Duggan - DBHBB With Two Pots - One Kit - Four Plants

Morning Duggs, looking mighty fine. Are those MLI's landraces?

Yes, they are Neiko. They are untouched and not messed with, from original seed stock from Afganistan. Cheers eh.

OK Gang, I got my new VapirRiser 2.0 last night ....wow, what a first session last night. Got quite blasted :tokin:
Started at 420F....too hot...too much smoke...then to 400F...still too hot , too much smoke....then to 380F...still too hot and too much smoke....then to 370F....perfect...but didn't really care cuz I was shit faced by then !:volcano-smiley: Love the new machine, high quality, very nice and at a great price of 249.00. I guess the only thing I don't care for , is it's another thing I have to put away every night (the boys) and then get everything out again the next night. I'm gonna do my best at getting used to not puffing J's. any more. Gotta say gang vaping this Zamal Hash....taste's fantastic.

Lil update.....the fab four got a big drink last night of 5 gal's each. Back pot (Zamal Hash, MK-Ultra) got 1 tbls Epsoms/2 gal's water ,plus 1/4 Trans. Front pot got 1/4 Trans, that's it. MLI's are still perfect along with the Zamal Hash but the MK-Ultra ( "frankenstrain") is needing some added Mg. via the Epsoms. It's starting to correct the def. and hopefully I can get it 100% corrected for a strong finish. Anyhow , have an awesome day all my brothas!:Namaste:
From the last crop of MK-Ultra's i ran.This was grown in our "second" run DBHBB. At that time i sarted over and didn't do a third , or more. Both batches in rotation are coming up on their third runs next , so i'm excited to see what the Kosher Kush and maybe an MLI will do in it! Cheers everyone...pics coming later ,....when the "sun" comes up .:thumb:

duggan, beautiful!!! :)

Sea of buds......looking terrific duggs.....:high-five:

That's sweet:


Thanks all my brothas....not too busy around here, so nice to see a few visitors. The four are coming along and will get their first round of CD this coming week..The back pot (Zamal Hash and MK-Ultra) will get the new OG Drench + Tea and Epsoms, the front pot (two Maple Leaf Indicas) will get our DBHBB standard CD + Tea (no Epsoms needed with these Landraces)..they're ready for the switch now....finishing week 4 of bloom...this is when i like to give the CD. I've already started giving Way10X with their weekly Brix. It's cool seeing the MK-Ultra shed her Mg. needs and start to get that nice colour back in her leaves.....i just started giving it(Mg) a lil late but should completely correct herself , i'm hoping. Cheers you guys...have an awesome day!:circle-of-love:
High Duggan, do they look that dark green in person?
Beautiful specimens, as always Duggan. Wow! It's startling how fast they grow. Well done. :high-five:,
High Duggan, do they look that dark green in person?
Bar,...no they don't.As you know ,every diff. light source lets us see them differently. Camera settings too!;) I'm finally getting how to really take advantage of this little camera. Cheers BAR :high-five:
Beautiful specimens, as always Duggan. Wow! It's startling how fast they grow. Well done. :high-five:,
Good day Susan, nice to see you . Your a busy woman in in your garden(S) these days eh...:bravo: Thanks for cruisin by SS.
Major, good to see ya today brotha! What are the outside temps down there right now? We got -20C last couple nights....brrrr. Furnace running alot. Can't complain too loudly though, bin a good winter so far...hardly any snow. Snowblower not used yet this winter...that's just strange.have an awesome night Major and all...:volcano-smiley:
Duggan, I find that if you lower the brightness setting after downloading pics into your computer you get much closer to the actual color.
I run Windows both at work and here at home. So when you download your pics into the computer go to the "Edit, Organize, or Share" option. From there you can tamper with the pics but it's best to use only the "brightness" & "detail" options; they don't alter the appearance just help it.
I run Windows both at work and here at home. So when you download your pics into the computer go to the "Edit, Organize, or Share" option. From there you can tamper with the pics but it's best to use only the "brightness" & "detail" options; they don't alter the appearance just help it.

Thanks bud, i'l give it a go , next pic dump. Thanks for the help. :thumb:
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