!
Following. :) Am currently drying a harvest, but setting up for next grow. That will be 4 plants, topped and quad-lined.

Am going to start a new journal for that in a couple of weeks. Seeyahs!
Following. :) Am currently drying a harvest, but setting up for next grow. That will be 4 plants, topped and quad-lined.

Am going to start a new journal for that in a couple of weeks. Seeyahs!
Drop a link here when you get it going! Probably my favorite thing on these forums now is watching someone go through quadlining for the first time. I try not to say a lot and just observe unless I think I need to step in with some advice but it is very fun for me to watch people try it and start questioning what the hell they are doing. People always love the end result but it's definitely a mental process to get through when you are pinning things down or defoliating nodes. Looking forward to watching you quadline!
Day 6 Flip/Tangerine Dream Update

I decided to snap a picture of the girls just before the lights come on. It amazes me how every night the Purple Trainwreck in the bottom right corner gets so droopy and then perks up when the lights come on. I've had plants that did this before but just one or two so it cracks me up how back and forth she is. Anyways the stretch has begun and it looks like I may have to start pinching some of the colas that are popping up to try and keep things even. The DTF in the back left is going to be a big girl.

It was a much needed training session for the Tangerine Dream. I also decided to defoliate her as things were getting crowded. I was letting the under nodes (that face the coco) grow this time because there was plenty of time to veg them out so they could get to the surface. I scrapped that idea and got rid of the 8 undernodes on her. In my 3 gallon grows I usually only get rid of 4 but since this girl is so big, there was an extra set of undernodes to get rid of. There will likely even be one more set to get rid of as it continues to grow before I flip. Anyways, I removed some of the really large fan leaves that were restricting airlfow and cleaned up the middle. I even took two nodes off the middle that were clearly going to be taller than the rest and block a lot of light (you can see the bumps where they were in the picture if you look close. They are just out from the ties on the top two quadded branches. They would have been perfect clones but I'm not doing that right now). I'm very happy with how she looks currently and can't wait to see the bounce back. May even get to see it before the day is out. Need to get the other two main branches tied to the tent poles today too.
Drop a link here when you get it going! Probably my favorite thing on these forums now is watching someone go through quadlining for the first time. I try not to say a lot and just observe unless I think I need to step in with some advice but it is very fun for me to watch people try it and start questioning what the hell they are doing. People always love the end result but it's definitely a mental process to get through when you are pinning things down or defoliating nodes. Looking forward to watching you quadline!
Awesome grow man. Certainly feel free to step in any time/ next time before I break off a main trying to do this method . Been a lot of fun watching all of your guys’ grows. Definitely learning a lot from these journals.
The sour Deisel that I am growing now did that same droopy thing overnight before the lights came on in the am. Normally I am not in there before the lights come on at 4:45am. I just had to get to work early one morning and went in there to water 15 minutes early and saw her all drooped over. I watered them and went to work thinking about what I did to the poor girl all day. I cam home from work that night and went down there and low and behold she was up praying to the lights. It's weird that some plants do that and the others don't.
The sour Deisel that I am growing now did that same droopy thing overnight before the lights came on in the am. Normally I am not in there before the lights come on at 4:45am. I just had to get to work early one morning and went in there to water 15 minutes early and saw her all drooped over. I watered them and went to work thinking about what I did to the poor girl all day. I cam home from work that night and went down there and low and behold she was up praying to the lights. It's weird that some plants do that and the others don't.
I’ve been having some droopy girls just before lights out too. It makes me wonder if I should give them an hour more of dark?
All the girls are looking really really good Ase! My G13 has finished stretching. I thinned her out Wednesday night and have her down to 22 main tops. Not as even up top as I would like but I’m loving her shape nonetheless. Here she is.
I wanted to show you what’s going on with my Chem 91’ and your input. All the branches closest to the trunk are towering over the one on the end. She is still in veg. Her light schedule though is all jacked up. I try to pull her out before lights out to leave her in at least the light of the room. She may get a few hrs of dark when I get home before the lights come back on. She is trained out to the end of the pot, but the branches that should be growing and catching up with the others are still very short. I’ve pinched the stems of the tallest branches. I guess I’m just looking for any advice to get this girl looking how you’d like her to look before flipping. Lol. Or maybe I’m just worried over nothing. But here she is

Awesome grow man. Certainly feel free to step in any time/ next time before I break off a main trying to do this method . Been a lot of fun watching all of your guys’ grows. Definitely learning a lot from these journals.

Glad to have you along! When you start quadlining just let me know and I'll be there for sure! I don't think you are a true Quadliner unless you have broken off a main before. Hell I still do it once in a blue moon. It just comes along with the territory when you are sculpting plants. Glad you have been able to learn off something I did! Can't wait to see the quads in action!
All the girls are looking really really good Ase! My G13 has finished stretching. I thinned her out Wednesday night and have her down to 22 main tops. Not as even up top as I would like but I’m loving her shape nonetheless. Here she is.
I wanted to show you what’s going on with my Chem 91’ and your input. All the branches closest to the trunk are towering over the one on the end. She is still in veg. Her light schedule though is all jacked up. I try to pull her out before lights out to leave her in at least the light of the room. She may get a few hrs of dark when I get home before the lights come back on. She is trained out to the end of the pot, but the branches that should be growing and catching up with the others are still very short. I’ve pinched the stems of the tallest branches. I guess I’m just looking for any advice to get this girl looking how you’d like her to look before flipping. Lol. Or maybe I’m just worried over nothing. But here she is

The reason that I preach to train the mains at a 10-20% incline is because I had this happen once. I trained the mains completely flat and the mains ended up not producing as well but the middle of the plant exploded. At the time I had figured that the mains would stretch the most so if they were a little behind the rest that they would catch up. That didn't happen. Instead of the middle of the plant went nuts and the mains were just kind of there.

There is some science behind this when I was researching things (it's been a while since I did any new research and I know I say this a lot) but I remember someone saying that when you train a plant that the plant start sending different hormones out based on how you are training. An arm that is trained completely horizontal will be getting different hormones sent to it than one that is just left to go vertical. Basically the plant is trying to decipher what the heck is going on and it's telling each section of the plant what to do based on that. It's allocating its resources as it sees fit to correct what it sees as a problem. Well a plant doesn't want to grow nice and even (like we are going for with the quadline aka screenless scrog), it just wants to grow vertically. This is why the middle of your plant is exploding and the mains have slowed down. The middle looks to be taller than the mains by now so I am pretty sure the plant is just putting most of it's effort into growing those because they are just growing vertically. The mains are now below that level and need to be let up a bit so they are once again at that level. When everything is level I believe that the plant gets a little confused and just sends the same hormones in the same amounts to every cola.

With all that being said sometimes plants just don't cooperate and you have to supercrop and bend them like crazy. Normally with the quadline I don't have to do this but every couple grows I do. It's just what happens, some wild beasts just can't be tamed well. Also if it doesn't end up even everything will be just fine. The spacing looks good on your plant and that's really the key. The colas on the main you probably won't be thrilled with is my guess but since it's still in veg you could let the mains up a bit and see if that helps.
At the time I had figured that the mains would stretch the most so if they were a little behind the rest that they would catch up.
This was exactly where my mind was. Watching the mains pass all the others on the g13, I thought the chemdog may do the same once I flip. Glad I asked now. And you and Penny are both correct. When I first trained the branches they were pretty even but had a slight angle to them. But the trunk continued to grow vertical so now there is a negative angle coming off the trunk. I think I understand now. All the good growth is going to go to the highest point of the main branches? So with the highest point being close to the trunk, those are growing more than the ends which is exactly opposite of what we want. Lol. I had already removed all the ties except the ones at the edge of the pot. Once the lights are on I will see if I can get a better angle on the branches. They may be hardened at the trunk but hopefully I can manipulate them a tad. Since we are discussing this here I will drop a couple more pics here later Incase this is helpful for others at some point. Thanks guys!
Ok. So here is a pic showing the negative angle coming off the trunk.
and here is what I came up with to help a bit. I slid the garden stakes in at an angle and then moved them under the branch in a way that left pressure on the stake. I also loosened up the ends to create a better angle. There is still a negative angle coming off the trunk but I couldn’t get it any better than this. Hopefully it will help a bit. Also did a little defol after everything was repositioned.
Hey Ase,

Since the topic of the inner nodes being taller is being talked about i wanted to ask...

With my critical girls getting bigger I had he Center branch’s getting tall so I pinned them down

Now my question is the growth at the very Center from the lower section of the quad do you notice they catch up or will they always be a bit lower in the canopy?

Thanks for the help!
Hey Ase,

Since the topic of the inner nodes being taller is being talked about i wanted to ask...

With my critical girls getting bigger I had he Center branch’s getting tall so I pinned them down

Now my question is the growth at the very Center from the lower section of the quad do you notice they catch up or will they always be a bit lower in the canopy?

Thanks for the help!

If you keep training everything out like that then they should catch up. Depends how long you veg but when they catch up is probably when you'll be looking to flip them.
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