Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

So what do you think the Sexual Maturity matters in a plant that is flipped Van

why wait is my question
Well I wait because I want bigger plants. I generally veg for about 8 about the 4-5 week mark the plant will tell me what sex it is. Being that I am trying to grow mostly regular seeds, the plants reaching sexual maturity is kind of a big deal for my tent. If someone grows all fems, then no need to worry.
Well I wait because I want bigger plants. I generally veg for about 8 about the 4-5 week mark the plant will tell me what sex it is. Being that I am trying to grow mostly regular seeds, the plants reaching sexual maturity is kind of a big deal for my tent. If someone grows all fems, then no need to worry.
Do you think, besides the size obviously, there is a big difference in a Mature or Not plant going to flower
Do you think, besides the size obviously, there is a big difference in a Mature or Not plant going to flower
Well I think if you put a sexually immature plant into flower, its going to take longer to start throwing pistils than a sexually mature plant. I don't think it will start to flower until the plant gets to be sexually mature. I don't think that changing the lighting is going to make it happen (being sexually mature) any faster. Really I would say its up to the grower.

I am not saying others should wait for the plant to reach maturity before putting it into flower. If a grower wants to do all means do it. Really I only brought up the alternating nodes for others out there that might be interested in pre-sexing their plants before flowering them in case they are growing regular seeds and so they would know when they could start to look and expect to see either balls or hairs.
The oil does smell strongly of cannabis so its not something you want to apply if stealth is needed or you are leaving your house for important tasks.

Love being legal in Maine...I do my errands (grocery, post office, bank) after harvesting smelling heavily of fresh buds. Every once in a while you get the big grin from someone who can appreciate the heady fragrance!
So Van, you're not vegging for 8 weeks so you can determine the sex of your plants prior to flowering them. You are vegging your plants for 8 weeks because you want larger plants in your flowering tent that will produce more product once put into flowering. This is my plan as well for my upcoming grow. I want to let my two plants (clones) veg for about 8 or 9 weeks especially now that I know how much they will stretch and how big they will get when flipped.

The plants I have flowering now leave a LOT of unused space because I put my plants into flowering once they were big/old enough (about 5 weeks) I could take cuttings from them to make clones. I now have learned two things. If I wait 8 weeks not only can I take larger cuttings (larger clones) but the plants will also grow and stretch quite a bit more and fill the tent better thus maximizing the wattage used to grow them.
That is exactly it. I know that growing in soil, I grow a little slower than those that use synthetic nutes and I am perfectly good with that. To counter that, I just need to veg a little longer. Also....8 weeks veg fits perfect into my plant limit in conjunction with a perpetual grow. I can only have 12 plants. I figure an average of 10 weeks to flower per plant. I want to harvest roughly every two weeks. That means I will generally have 4 or 5 plants in various stages of flower and 4 or 5 plants in various stage of veg.

This leaves me 2-3 openings for clones or males when I find something I want to play around with. Think of an assembly line of plants. Every two weeks, a new bean gets dropped. About that time a plant in flower should be getting chopped. That also signals me to pull the most mature plant from veg to take over the spot that was being held down by the plant that got chopped. 8 weeks of veg works perfect for that schedule and plant limit.

Now like a fight, everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face. I realize my plants can punch back and might not want to stick to my schedule. There will be strains that are supposed to be ready in 9 weeks that will probably end up taking 11 or even 12 weeks. There might be the occasional strain that is supposed to take 8 weeks and it might only take 7. This is a tentative plan and schedule and we are fully prepared to have monkey wrenches thrown in our plans.

We already learned we have to space out strains that we are growing from regular seeds (we drop 2 beans when regulars). The two Stankberry and two Harlequins back to back kind of overcrowded the early part of the grow.....but I also realized there was a chance we might have one or two males in them so I took the chance. So needing to drop 2 beans has made us switch around a few upcoming strains to throw a couple feminized seeds in the mix.
Man its sooooooooooo Hard to cull a Plant

Ive planted two or three assuming id Get a male, then I get 3 females, well, I cant Kill em... Right!!!!
I can only have 12 plants. I figure an average of 10 weeks to flower per plant. I want to harvest roughly every two weeks. That means I will generally have 4 or 5 plants in various stages of flower and 4 or 5 plants in various stage of veg.

We grow within the legal limits as well, but here is something to consider. Plant aren't counted when chopped...if it gets crowded and you are at limit (but never over, oh no)...the minute you get a call/car in the driveway/knock on the have your shears on the wall like a fire extinguisher and CHOP! All good. :slide:
That is exactly it. I know that growing in soil, I grow a little slower than those that use synthetic nutes and I am perfectly good with that. To counter that, I just need to veg a little longer. Also....8 weeks veg fits perfect into my plant limit in conjunction with a perpetual grow. I can only have 12 plants. I figure an average of 10 weeks to flower per plant. I want to harvest roughly every two weeks. That means I will generally have 4 or 5 plants in various stages of flower and 4 or 5 plants in various stage of veg.

This leaves me 2-3 openings for clones or males when I find something I want to play around with. Think of an assembly line of plants. Every two weeks, a new bean gets dropped. About that time a plant in flower should be getting chopped. That also signals me to pull the most mature plant from veg to take over the spot that was being held down by the plant that got chopped. 8 weeks of veg works perfect for that schedule and plant limit.

Now like a fight, everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face. I realize my plants can punch back and might not want to stick to my schedule. There will be strains that are supposed to be ready in 9 weeks that will probably end up taking 11 or even 12 weeks. There might be the occasional strain that is supposed to take 8 weeks and it might only take 7. This is a tentative plan and schedule and we are fully prepared to have monkey wrenches thrown in our plans.

We already learned we have to space out strains that we are growing from regular seeds (we drop 2 beans when regulars). The two Stankberry and two Harlequins back to back kind of overcrowded the early part of the grow.....but I also realized there was a chance we might have one or two males in them so I took the chance. So needing to drop 2 beans has made us switch around a few upcoming strains to throw a couple feminized seeds in the mix.
Have you ever considered using synthetic in the first part of the grow then switching to organic nutes during flowering? (if not in soil)
We grow within the legal limits as well, but here is something to consider. Plant aren't counted when chopped...if it gets crowded and you are at limit (but never over, oh no)...the minute you get a call/car in the driveway/knock on the have your shears on the wall like a fire extinguisher and CHOP! All good. :slide:
Well, not exactly the same thing but in a way similar. Back when I was smoking in the early 70s I visited the same guy every Friday for a little bag of smoke. This guy was more then likely certifiably insane but he had good stuff. One night he had smoked more then he should have probably. He shook himself out of his fog seeing flashing lights outside his windows. He jumped up, tossed some gas or kerosene on the wall and lit it. Place burned to the ground but the EMTs were right there next door as he watched his landlord's rental home go (Cheech and Chong) UP IN SMOKE so he didn't get busted.
She really is! I am very proud of how well her plants are doing! She has a great eye when it comes to defoliating and shaping them.

I also have to say I am very pleased so far with the genetics from BC Bud Depot. Gonna have to take a look at some more of their strains.

Just getting caught up over here. I can highly recommend BC Bud Depot's Strawberry Cough. It's very potent and tasty. I could actually taste some cinnamon on exhale.
Just getting caught up over here. I can highly recommend BC Bud Depot's Strawberry Cough. It's very potent and tasty. I could actually taste some cinnamon on exhale.
Good morning Van...Neiko...yes i will second that motion...BC Bud Depot....great seed depot.May i recommend their God gonna grow them again..did back in 04 i believe!
Very, very great tasting and some potent cannabis...:thumb:
Are we allowed to mention/talk about the BC Bud Depot because their seeds are sold on the Seedsman site?
Hey guys, got back home the mountains. Got home to see the beginning stages of the deficiency the Nukehead is suffering from was starting to show up on the female Stankberry. Ms Stank and I got both Stankberry plants up-potted and I watered them with a bit of fish emulsion fertilizer, a teaspoon of Cal-Mag, and a teaspoon of Silica.

Also discovered that while I thought I was giving the Nukehead some Cal-Mag to see if it helped with the deficiency, I was actually giving it some Silica. wonder she wasn't responding the way I thought she was. See what happens when Marines try to read!! I need pictures! Words....what the hell am I supposed to do with those!

I know I am beating a dead horse when I describe how vigorous these Stankberry plants are, but the ones we just up-potted were root bound in 2 weeks and 2 days. It took the Nukehead 3.5 weeks. Decided from now on our initial up pot (Going from solo cups to their 1st pot) we will use bigger pots. With this new light, the plants are really testing its ability to meet the plants demand. Bigger pots are a definite must with this new light and not feeding any synthetic nutes. Going to up-pot to 2 gallon pots going forward. Second up-pot will be either 7 or 10 gallon pots after the 2 gallon pots.

We haven't checked the roots on the Harlequins yet, but we will up-pot them tomorrow. We don't want to wait for whatever deficiency the other plants are getting to show up in Ms Stanks Harlequins.

The Blue Dream is looking perfectly happy and healthy and her colors are gorgeous. The Northern Lights seed hasn't broke the surface yet. My guess was that it would happen late tonight.

Ok, quick update done.....will get around to responding to previous posts on here!
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