Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

On cloning: You don't even need rockwool. Sqwheels clones by sticking them in a glass of plain water, and has a lot of success. It can be that simple.

Just to share what I do: I clone under 24/0, with rapid rooters (which are the BOMB for seedlings and clones). There is only 2 single t5 lights above them. I pre-soak the rapid rooters in clonex liquid, and use roottech gel on the cuttings. So far, aside from 2 that were an experiment, every clone has rooted successfully in about 7-10 days (the SLH likes to drag it's feet sometimes, but usually 10 days). I keep them under a humidity dome until they root, and then I pretty quickly get them up to speed outside of the dome. I used to re-wet the rooters with more of a clonex solution, but have found that bottled spring water seems to work just as well to keep the rooters moist until they have rooted (I still pre-soak them in clonex to start with though).
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

i tried cloning in a little tub of water and i had 3 clones in each cup, none of them rooted, the water wasnt bubbling though so maybe that was my reason why it didnt work, also i used rooting gel when i think i should of just used water on its own,

if i do use just water on its own then let me know and ill give it another try, but all 6 i did never rooted they just stayed in the water for about 3 weeks and nothing changed.

i have read that you can keep a clone alive in the fridge for months and months, all you do is cut the clone and lie it down as it is in a cup or tub of water, make sure the clone is lying down so the leaves are in the water, then put a cover over it and it will keep in the fridge for ages, you can then take it out a month or more later and use it as normal clone and it will then start rooting, the cool fridge temps keeps it viable for pretty much as long as you like, i have also not tried this but i read it in a journal on here so it does actually work
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

im goint to take a clone later. i will squirt 1 ml of rooting hormone into a glass of water and put the cutting in that..(ill use a straw to blow air bubbles in the water every day)

I might even set up my camera on a stand in front of it (so camera doesnt move) and take 1 photo every day to document the proccess.

a quick question on topping for clones (this one wont be the top, they come soon). if you take the top, just above where the two flowering branches form, do those 'tops' grow into propper tops?

im thinking that my future cloning is just going to be tops. plant a top, let it grow 4 nodes then attatch my pre rooter (see my thread) for a week, cut and go again, ad infinitum. would this be a good cloning operation?

if so it allows one to have no mothers, it can just be a clone army of 4 node high flowering dwarfs .
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

I will try cannabis in a cup of straight water in the next go round. Actually make that two cups. One in RO water and one in water from my tap.

A couple months ago I took a sprig of rosemary from my garden to use in a dish. I stuck the left over piece in a cup of tap water on the kitchen window sill after I used what I needed, just to make it keep longer. Two weeks later it had rooted. Rosemary is a very woody stem. I now have that rosemary living outside in a styrofoam cooler converted to a DWC. It's happy as can be. All I do is use nute solution from changes for my girls.

So yes, straight water rooting is possible. Viability with cannabis needs to be tested. And I imagine there will be strain differences, some rooting faster than others. We already see this.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

a quick question on topping for clones (this one wont be the top, they come soon). if you take the top, just above where the two flowering branches form, do those 'tops' grow into propper tops?

Yes. Any stem you cut will cause the next side shoot(s) down to switch to 'top mode' growing rather than side shoot.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

I will try cannabis in a cup of straight water in the next go round. Actually make that two cups. One in RO water and one in water from my tap.

A couple months ago I took a sprig of rosemary from my garden to use in a dish. I stuck the left over piece in a cup of tap water on the kitchen window sill after I used what I needed, just to make it keep longer. Two weeks later it had rooted. Rosemary is a very woody stem. I now have that rosemary living outside in a styrofoam cooler converted to a DWC. It's happy as can be. All I do is use nute solution from changes for my girls.

So yes, straight water rooting is possible. Viability with cannabis needs to be tested. And I imagine there will be strain differences, some rooting faster than others. We already see this.

Before you do that, check this link out. Sqwheels, a really cool member here, does it all the time and has documented it in her thread here:

Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

aero cloners give the fastest root and best root growth in my opinion. I clone hundreds of cuttings per month and i get just about 100% success rate. I usually use clonex gel but only really to seal the cut to prevent embolism. But it tends to clog the sprayers which is a head bust. I am currently trialling just dipping the cutting in water to seal the cut and from what ive researched it should make very little difference as the clonex is rinsed straight off in the cloner anyway.

As for light cycle i have cloners under cfls on 24/7 and cloners under 600w hps in the veg room on 18/6. I am fidning if u leave the cloner to the side of the 600w and not directly under that it starts showing roots alot faster, about 3/4 days compared to 6/7 under the cfls.

just my 2 cents.......
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

Welcome Cultivator! Thanks for chiming in! I definitely will try an aero system at some point. 3-4 days is pretty impressive!!

aero cloners give the fastest root and best root growth in my opinion. I clone hundreds of cuttings per month and i get just about 100% success rate. I usually use clonex gel but only really to seal the cut to prevent embolism. But it tends to clog the sprayers which is a head bust. I am currently trialling just dipping the cutting in water to seal the cut and from what ive researched it should make very little difference as the clonex is rinsed straight off in the cloner anyway.

As for light cycle i have cloners under cfls on 24/7 and cloners under 600w hps in the veg room on 18/6. I am fidning if u leave the cloner to the side of the 600w and not directly under that it starts showing roots alot faster, about 3/4 days compared to 6/7 under the cfls.

just my 2 cents.......
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

@Cultivator, I have noticed that my largest buds growing under hps on the out skirts seem to be the ones that are filling out the most! but I also have cfls as supplementle lighting. just an observation:):peace:
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

after seeing what sqwheels does i tried it and i can confirm plain water works fine i have roots on several chemdog clones and white widow x big bud too little slower than my humidity dome but just a couple days i changed the water every few days, by far the cheapest easiest way, i will use my dome from now on because i have it ,but i wish i had known this years ago would have saved me lots of $/hastle:thumb:
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

No probs heir.

I got cuttings down to a science now pretty much although i not much of a scientist! haha all i know is that what i do works, and i have done it over and over so it not a one off. the thing is i work with lots space and am lucky enough to have multiple grow rooms. I understand not everyone has the space, equipment or the dollars to get the best set up but aerocloners are the best way to clone for the most part in my opinion.

to fish, i have not noticed that before but i am going to watch for it now just to see. where 2 lights overlap i get crazy growth and buds i know that for sure ;)
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

heres an example of my aeroroots just so u can see what i mean, i hope u dont think i am hijacking ur journal by showing this?


this isnt the best clone ive ever done but only pic i have handy right now


Just an after thought, i have 6 air stones in my 105 site cloners and 2/3 in my 36 site cloners. They make a huge diff and stops rot wen roots hit res
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

@fishcake, i have noticed with my hps the same thing as well, i tried messing about with the reflector to get the light more even, but what i found is that directly under the bulb in the middle of the reflector the light is not as bright as it is towards the edge of the reflector, im thinking that more light is reflected by the edges of the reflector than it is below the bulb, im thinkin that below the bulb gets slightly less light as the light is not reflecting strait down as much due to the light reflecting upwards from the bulb and then bouncing back onto the bulb, but at the edges the bulb is shining down but its also shining outwards towards the edge of the reflector, so this then reflects the light back down off the reflector so your not only getting the light from the bulb as you would if the plant was directly below the bulb but your also getting the reflected light as well,
where as directly below the bulb your only getting the light from the bulb due to the bulb been in the way to reflect the upwards light back down,

i hope you can understand that, it was getting a bit consufing even for me, playing about with the reflector got me the most light, instead of it spreading the light further than needed i bent the refletor only slightly so it kept the reflected light in my grow area instead of spreading it further than needed, i found this game more more light on the plants and they do seem to grow quicker when the plants are not directly under the light, what i do now is every few days swap all my pots around so this gives them an even spread of light all over the plants
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

im going to try cloning again in water, when my 2ltr hempies are ready to have branches removed ill give them a try in plain water, but i tried using water last time and none rooted even after 3 weeks, not sure what i was doing wrong, i was only using small pots though so not sure if this made a difference, didnt hold much water but was twice as deep as the clone, not one grew roots, all where dipped in rooting gel, i might try droping a few drops in the 1 pot and none in the other and see if either will grow roots, do i need to change the water or just place the clones in and let them go under the lights, is it worth me spraying the water to creat air bubbles or not, ill read squeels and see what i can pick up
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

i built a diy aero cloner, i quit using it cuz i was getting massive pithium infections in it due to mr au natural well water, but it did work well ,i have it now as a backup, but cups of water are nearly free by comparison to running pumps airstones etc every penny counts

my tap water is pretty good and i never get any unhealthy root or disease. air stones help hugely and once roots are inch plus adding frozen milk cartons to keep temps around 65f helps loads. Its all relative, it depends how many cuttings u need, how fast and how often.....

At the end of the day there are many ways which will give successful roots, i just think if u need them in numbers, often and in a reliable way then the aerocloners are perfect. However i wont deny that there are other effective ways to do it. liquid oxygen or h2o2 works great at first sign of pithium but u must be careful with it.
re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

So it looks like I'm on hold for my trip, at least for now. My family basically fired the Dr. who was supposedly taking care of my Gramps. The new one right away found problems in meds, found a major infection....
He's doing much better. He's conscience and talking. Eating for the first time in several weeks. It's amazing. I would talk about the things I would like to do to that other Dr. when I do get to MT, but that's probably not a wise idea.

This means, for at least a few days, that I'm staying here. With my ladies and my babies. In fact I'm so happy that I'm going to take my ladies and make some babies!

re: Heirlooms' Hashplant Haze Hydro Perpetual Grow

im goint to take a clone later. i will squirt 1 ml of rooting hormone into a glass of water and put the cutting in that..(ill use a straw to blow air bubbles in the water every day)

I might even set up my camera on a stand in front of it (so camera doesnt move) and take 1 photo every day to document the proccess.

a quick question on topping for clones (this one wont be the top, they come soon). if you take the top, just above where the two flowering branches form, do those 'tops' grow into propper tops?

im thinking that my future cloning is just going to be tops. plant a top, let it grow 4 nodes then attatch my pre rooter (see my thread) for a week, cut and go again, ad infinitum. would this be a good cloning operation?

if so it allows one to have no mothers, it can just be a clone army of 4 node high flowering dwarfs .

Yup! I take my clones from ANY place that looks very healthy... if that just happens to be a pruning from a topping procedure, so be it.
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