ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

yes im a day late but im rolling with my update :rofl:

ok lets start with the doctor









Blue Dream X Grand Daddy Purps
lotta super cropping on this one and ongoing :rofl:






Northern Lights Blue Auto





Sleestack Skunk



White Russian



Cs project im not sure if any pollen took this time around
this is the first time ive taken pollen off a plant and it was all nanners and no little puffs of pollen dropping off when I pluck the
nanners oh well we will see Ill give it a couple more weeks by then I should be able to tell if it took if not its coming down
itll be well past by then so maybe I dry it and throw it in the oil/butter/hash bag
next round will be the blue dream x grand daddy purps which came off a regular seed so it should hopefully work out good and after that one ill have to buy more 240ppm cs






bd x gdp cuttings gonna have roots soon the 3 I knew would have a good chance to make it looks like will root the tiny one wont it looks like but ill give it a week and see so well have enough for the next cs project looks like this one once it roots will be re-vegging as it has a tiny bud on the top of 2 of the cuttings so maybe I just use 2 plants and grow out one lol



you can tell its still mainly eating off the leaves that will change soon


ok on to some group photos and that will be it for this week
doctor will be on flush from probably Saturday its said to only be a 8 week bloom but an extra week
suppose to make it tastier and some kinda change to the resin well see its not a very big plant but it has a nice center cola and some decent topes on some of the side branching






Have a Great Week Guys and Gals :thumb:
How close can you grow to LED lights :hmmmm: Oh I see place the light inside the plant :rofl:
How close can you grow to LED lights :hmmmm: Oh I see place the light inside the plant :rofl:
:rofl: I believe the Advanced LED lamps are the only lamps you can get away with that, they run cool.

Great update Cronic.
Looks like you are still turning great green out Buddy! :thumb:

Thanks Buddy Nice to see you stopping by :Namaste:

Churning out quality meds at a nice constant rate.
me likes. :high-five:

Thanks Dusty :Namaste:

How close can you grow to LED lights :hmmmm: Oh I see place the light inside the plant :rofl:

:rofl:to be honest you don't want the plant actually touching the light it causes moisture in turn burns the spots with moisture
created by heat and no where for it to transpire, if you keep it at least an inch off the light you wont get burn you may get bleaching
depending on plants genetics 4-6 inches some wont bleach some will at 12-18 inches most plants wont bleach some still will
at 18 to 24 inches it be rare for the tops to bleach but what I do notice it the tops I have closer to the light get much bigger
just thought id lay out my observations from the 3 years use of Advanced LED's
but yea it be cool to have some of them led strips and run em through the plants :rofl:

:rofl: I believe the Advanced LED lamps are the only lamps you can get away with that, they run cool.

Great update Cronic.

I believe it too Brotha
Hey Sir Chronic, the mesmerizing master of plant proliferation :) hope all is good and green in your world. May your buds be forever dank! :)

Thank you Sir Light master of plant bondage all is Green Hope the Green is just as good in your part of the world :thumb:
Great day to you Brotha :high-five:
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