Duggan - DBHBB With Two Pots - One Kit - Four Plants

A local dispensary turned us on to a Grenco G pro. We never vaped before and we like it. Nice change of pace but I still ALWAYS go back to my bong. Great little handheld unit, easy to use and clean. Boy, the flavor is so pronounced thru the vape and the buzz creeps on you.
I got no portable.
A friend has a SB with gas but he says it is not to useful if you need some stealth.
It gets quite hot and you cant put it save in a pocket alt least you should not put it in the wrong place.
He had to put it away fast and burned his nipple quit bad :rofl:

That was great the more we laughed the more he got pissed and we could not stop anymore. :grinjoint:
I got no portable.
A friend has a SB with gas but he says it is not to useful if you need some stealth.
It gets quite hot and you cant put it save in a pocket alt least you should not put it in the wrong place.
He had to put it away fast and burned his nipple quit bad :rofl:

That was great the more we laughed the more he got pissed and we could not stop anymore. :grinjoint:

What a hoot Darkgrow...:rofl::rofl: Cheers bud!:high-five:
Alright, I'll join you. :laughtwo:


I'm down to bits and pieces now, so I'm not really sure what I'm smoking tonight. LOL! I decided I have this little piece of the Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia that's been curing since October. Some of the best stuff I grew last run. I'm saving it to celebrate your harvest. It'll be my treat to myself at that point and I won't feel so isolated while all of you get high to celebrate. And it's HB crop, so that's just right, don't you think?

I can't think of a nicer place to smoke my last bit of stash than here with you duggan. :circle-of-love:
Thanks Duggan!!! I cant answer your pm so I will here.....

CD timing....

This is what I know from breeding....We want to get that pollen in the plants WITHIN 21 days of flowering. That means we start counting once the pistils are forming. Basically the same thing with CD. If we are waiting to tell the soil its time to flower after they're flowering, is kind of like offering someone lunch at dinner time. Nice to have the offer but not really what your looking for. That will make your plants take forever to flower, if they have flowers and you missed it, its okay, give them a heavy dose of transplant and continue with energy after. Its not a 100% needed thing this Cat Drench, the first kits didnt even come with it. We did it with transplant and energy.

This kinda taps into the physiology of the plant and is what everyone needs to get off timing shit with a calendar and start paying attention to their plants. Your plants will tell you when its time, not what day it is. Get out of that mind set of "time" and look at your plant...is she throwing pistils, if yes start cat, if she is throwing actual flowers...use transplant....

As far as the N with Indica...Not sure bro, I have had so few indica running through here in the last year, I couldnt or wont guess, you know me. I like fact.

Its fantastic to see you too, I hope you come to the cup here this year....We'll all be kicking it in the VIP...;)

C ..."Chef"

Awesome info "chef" . I knew about the 50 post thing, but felt I had to clear the air, so to speak,...right away cuz of the obvious. Thanks so much for understanding .Your knowledge with the "kit" won't go un-noticed....as I will be dipping into it from time to time , if I may, that is. I have questions of your extensive multiple runs with our soil. Would love to see everyone at the Cup....it's always been on my list to meet the great growers and people I've been chatting and learning with these past three or so yrs. Once again....it's good to see you Seshan!! Cheers eh! :thumb:;)
Alright, I'll join you. :laughtwo:


I'm down to bits and pieces now, so I'm not really sure what I'm smoking tonight. LOL! I decided I have this little piece of the Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia that's been curing since October. Some of the best stuff I grew last run. I'm saving it to celebrate your harvest. It'll be my treat to myself at that point and I won't feel so isolated while all of you get high to celebrate. And it's HB crop, so that's just right, don't you think?

I can't think of a nicer place to smoke my last bit of stash than here with you duggan. :circle-of-love:

Fantastic Susan...I'm thrilled you would save it for lil ol me! :tokin: That HB stuff you've got left....is that your first DBHBB produce? Anyhow , have an awesome day SS, and stay tuned for my Chop....it's coming soon and yield should exceed 20 z's. Not worried of the quality, I know it's going to rock! Cheers eh!:passitleft: A little Zamal Hash for a mid morning buzz for ya!!:thumb:

Almost time for another tut. . I've got alot of very good raw mat'l saved up again. Maybe this Sat. since the boys are with their mother. I plan on doing about 8 batches, that'l take 10 bags of ice and a very sore back the next day, but , i'm itchin to try some full melting hash in the new vape! Cheers Gang!:circle-of-love:
Good morning , and a nice one it is Gang! Sun is shining ....and it's a blistering 34F....least it's not freezing...
Last week my GF of 8yrs. and the love of my life received news from her MD that recent blood test's (routine)
showed her Thyroid gland on the left side to have small solid nodules on it. Further specialized ultrasounds have shown the same and now a biopsy has been ordered, pronto by her Oncologist. Everyone knows it's C but have to get thru a waiting period now for anything further. It's very frustrating...and all of you know me and how i'm not good with waiting.....for anything. She is very strong (much more than i) and will survive it. As you can imagine, i've done a fair bit of reading on it , and if there was a C to get , this is the one. That's what her MD said to her. It's also been detected very early and she is very lucky. She doesn't even feel any lumps or anything....feels great . Is coming over tonight . We only get to see each other on my "off" weekends , as she works afternoons . I've decided to spend some "Q" time with her instead of the BH runs today. Please understand ....i'l get to it very soon , as my freezer just has too much unused trim bagged.Also have about 14 Z's. of that crap Desfran run a few grows ago ,bottled up , waiting for it as well.
I'l be around from time to time all weekend , so everyone enjoy any time off they may have. Cheers all my brothas ...and SS.:circle-of-love:
Good and bad news at the same time Duggs. Sending positive energy your way and to your GF too. She would have to be strong to deal with all your nonsense! Do you have plans for any CCO treatment? I am sure she will pull through nicely with you by her side.

Maybe it's time to try the dry ice method as it will use the same equipment as the bubble hash but be much much quicker to perform?

Have a good weekend my friend! May the good energy of the universe carry you both through this difficult time.
Good and bad news at the same time Duggs. Sending positive energy your way and to your GF too. She would have to be strong to deal with all your nonsense! Do you have plans for any CCO treatment? I am sure she will pull through nicely with you by her side.

Maybe it's time to try the dry ice method as it will use the same equipment as the bubble hash but be much much quicker to perform?

Have a good weekend my friend! May the good energy of the universe carry you both through this difficult time.

Shiggs, mornin . Ya eh,....funny you say, she will pull ME thru ..Ha Ha. She is the rock,...not me. We've both been thru an aweful lot these past 5 yrs. or so with both of us going thru separations ....with two children each to deal with, her with a major career change in there too. She wants to take me to Jamaica again soon, maybe at the May long weekend.
As far as the CCO treatments...i've thought about it a little ...not specifically CCO , but Mj in general and how and what would be best , if anything for this type of C.
With the Dry ice method , it would still require alot of time to process it all....i'l wait and use my bags, i like em. They work awesome. It really is worth all the time , fuss, and mess in the end.
Have a stress free day Shiggs and much thanks for the vibes....we need em brotha! Cheers.
WTF duggan? I'm gone for a day and come back to bad news. :thedoubletake:
All the best to you and your GF. We're pulling for you. :love: :passitleft:
Duggan, I'm so sorry to hear you're faced with that challenge. There's great hope. Check you PMs. You didn't think I'd stand quietly by, did you? :circle-of-love:
Looking close now Duggan. How much longer are you planning?
Looking close now Duggan. How much longer are you planning?

Good morning Sue, it'll be two weeks now from this past Sat. BTW, I read your PM , I just havn't had time or energy to respond yet! I was on the ice twice yesterday , both times for 1-1/2 hrs. each time....I'm sooo bagged right now....can't remember the last time I was this tired. Just plain, out of gas. Plus with losing an hours sleep...NOT GOOD. Very cranky , later.:circle-of-love:
My soil has been kinda updated, I added some Coco to the mix trying to get some indica back in my life. but I still have the same soil I started with running. fire the questions about recycling method away bro, I should be around most of the day :D

Mornin Chef!....I guess the first Q would be , what do you , or what did you do to third run DBHBB soil to get it ready for a fourth go? I'm currently in a round of second run with third run cooked and waiting to receive the Kosher Kush but I intend on keeping these two separate batches of soil going indefinetly....can I do it C. I know after the third run things get a bit iffy. I've always just tossed the third run and started over with new stuff. Anyhow have an awesome day my brotha , and much thanks!:high-five:
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