DK'S New Grow 2020

OK so if I have a white widow female.

I would reverse sex and put it on her other colas to self her or would I grow two of the exact same seed (fem) and then reverse to pollinate the other.?

I feel I'm confusing myself with breeding haha
Both would work, if I wanted to keep that 1 pheno I’d self it. I think it would be very similar either way. You’re still going to have variation within the female side of the strain. If you self the plant you’d have an S1 and it would unlock 25% more recessive traits to pick through
Both would work, if I wanted to keep that 1 pheno I’d self it. I think it would be very similar either way. You’re still going to have variation within the female side of the strain. If you self the plant you’d have an S1 and it would unlock 25% more recessive traits to pick through
I was reading something now about sefling and how it decreases vigour everytime you do it.

Each self’ed generation leads to an increase in characteristics by 50%. In other words, each time you self a plant, the genetic stabily (Homozygosity) will increase by 50%.
Selfing a cannabis plant is the fastest way to stabilize a strain but it is also the fastest way to lose vigor.

Genotype: This is the genetic makeup of an organism. it describes an organism’s entire set of genes. This is not something you can directly observe.

Phenotype: Also known as “Pheno”. A phenotype encompasses all the physical characteristics based on genotype. That is what growers can observe with their own eyes. For instance: Size, bud color, leaf shape… Note that the same plant can express different phenotypes based on the environment/growing conditions.

Alleles: The Alternative versions of a given gene are called alleles. Most cannabis plants have 2 different versions of each gene.

Heterozygous: having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes. Example: A plant that has 1 allele coding for broad leaves and 1 coding for narrow leaves may either produce broad leaves, narrow leaves or something in-between.

Homozygous: having two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes. For instance, a plant that has 2 alleles coding for purple flowers will produce purple flowers.

That's what I found from - Khalifa genetics

To my understanding that means you increase the chance of locking a desired trait like purple flowers for example but comes with loosing general size and shoots?

Like I said I think I'm confusing myself with this but it does seem actually simple to a certain degree I may be just to eager to grasp it or completely swinging and missing :rofl:
DK there are female clones out there pushing 30 years old and still have much of the same vigor and quality traits they started with. It’s not age that causes quality to suffer but Viruses, fungi and bacteria that cause them to deteriorate. Main thing is keeping a mother healthy.
DK there are female clones out there pushing 30 years old and still have much of the same vigor and quality traits they started with. It’s not age that causes quality to suffer but Viruses, fungi and bacteria that cause them to deteriorate. Main thing is keeping a mother healthy.
OK sir. Thank you for your time I appreciate the help
Will be interesting to see what you end up with.
If all goes well. A high THC strain from a respectable... Now just copy that for my personal project. My goal originally was to create a copy of itself in seed form so that I can then breed that with another plant doing the same method. So like you say S1 but the I'd like an S1 with another S1 from a different plant in the end game creating something I'd personally like.
How's everyone doing in these wierd times... I'm doing some shopping and waiting in ridiculously long lines for a few things. People are hoarding tin cans like it's nobodies business. Even condoms are sold out :rofl:. Going to be a bumpy isolation for a few

So my grandmother gifted me this old pot. Huge ass thing and is cracked on the side. I'm sure I can just fill those cracks up. The pot seems to be like and old hard material I just can't place the name on now. Will paint it and all that. Question : how will I fill it up. Put rocks at the bottom? Straight up coco and perlite? Soil? I literally have room to play. I estimate about 70 - 80 liters in size

So my grandmother gifted me this old pot. Huge ass thing and is cracked on the side. I'm sure I can just fill those cracks up. The pot seems to be like and old hard material I just can't place the name on now. Will paint it and all that. Question : how will I fill it up. Put rocks at the bottom? Straight up coco and perlite? Soil? I literally have room to play. I estimate about 70 - 80 liters in size
I'd probably use a smooth stone like "river rock" for a base with a bag of perlite dumped in before soil. Maybe a 3-4" base layer.

As long as it has a few drainage holes, should work like a champ!
Does it have holes in the bottom for drainage?
To be honest I don't think so but I can drill some for sure once it's cleaned out.

I'd probably use a smooth stone like "river rock" for a base with a bag of perlite dumped in before soil. Maybe a 3-4" base layer.

As long as it has a few drainage holes, should work like a champ!
OK that sounds killer! Nice to hear from you again buddy!
Good drainage is a must.
I definitely agree sir! I want to make a few holes in the bottom for that. This has me excited for next summer haha.
How's everyone doing in these wierd times... I'm doing some shopping and waiting in ridiculously long lines for a few things. People are hoarding tin cans like it's nobodies business. Even condoms are sold out :rofl:. Going to be a bumpy isolation for a few

Here there is a mandatory 6 foot social distancing in effect, somehow suspect all those condoms are going to be useless ;)
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