Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Thanks Light,
Ok so a few weeks ago I took (thank God) a cut off of my last OG Kush (tiny cut) from a single reserva privada promo bean a couple years ago. Put it in a cup of plain water as my turbo was up at my ranch and luckily I got roots.
Ok two weeks goes by and it was time to tip and tie down aka LST

SO I take out the tiny little tip and tied it down


This was the next day, Its amazing how fast she recovers and starts looking like a totally different plant


Few days later she needed to be tied down even more but now she has multiple tops instead of the one

2 things I want all the subscribers and the author of this thread to remember is 1 I don't flux or know how too, #2 is how I apologize if the pics are out of order



Forgot to mention how the "rocks" (sunleaves expanded clay pellets) are used above the Mini Grow Cubes to keep the algae down and try to get the blasted Fungus Gnat Bastards to a minimum.
Anxious as heck to get into the rooms tonight to see how Tiny Jr looks now

This cut was originally flagged to be a donor and I planned on taking 2 dozen cuts of of her. She's making me so happy I figure what the heck veg her for another 60+ days and see if I can break "Tiny" January 2014 Plant of the Months yield (31.75 ounces dried/cured and jarred)?
Thanks a bunch Light Addict for the opportunity to post this info and pics, sorry it was way more than 3

30 mins later I edited for the tenth time and I'm confident its all in the right order.
Would be cool to do a side by side of one that was totally left alone vs. one thats worked with
thanks again LA
fluxed defined in

Describing a person: confused, burned out, possibly wigged out. (Possibly a shortening of flummoxed.)

After staring at the computer all day, I'm totally fluxed. :rofl:

(flummox) : verb, to bewilder; confound; confuse.

How's that keyboard, LA? Keep beverages at a safe distance from all keyboards & Keep it green! :420:
LA, top of the afternoon to you. I have some pics of my FLUX plants. Mind if I post some photos? I sure am glad that you posted the shorter version on FLUXING. I still haven't read all of your original post. You did a lot of good writing.
Keep it green.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin
You seem to have done both. Keep up the good work. A lot of us out here need it.
Skunny :) yep Ive plucked some of my girls like you suggest a few times. Although I also use the kinking of fan stems and tucking of the leaves down behind the branch head points! :)
Check my tutt quick guide for my leaf folding fun! :)

S1ingblade your always welcome to post!

Hidden buddy nice work! They should go nuts under your big LED :) Sweet as my friend! :)

Thanks LA!! So far everything is going great!
S1ingblade buddy, firstly fluxing is best and easier to get uniformity from seed and your a clone guy! :) Although giving my best and most informed guess done in your grow style the hydro mini cubes Capn style. A flux would take anywherer 6-8 weeks veg to hit the big numbers! :)
You top at 3rd node and then train the new nodal growth from top into your main arms!
All it offers against your style etc is the complete budsite management, giving all Colas the exact same area, light and air flow. Then my feeding loop idea! But that's another story and Im now out for the night! :) :)
S1ingblade buddy, firstly fluxing is best and easier to get uniformity from seed and your a clone guy! :) Although giving my best and most informed guess done in your grow style the hydro mini cubes Capn style. A flux would take anywherer 6-8 weeks veg to hit the big numbers! :)
You top at 3rd node and then train the new nodal growth from top into your main arms!
All it offers against your style etc is the complete budsite management, giving all Colas the exact same area, light and air flow. Then my feeding loop idea! But that's another story and Im now out for the night! :) :)

I agree with you LA. Fluxing from clones it a little more tedious but I doing it with a lot of training and patience.
For my next flux grow I will be using these six strains as I have to start using them because they seem to be accumulating. Also got a gift from the supermarket-tie downs. What do you think of these 6 for fluxing LA.
Thanks for the tip on the twisties. I'm think I will come up with a new name for my Green Crack strain. Don't like the name. Any suggestions anyone?
Howdy dudy folks. Short update on my 4 WW scragglies and the 6 strains I just potted. Hot digity dog going to be a nice winter with all the variety and versatility of these strains. By the way all will be fluxed as I'm hooked. It's all your fault LA. LOL
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