The Vivosun Bud Factory - 4 Kush Mints Clones In RDWC 5x5 VSFD6500

The Vivosun Bud Factory
Kush Mints Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System settings: RDWC Flower Recipe in FLOWER mode (Flower lighting with flower env)
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 22:00-08:00 - OFF
    • 08:00-20:00 - 85% Flowering mode (40 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6 x 2
    • 00:00-24:00 - Natural Wind
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 23:00-04:00 - 48% RH, speed 8
    • 04:00-22:00 - 80F & 60% RH, speed 10
    • 22:00-23:00 - 50% RH, speed 5 (slow ramp down)
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode

Date: 4/10/24 Day# 88 (Flip day# 49, Flower day# 40)
Strain: Cannapot Kush Mints (ApeOrigin) fem photo clones
Nutrients: Prescription Blend, Hydroguard, Z7
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

I've had the pH meter out every day with the coco grow, so I've been measuring the RDWC res more often. The Prescription Blend stays really steady. I've added 35 gallons to a 45 gallon res, though, so it's time for a change soon. I'm hoping it will be the last time before flush/harvest.
Kush Mints RDWC Tracker.png
These ladies are fattening up nicely and getting frosty all over. The smell just walking down the basement stairs is incredible. I'm starting to see more orange pistils as the buds start to ripen. The only change I'm making now is lowering the RH, down to 60% day/48% night. I'll continue bringing the RH down over the next few weeks. There is lots of airflow in there, but I still want to keep the RH low as the buds get denser. I'm keeping the VSFD6500 at 85%. I've been reducing it at the end of the grow, too soon I think. For now, I'm keeping my foot on the gas, let's see what these ladies can do!

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
The Vivosun Bud Factory
Kush Mints Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System settings: RDWC Flower Recipe in FLOWER mode (Flower lighting with flower env)
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 22:00-08:00 - OFF
    • 08:00-20:00 - 85% Flowering mode (40 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6 x 2
    • 00:00-24:00 - Natural Wind
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 23:00-04:00 - 48% RH, speed 8
    • 04:00-22:00 - 80F & 60% RH, speed 10
    • 22:00-23:00 - 50% RH, speed 5 (slow ramp down)
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode

Date: 4/15/24 Day# 93 (Flip day# 54, Flower day# 45)
Strain: Cannapot Kush Mints (ApeOrigin) fem photo clones
Nutrients: Prescription Blend, Hydroguard, Z7
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

I finally got around to changing the res yesterday. It'll be the last res change with PB, I have enough to top off for a few weeks but not enough for another res change. If these ladies go longer I'll give them something else.

When I filled up the res I skipped the pH down entirely. I measured when it was full, and it measured at 1220/5.9. I was surprised the pH was so low, and as I watched it ticked up to 6.0. I went ahead and added 4ml pH down and came back a few hours later, and it read 6.0pH. This morning, it was at 6.4 so I added 5ml pH down. I usually add 12-15ml pH down on res change, but I've noticed the PB doesn't seem to need as much. I'll be checking daily for the next few days and adjusting accordingly, trying to keep it at 5.9-6.1.
Kush Mints RDWC Tracker.png
These ladies are still healthy and putting on bud. The leaves started to look a little lighter but I'm hoping the new res will take care of that. The smell is really picking up. My son visited this weekend and said he smelled it as soon as he left the car! So, I'm considering doing something I rarely do... putting a filter on the exhaust. With a few more weeks to go, we may not notice the smell but the rest of the neighborhood will ;)

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow

Still pushing out the white pistils and happy as can be in there!
Thanks Shed, they don't seem to be in any hurry ;)
Looking good LKA, :) I can't wait to see that final ripening swell!!!:cheer::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thanks GH and me too, the colas are already pretty big.
Nose blind is definitely a thing. I never smelled my tent plants at all, but everyone who walked in the front door did!
Oh, I know my wife and I are nose blind. Occasionally, I'll blow my nose or sneeze or something and the first thing I smell is weed :)
The Vivosun Bud Factory
Kush Mints Clones in RDWC

Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System and the VSFD6500
Sponsored by VIVOSUN

Welcome back to the Vivosun Bud Factory, a Vivosun 5x5 (60x60x80) advanced grey tent equipped with a custom Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS) with a Vivosun VSFD6500 and a 45g 4-site RDWC system.

Vivosun Smart Grow System settings: RDWC Flower Recipe in FLOWER mode (Flower lighting with flower env)
  • Light - Vivosun VSFD6500
    • 19:00-08:00 - OFF
    • 08:00-19:00 - 85% Flowering mode (40 DLI)
  • Circulation - Vivosun AeroWave E6 x 2
    • 00:00-24:00 - Natural Wind
  • Exhaust - Vivosun 6" AeroZesh
    • 20:00-04:00 - 46% RH, speed 8
    • 04:00-19:00 - 80F & 58% RH, speed 10
    • 19:00-20:00 - 48% RH, speed 5 (slow ramp down)
Other Equipment:
- Vivosun 13" oscillating floor fan oscillating horizontally and vertically, on natural wind mode

Date: 5/7/24 Day# 115 (Flip day# 76, Flower day# 67)
Strain: Cannapot Kush Mints (ApeOrigin) fem photo clones
Nutrients: Prescription Blend Wk7, Hydroguard, Z7, Purpinator
Medium: 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)

Wow, life got a little too busy for a couple of weeks. Work picked up, a lot of vegetable garden work outside and everything else spring brings. I dropped off the grid for a couple of weeks, deleted all my social media apps (except 420) and got a lot done. Now it's time to ease back into things ;)

Since the last res change I've topped off the reservoir with mostly water. Lately I've been adding some purpinator in there to keep the P/K/S/Mg numbers up. The pH still seems pretty stable and there are still plenty of nutrients left for these ladies.
Kush Mints RDWC Tracker.png
I've watched as the upper leaves go yellow but there is still plenty of green in there. There are foxtails and nanners, but I've mostly left everything alone. I haven't even opened the tent to take pictures in the last couple of weeks. Yesterday I opened it up and got some pictures, trichome pictures even. The trics are more mature than I expected, a lot of cloudy and a few amber.

These ladies might actually be ready to harvest soon. That's a good thing, because I'll be going on vacation for a week at the end of the month. I need the Bud Factory to be cleaned out and empty by then. That's three weeks away, though, so I'm feeling pretty confident (famous last words). I'll start the harvest by the end of next week at the latest. That gives me a week to get through harvest and get everything in the drying closet. They can hang out in the drying closet while I'm on vacation :)

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
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