Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

First, I want to thank everyone who provided feedback on whether my girls were ready for a CAT drench. I took your advice and gave them another 9 days. Here they are on day 29 from flip. Definite change in the smell/flavors overnight!



Edit: didn't do titles correctly: Photo 1 - Overall grow room. 2 & 3 Liberty Haze; 4 Gold Leaf, 5 &6 Green Crack.

Definite HIgh BRix territory there MMM. Looking really good.
Doc, thanks! Just trying to make you proud! :Namaste:

Wondering if you would elaborate on the following.

Your most recent instructions say to apply the recharge as such: "It is designed to be top dressed during the 3rd week of the bloom cycle." I know this doesn't mean the third week of 12/12 flowering, but rather of "bud set". How do YOU define the "bloom cycle"? The start of 12/12 flowering? At the first formation of buds/pistils? How would you define "bud set?"

I believe it was MassMedMan who posted The Basics of Doc Bud's High Brix Blend Kit w/ Instructions - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®.pdf. In this doc, MMM suggests adding the Re-Charge AFTER the Cat drenches. (You "liked" his post, so I assume you approved of his approach.) Here's the excerpt:


Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> repeat.

De-Stress Tuesdays // Brix Fridays -- @ 4 to 120 mL ratio.

NOTE: At this point you should be watering when the pot is light but the soil is still damp. Do not let it dry out for the rest of Bloom.


Top dress each pot with 1/6 (weight wise) of DocBud's Re-Charge >> Scratch lightly into surface of soil >> Water until run off."

You and others have mentioned "personal preference" from time to time regarding the application of the re-charge. Does it matter if it's before or after the Cat Drench?

Just trying to grow the best weed yet!
Doc, thanks! Just trying to make you proud! :Namaste:

Wondering if you would elaborate on the following.

Your most recent instructions say to apply the recharge as such: "It is designed to be top dressed during the 3rd week of the bloom cycle." I know this doesn't mean the third week of 12/12 flowering, but rather of "bud set". How do YOU define the "bloom cycle"? The start of 12/12 flowering? At the first formation of buds/pistils? How would you define "bud set?"

I believe it was MassMedMan who posted The Basics of Doc Bud's High Brix Blend Kit w/ Instructions - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®.pdf. In this doc, MMM suggests adding the Re-Charge AFTER the Cat drenches. (You "liked" his post, so I assume you approved of his approach.) Here's the excerpt:


Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> repeat.

De-Stress Tuesdays // Brix Fridays -- @ 4 to 120 mL ratio.

NOTE: At this point you should be watering when the pot is light but the soil is still damp. Do not let it dry out for the rest of Bloom.


Top dress each pot with 1/6 (weight wise) of DocBud's Re-Charge >> Scratch lightly into surface of soil >> Water until run off."

You and others have mentioned "personal preference" from time to time regarding the application of the re-charge. Does it matter if it's before or after the Cat Drench?

Just trying to grow the best weed yet!

You need to follow the directions to a "T" for a couple of grows. Once you get a couple under ya, that's when youll know what YOUR personal preference is. I find under feeding hurts more than over feeding and over feeding won't hurt...much. learn how the nutes effect your plants first, then make your adjustments :)
I gotta agree with this sentiment. Mind you, I'm not advocating for deviating too much, but if you try to "not burn" your plants and underfeed, you can start a perpetual cycle of chasing brush fires. I've done both (overfed and underfed) and while neither showed noticeable improvement, I had a harder time getting the underfed SOIL back in the "zone". I err to the heavier side and accept the fact I may run through kit items a bit faster...all good.

Doc, thanks! Just trying to make you proud! :Namaste:

Wondering if you would elaborate on the following.

Your most recent instructions say to apply the recharge as such: "It is designed to be top dressed during the 3rd week of the bloom cycle." I know this doesn't mean the third week of 12/12 flowering, but rather of "bud set". How do YOU define the "bloom cycle"? The start of 12/12 flowering? At the first formation of buds/pistils? How would you define "bud set?"

I believe it was MassMedMan who posted The Basics of Doc Bud's High Brix Blend Kit w/ Instructions - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®.pdf. In this doc, MMM suggests adding the Re-Charge AFTER the Cat drenches. (You "liked" his post, so I assume you approved of his approach.) Here's the excerpt:


Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Cationic Root Drench (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> Growth Energy (7.0 mL + 0.5 mL Tea) >> Water (+ 1.75 mL Transplant Drench) >> repeat.

De-Stress Tuesdays // Brix Fridays -- @ 4 to 120 mL ratio.

NOTE: At this point you should be watering when the pot is light but the soil is still damp. Do not let it dry out for the rest of Bloom.


Top dress each pot with 1/6 (weight wise) of DocBud's Re-Charge >> Scratch lightly into surface of soil >> Water until run off."

You and others have mentioned "personal preference" from time to time regarding the application of the re-charge. Does it matter if it's before or after the Cat Drench?

Just trying to grow the best weed yet!

I top dress 3 weeks after changing the the bloom photoperiod. It is personal preference whether you do it 2, 3 or 4 weeks out, but I wouldn't do it much past 4 weeks.

Learn what everything does and how it what some other folks are saying. Then you can garden your own way.
Yep. :smokin:

Get this: my county might ban or severely restrict cultivation. Apparently, the local law enforcement aren't seizing enough assets lately so they want to go back to the stone age.

Didn't I read that the ordinance banning most cannabis-related businesses passed in your town? If so, what does that mean for your situation?
Didn't I read that the ordinance banning most cannabis-related businesses passed in your town? If so, what does that mean for your situation?

My town has issued a 100% ban on cultivation, personal and commercial. My place is in the county, which will have a new "guideline" in place before May 1st. Talk ranges from a total ban to adopting a 25 plant limit per parcel, not per person.

Should the 25 plant limit be enacted, I'll be hard pressed to continue. I suspect such an action will drive up prices quite a bit, which might help. I've got adequate lighting and headroom to grow very large plants, but it will also mean very large electric bills.

Things are in flux, to put it mildly.

The good news is that if I must stop growing, I'll be able to put all my energies into further developing the Kit. I have enough customers in areas where they can grow legally to where I can test products, etc.

But I'd feel pretty crappy if I had to give up something I love so much as growing.

Fuckin' bastards. I have no goodwill towards cops and politicians. None.
That's brutal Doc, It would be a real shame if you had to take a back seat to growing for a while. A lot of people have been effected and will be in the future by what takes place. Your passion to learn and share that knowledge with the world is beyond words. :Namaste:
Oregon can always use another Doctor. Just sayin'. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Or Uruguay...just make sure to warehouse your stuff in the states mofo. :cool:

Though Oregon may be a bit more seamless...

We already have property in Uruguay and connections. That's going to happen, but it could be 2-4 years before it does.

With regard to these developments, the county decided to eliminate public discussion/input on the topic. The reason is that the crowd at a supervisor's meeting is about 100-1 pro Cannabis when things like this are discussed. They aren't interested in hearing what their subjects have to say.

On a more positive note, I also learned today that there is a possibility they'll nix the 25 plant limit and instead go for restricted square footage for grows in the county, and also issue very expensive licenses. That means that the close relatives of the local politicians will get licenses and hopefully they'll have a few for people like me after they get theirs.

So I don't know what will happen. But I am determined to take my business elsewhere! Oregon is cool, but I'd still be paying taxes to the criminal regime so I'd much rather speed up the timetable and move the Uruguay. I don't want to give these fuckers a dime of my money. They deserve NOTHING. Like I said, I have no goodwill towards them. I don't believe in ill-will....I believe in ignoring assholes, not fighting them.

So, I'll leave and they can sap some other productive person for their tax dollars, which they waste going after non-criminals who then litigate and win.

The last 20 people arrested for growing/collective activity/delivery in this county have had all charges dropped, and then turn around and sue the county....AND WIN.

Part of me wants to see a total ban just so the assholes can be brought down via a fountain of litigation. But that would be a great waste as well.
Doc, I feel for you but this could give you new inspiration to create things on a larger world wide scale. You can do it big so just think big. People like you should be catapulted into the leading positions as inovators in the new worldwide cannabis industry.:circle-of-love:

I love what you stand for Doc!:goodjob:
That's a real bummer I have to say, and in friggin Cali. Aren't they supposed to go with state level regulations for the whole territory? How is it gonna look if you legalize it in November?
That's a real bummer I have to say, and in friggin Cali. Aren't they supposed to go with state level regulations for the whole territory? How is it gonna look if you legalize it in November?

The way it looks right now, there are statewide regulations that go into place in 2017. The way it is written at the state level, municipalities and counties can enact their own "regulations" prior to March 1st, 2016, which will be honored by the State.

Our county is full of right-wing, drug addicted imbeciles. They believe "regulation" and "prohibition" are synonymous. While the possession and consumption of medical cannabis is still legal, the city and county currently have the power to "regulate" cultivation and sales. Several cities have opted for total bans on cultivation, delivery and sales of any kind. These cities are going to have to retreat and regroup when the litigation begins. They'll get their asses handed to them.

However, they still retain the right to regulate where and how much can be grown and are so damn vindictive and short-sided they'll do what they've done so many times before and come down hard on growers, only to lose in court, or in a pre-court settlement. Why? How can they be so stupid? Like I said, they are drug addicted imbeciles. (legal prescription drugs)

So, while in the medium term things look great for Cannabis, in the short term I stand to lose EVERYTHING should such a ban be enacted, even if it's only for a few months. I think that's what they're counting on...a few quick raids and strikes, asset seizure and the last time before the hippies win and it becomes legalized everywhere.

At this point, I do not want to be one of those who gets arrested and then fights back. I know there are others who are itching to do this, and I'm willing to support them, but it's not a good move for me to take that position.

The police and sheriff have grown so fat and lazy on the drug war, especially the low hanging fruit that is the growing community....they also can get a ton of federal military hardware if they take a certain stance on "drugs" and I think they're also eyeing that.

Bottom line: in the short term, they can seize assets and please the Fox News crowd. In the medium term, they can angle to get commercial licenses for their friends and relatives. In the long term Cannabis will become legal.

But they don't want a bunch of people growing it themselves! They'd rather grow it and profit, hence the current trend.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, looking at the big picture. But our local government has a long history of being absolutely, stunningly stupid!
I'm in the same area as Doc, but in a city where they are allowing small personal medicinal grows. This whole nonsense in our county and cities is so stupid - an error in the state law made them all think they had to do something before March 1, or they would lose all local control (read: ability to tax.) The easiest path for most was total prohibition. This coming election will be very telling, and will provide plenty of work for the lawyers. I'm now attempting small outdoor grows for three seasons of the year. The first sprouts are up, and may go outside in March. We will see what happens. My partner with MS depends on pot. We testified publicly at both City and County hearings - it was a real coming out for us. He is a retired attorney and I'm a retired CPA and on charitable boards, etc. Ex Master Gardener, ha ha. It will take "mainstream" people going public to make a change - or at least voting. So many people use it and don't talk about it. We are in the middle of big change, and it is not easy for people like Doc. He has helped us and so many others - what is happening is truly stupid and short-sighted.
I'm in the same area as Doc, but in a city where they are allowing small personal medicinal grows. This whole nonsense in our county and cities is so stupid - an error in the state law made them all think they had to do something before March 1, or they would lose all local control (read: ability to tax.) The easiest path for most was total prohibition. This coming election will be very telling, and will provide plenty of work for the lawyers. I'm now attempting small outdoor grows for three seasons of the year. The first sprouts are up, and may go outside in March. We will see what happens. My partner with MS depends on pot. We testified publicly at both City and County hearings - it was a real coming out for us. He is a retired attorney and I'm a retired CPA and on charitable boards, etc. Ex Master Gardener, ha ha. It will take "mainstream" people going public to make a change - or at least voting. So many people use it and don't talk about it. We are in the middle of big change, and it is not easy for people like Doc. He has helped us and so many others - what is happening is truly stupid and short-sighted.

I had a conversation today with two people who have some knowledge about what's going on in the county and there's a good chance they will allow growing. The chances of a total ban are low.

How many plants? How many square feet? These are the issues going back and forth. We shall see.
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