In The Lab

My girls are in 10 gal smart pots now and for my Drenches I'm using 2 gallons of water +8-10ml drench +1-2ml tea per plant. Seems to be working great so far.

That sounds very reasonable and it's no surprise you're getting good results. You're using the products as intended.

You might consider watering a smaller amount more frequently gets you better results. Just for fun, cut back to 1.5 gallons and water once more during the week.

Cannabis doesn't like wet feet. It can really sprint in a well oxygenated, not too damp soil; which means resin. You could actually develop what I call a resin problem, where leaves are so covered in resin the plant looks fuzzy.
Nice plant Rad! I can certainly understand why you'd want to give it another go.

I've never re-vegged a plant. I know to put it under 24 hour light and leave a few small green shoots. I'd keep the temps at about 75 and use light DeStress on it once or twice.

Somehow, I think that would work, but I've never done it. If someone else chimes in who has actually done it, I would take their actual advice over my speculation. I'm so high right now, I'm not even sure I'm making sense.

Everyone please have a nice evening!

.. I love this response so much ..
LMFAO!! I've been getting shocked regular-like. Pretty good sometimes too...especially when I shake it good and crack it open. Scares me every time, but then I start cracking up.

Sure ... just the kind of surprise a loadie needs. :straightface: Sparks from my nutes? :hmmmm: ... Umm ... :lot-o-toke:
I'm glad I know ahead of time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

... fun to think about marketing potential though ... gives me a chuckle, heheh - sparks! - how's That for magic minerals, folks? ... Dunno, maybe not. :laugh:

I wonder what it looks like in the dark?
Nice plant Rad! I can certainly understand why you'd want to give it another go.

I've never re-vegged a plant. I know to put it under 24 hour light and leave a few small green shoots. I'd keep the temps at about 75 and use light DeStress on it once or twice.

Somehow, I think that would work, but I've never done it. If someone else chimes in who has actually done it, I would take their actual advice over my speculation. I'm so high right now, I'm not even sure I'm making sense.

Everyone please have a nice evening!

.. I love this response so much ..

Agreed .. It's why a lot of us are here :)
I have to share. :laughtwo: I went into the tent to get the Carnival. This was my CBD Critical Cure before her Trans drench


and after :cheesygrinsmiley:


Doc, you made this obsessive hobby fun. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Wow Sue, what a great rebound!!!
I went with the solo 419. But I considered the 420 :)

My light bulb moment was making it down to the bottom of my first bottle of Grow Energy and finding thick stuff -- I hadn't been shaking the bottles before use!

Now that I shake the bottles before use, my girls look much better fed :)

Haha, it's the little things that get us isn't it Rad! Glad you figured that out.
That sounds very reasonable and it's no surprise you're getting good results. You're using the products as intended.

You might consider watering a smaller amount more frequently gets you better results. Just for fun, cut back to 1.5 gallons and water once more during the week.

Cannabis doesn't like wet feet. It can really sprint in a well oxygenated, not too damp soil; which means resin. You could actually develop what I call a resin problem, where leaves are so covered in resin the plant looks fuzzy.

I use a 2.5qt paint bucket to water and pour it twice so 1.25 gallons and they seem to love it. Some do need a bit more and get it. They are all on different schedules because I like to check weight and feed just before the soil starts to get dry. You must be vigilant and watch the soil like a hawk and account for how much the plant will use overnight, dribbling a quart in here or there if necessary. Like a wet not sopping sponge to damp sponge to wet sponge. I'm getting adequate levels of fuzziness.
I use a 2.5qt paint bucket to water and pour it twice so 1.25 gallons and they seem to love it. Some do need a bit more and get it. They are all on different schedules because I like to check weight and feed just before the soil starts to get dry. You must be vigilant and watch the soil like a hawk and account for how much the plant will use overnight, dribbling a quart in here or there if necessary. Like a wet not sopping sponge to damp sponge to wet sponge. I'm getting adequate levels of fuzziness.

beautiful, shiggs!! :circle-of-love:
Do ya have any new pics of your BD? She's a purdy one

Matter of fact I do! Just kicked up a Journal and posted some updates today. :slide:

Hey Buck,...Beaves has got 'Dugg's Northern Security Services' looking after his fat lil girl! :rofl: She wants a bigger tent...:slide:


Lovin this DB...:)

Speaking of fat, I just gave that thirsty girl a GE today so that should make her happy. :morenutes:
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