Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Oh dude that's genius. Its funny but when I was doing Los growing 2 years ago about. I was going around an collecting as many ladybugs as I could around the house an putting them in my tents. This was when I was in the back of the house man I had hundreds of ladybugs in that backroom hahahaha :rofl:. It was funny I had to ware my gpas beesuit helmet when I would go in there cause there would be dozens flying around ur face mouth an eyes flying up ur nose everything an those lil fukers bite lol. But man I never had a pest on my plants an they always looked so good. But then all of a sudden one year we just didnt get lady bugs that much any more. And now we barely get any so I would have to go an buy them or sumthn an idk where they sell ladybugs lol.

Yes they are available at the large box stores like Home **** Use to get them at Orchard Supply but think
they all closed down. Also available on-line.

Also They do reproduce in the home so its long term

Cool thing is they will stop a infestation before it gets started OH I think they like the FOLIAR spray I noticed
they get a bit frisky after spraying


Interesting bit of Trivia

The most common legend as to how ladybugs got their name is that during the middle ages in Europe, swarms of aphids were destroying crops. The farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help – and help came in the form of ladybugs that devoured the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops!

The Ladybugs came, ate the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops! The farmers began calling the ladybugs "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became known as "Lady Beetles"! The red wings represented the Virgin's cloak and the black spots represented her joys and sorrows.
Yes they are available at the large box stores like Home **** Use to get them at Orchard Supply but think
they all closed down. Also available on-line.

Also They do reproduce in the home so its long term

Cool thing is they will stop a infestation before it gets started OH I think they like the FOLIAR spray I noticed
they get a bit frisky after spraying


Interesting bit of Trivia

The most common legend as to how ladybugs got their name is that during the middle ages in Europe, swarms of aphids were destroying crops. The farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help – and help came in the form of ladybugs that devoured the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops!

The Ladybugs came, ate the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops! The farmers began calling the ladybugs "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became known as "Lady Beetles"! The red wings represented the Virgin's cloak and the black spots represented her joys and sorrows.

Awesome lil bit of trivia there and glad to know they like the foilers and reproduce cause then I can get a batch and do what ur doing lol. So all I need is raisins and a wet sponge?
Awesome lil bit of trivia there and glad to know they like the foilers and reproduce cause then I can get a batch and do what ur doing lol. So all I need is raisins and a wet sponge?

Below is a link to the page in my Old Journal that explains How to build
also if you check post #438 there is an update showing they are still very active.
They did last all the way to the End

Hey all, I hit 3 places yesterday and everyone is completely sold out of worm castings. Crappy tire had a soil blend with ewc but I'm sure that wont work. Looked on the zon and it would cost me $150.00 in shipping to get 30 lbs so might be waiting on some stores to restock... :-(
Hey all, I hit 3 places yesterday and everyone is completely sold out of worm castings. Crappy tire had a soil blend with ewc but I'm sure that wont work. Looked on the zon and it would cost me $150.00 in shipping to get 30 lbs so might be waiting on some stores to restock... :-(

Bummer my local Grow Stores can usually get it in a few days
NO K *******
The BRAND Below reads

and works fine, just make sure the last
number is ZERO

Its not uncommon for the Grow store Employees to look at you with a WTF expression, Most
have no idea what the numbers are in EWC and most brands dont even list it

Hey I guys doing the leaf wash to get ride of spidermites should I just treat it the same and spray shortly after lights on or should i do it when lights off or does it not really matter?

Not sure as I have never used the Leaf Wash but wanted to mention if using
with lights on AS I do with the Brix. I do it at lights on BUT I turn down my
adjustable Ballast to the low setting for an hour or so
Thanks guys, I've located 45 3L bags in the next town over so after the Escape room with a group of 12 yr old girls (my daughters birthday party) I'll make a run and grab (to my best calculations) 6 or 7 bags to make 30 lbs.

That sounds a bit off 3L Bags. Sounds like a liquid measurement
I am very anal with numbers so i get confused easily:rofl::rofl:

EDIT: Maybe bring your bathroom scale and weight it

conversion result for two water volume vs. weight units:
From unit SymbolEquals ResultTo unit Symbol
1 liter of water l= 2.20pounds of water lb wt.
Not sure as I have never used the Leaf Wash but wanted to mention if using
with lights on AS I do with the Brix. I do it at lights on BUT I turn down my
adjustable Ballast to the low setting for an hour or so

Oh yeah I forget my Quantum Board lights let me do that now :rofl:. I totally forgot about the dimming feature cause it's on the power supply an I have that running outside the tent up on top so I dont see it all the time. But yea any1 running quantum boards that can tell me what screw do I turn to dim it dwn?
Hey I guys doing the leaf wash to get ride of spidermites should I just treat it the same and spray shortly after lights on or should i do it when lights off or does it not really matter?
DO NOT spray with lights on.... I usually do my IPM right after lights out and Foliar feeds get done like 30 min after the plants wake up because this is when the stomata are the most open but I obviously turn the lights off when doing that too
I meant that as in the plants wake up then I turn the lights off with just the fluorescent room light on and foliar feed them. After about an hour I turn the lights back on
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