Duggan Does Purple Envy, Star Pupil & Black Cherry Punch With Doc's Gear!

That double bubbler looks fun. It’s like the bigger, cooler older brother of one I have.

I’m really liking the kit so far, lol like you said there is almost nothing to do but sit back and watch. Did my second drench yesterday and will do the brix spray today or tomorrow. They are looking nice and healthy so far.

Good Morning Duggs, and all the hooligans.. Just another Humid day up here with humidity expected to reach mid 70's outdoors... Temps are staying moderate, however really sticky... Gonna rain AGAIN, man we have gotten about 5 inches in a week and a half... Plants seem to be enjoying it, however Just got some nutes Monday after a good 2 weeks without... No worse for the wear, Except Greedy Ass Alissa.... She was starting to yellow a little at the top so she got a GOOD dose of nutes.... My BIL is gonna post later today with the pics of the outdoor plants, as well as his indoor thing.... Should be interesting, and his thread is in my sig... Green days to all you Heads....
Good morning Hacks....ya really sticky here too.Very high RH outside but not too hot so i can deal with it. My crop is drying nicely and am glad that high heat...high RH is over for them now. The new ones look good and this weekend i will be able to move them into their proper home....gotta get the crop off the strings....weighed and Jared.
Cheers bud!
Heya Duggs forgot to tell ya earlier my BIL started his Perpetual thread, and he is gonna post the outdoor girls as well to finish at least once a week... He is kinda anti social, but he is doing great... He just posted an update on his journal.. Located in my thread... Everyone and anyone who was following my journal before I had to work my ass off is welcome to check it out... Should be a great finish... Green one bro, and to all....
Hey Doogs. I want to pose this question here since you get more traffic, I hope that is ok.

Yesterday on IG I learned about Dry trimming over wet trimming. The consensus over there was dry is much better for flavor and terp retention. So they chop the plant, let dry and then trim. Does anyone here do that? Thoughts?

Dry trimming vs wet trimming?

I thought leaving the leaves on would make the bus smelllike hay but they were saying the opposite.

Tagging a few people here @SweetSue. @TheGreenYeti. @Graytail. @overlord @Stage @Doc Bud
Good question Ween. I will wet trim any day over dry!!
Have you ever attempted to trim a big dry plant???Forget it....i dont care what others say...they got way more time to f..k around than me....try it once and tell me wat ya think.
Wet trimming while the leaves are still turgid is way ...way easier and faster...but try it for yourself. As far as the Terps and that goes...bahhhh.
I have NO complaints how my produce tastes.....not one!!
Cheers eh.
I often run across growers who dry trim, but I've never tried it - seems more tedious, but you get washed trim that way ...

I was at work but saw that post, they said by leaving some fans on that it would help to preserve the terps.

Is that the same one ween?

I have done it both ways, the final products on each tasted thesame & were LOUD AF so how much terps are we saving?

I prefer wet trimming because I can get my scissors in the plant and cut it where I want pretty easily. On the dry trim the leaves dry around the bud and I notice I am either hitting the buds with the blade, or sort of scraping them to "flip" them off the buds.

I am sure that is doing some damage.

Most of the time now I just pull the fans and any larger leaves that aren't sugar coated, let them dry and smoke them as is. No need for fine trimming...
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