Duggan Does Kosher Kush With DBHBB: 4 Plants, Two Pots, Lots Of LEDs!

Hey GL , that's great to hear....i'm already lookin forward to that grow. Don't dare start it without me ...OK! Yes, as Budley says , Doc will sell in bulk...for example i just got 6 pounds of Amendment sent up here...that's 4 "Kit's" worth at 1.5 pounds a pc.Now i'm set for a while with that bag and a replacement bag of "Roots". Cheers eh and have a great day would ya!

That'll make it nice and easy. I wonder if it gets cheaper in bulk? I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as I get going with them. I've got ten of those fabric 40gal pots sitting in my garage just begging to be filled. I shall fulfill their desires :) So they can fulfill my! Hope you are as bright as always today me mate:Namaste:
Thanks duggs. I'm hoping one tote will be enough for the 4 girls. I plan to take them to at least 6 weeks from sprout. So I'm hoping they get big.
Mornin Noob...ya , make sure to fill the 7's. right up to the top ...no cheating...cuz if ya do...they're not 7's. any more are they....:slide:Have an awesome day mt friend!:thumb:
I need more lights and more room lol
It's coming bud...i know you'l have a kick ass system, soon. i'l be here waiting to get in on the fun...hope you do a journal right away when that happens. Cheers to ya today !:high-five:
Just vaped some of the blue dream haze pheno and I love the feeling! Its It's amazing and my lungs dont hurt lol
I love my 2.0 :thumb: I've been finding out that the basket cleans up really fast if ya wipe it out while still very warm....works great at staying ahead of that a bit. Have an awesome day would ya!

I'm in a 8x10 room and say that all the time. Here my friend..:passitleft:
An 8x10....wow what i could do with all that room....:hmmmm:
Well thank ya!!! Im in a 4x4 gorilla and can do 3 beautiful (thats the law here) in flower but am only running 750w of LEDs. Once im settled in to my own house ill do gavitas in a properly built room. I build houses for a living so I have all the knowledge to build and grow! I've been using the kit for over 3 years :)

Looking forward to your new digs.......when you get that room up and going I would much enjoy an invite to your journal. Keep it green Tard, I enjoy all your input & knowledge you throw around the forums. Here.....:passitleft:
Me too , Tard's up there with the first "kit" users.:Namaste:

That'll make it nice and easy. I wonder if it gets cheaper in bulk? I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as I get going with them. I've got ten of those fabric 40gal pots sitting in my garage just begging to be filled. I shall fulfill their desires :) So they can fulfill my! Hope you are as bright as always today me mate:Namaste:
Yes, it's cheaper, but not sure just how much. it pays off though...order in bulk , then your not always friggen around with the mail etc. waiting for stuff. Cheers GL.
Bulk is MUCH less expensive. :thumb:
Hello gang...got a few pics of third run soil , prep day!:thumb:

All ready to start!

Things i'l need...10 lbs. EWC's. ,Doc's OG Drench, Doc's Amendment, some "Roots" and about a grocery bag full of already mixed in leaves, stems , stalks and roots from this present grow.

exactly 680 grms of Doc's Amendment.

These are WW EWC's but i didn't use these ...i had to use up the rest of this other kind i had. These WW's will be saved for my next run of first run with a fresh bale of PM.

All mixed up really good...going into my tote's and will be watered in , in layers and mixed as each layer is added...it's the only way to do it without making a freekin mess eh...
Couple shots showing some green stuff sticking out!!

And finally , my two totes ready for the "cook" prolly have a good 6-8 weeks untill they'le be needed. Cheers gang...Son has a hockey "clinic" this afternoon! Yeepa!:love::high-five:
Why did you need the OG drench and roots to mix this up?

Hey Noob...ya the "Roots" is added to help break down all the plant matter with the help of the OG Drench. Doc recommended i water this mix in with it since it's third run and is a lil different than normal cuz i used first run amendment and EWC's that had some K in it ...not much but a little. I was also advised to spray half as often because of using first run amendment instead of "third run" which has no plant food and a couple other differences.
Now your really confused??
But Noob...yes brotha this is my preferred way to mix up a full "kit", on the floor with a tarp and flat shovel....it's great cuz you can lift up the tarp to keep it nice and neat...so to speak, know what i mean. I lift it up one side at a time and sort of move it around a bit on the tarp....works great to keep things together without getting all over the place. Cheers eh!:high-five:
i guess it makes sense. You are adding organic material that will compost in the soil, giving off energy. I can see why you would need a different amendment. This is going to be a fun grow for me. There isn't a ton of info on this growing style besides this site. Even though it's been around for some time, I feel like I'm getting in at the beginning stages of this method.
i guess it makes sense. You are adding organic material that will compost in the soil, giving off energy. I can see why you would need a different amendment. This is going to be a fun grow for me. There isn't a ton of info on this growing style besides this site. Even though it's been around for some time, I feel like I'm getting in at the beginning stages of this method.

OK Noob, couple things...you'll notice i only mixed in 10pounds of EWC's. This is because this is the third time this batch of soil has gotten them, first time 40 pounds, second time 20 pounds , this time 10 pounds...it's because i've added a lot of other humus in the fresh leaves , stems, old roots and stalks.That's why i also put in a handful of Doc's "Roots" to help "eat" the plant matter. My next mixing day will prolly be with a fresh bale of PM as i will want to start over with fresh stuff. Not sure though, depends how things go, you know.i might go 4,5, or even further with these two batches i have in rotation now. Dunno.:volcano-smiley:
OK Noob, couple things...you'll notice i only mixed in 10pounds of EWC's. This is because this is the third time this batch of soil has gotten them, first time 40 pounds, second time 20 pounds , this time 10 pounds...it's because i've added a lot of other humus in the fresh leaves , stems, old roots and stalks.That's why i also put in a handful of Doc's "Roots" to help "eat" the plant matter. My next mixing day will prolly be with a fresh bale of PM as i will want to start over with fresh stuff. Not sure though, depends how things go, you know.i might go 4,5, or even further with these two batches i have in rotation now. Dunno.:volcano-smiley:
I need to get this recipe. Totally feel lost when reading some things. I totally get the process and everything, but I guess I need to do some more reading. :reading420magazine:
KK's got a drink tonight...4 gal's. each pot with the same....1/4 Trans, 2 Tblsps Epsom's. That's it, no Tea. I still believe this soil is rich ....as it is, but is short on salts.,specifically Mg.This batch of soil got minimal extra, throughout both previous grows in it...these KK's have been very tricky to keep satisfied with Epsom's. The bud leaves will start to canoe, i'm not sure what , if anything can be done...it seems to be a natural trait . Anyhow, hope everyone had a great weekend ...cheers.:circle-of-love:
I need to get this recipe. Totally feel lost when reading some things. I totally get the process and everything, but I guess I need to do some more reading. :reading420magazine:

Nis....easy...just go to Doc's "in the lab" thread or any thread of his, there will be a link right there that says "how to use the kit" Look in his Sig.
Follow it , it's very easy. Read the instructions once ...it's too easy...make sense of it. Everything comes with it, except the Wiggle Worm(has no K , Potassium) EWC's, the 3.8 cu ft. bale of ProMix and water. The original instructions are meant for anyone to follow...please check it out and get back OK...look for the link in Doc Bud's journals. Cheers.
I need to get this recipe. Totally feel lost when reading some things. I totally get the process and everything, but I guess I need to do some more reading. :reading420magazine:

Don't worry about all the variations, like growing in 3rd round soil. You are just beginning the 1st round. You've got plenty of time to learn about recycling soil. Stick with the kit basics and you'll do great.
Don't worry about all the variations, like growing in 3rd round soil. You are just beginning the 1st round. You've got plenty of time to learn about recycling soil. Stick with the kit basics and you'll do great.
Not using the kit currently, want to do some more research before jumping in. Checked the brix levels last night and it was 12 or 13. From what I understand that is pretty good with just using our basic soil setup. Going to try and make it higher yet. :thanks:
What brix levels are you guys getting with the kit duggan? 17 is the norm right? Do i need to get a refractometer?

Top of the day to ya Noob...Brix levels ...You can get a very good idea of that just by looking at them and watching them grow. You don't need a refractometer... get this...i have one a friend lent me....i havn't taken it out of the box....two yrs. later! Noob, you will know when the brix is approaching higher than normal levels, just by the sheen , attitude and color of the leaves. if they look happy, are in the correct inviro., are drinking lots of water and your growing in our soil (lots of rocks, ..minerals i mean) then the Brix will be high...simple eh. When you smoke it...it doesn't even make you cough...go figure eh! I have said this often , in describing the smoke from our produce. Everyone who tries it agrees and wants more!:blunt:...Cheers to ya ! Where's my Stella....Oh ,...there it is...right beside the VapiRise 2.0 ultimate!!:bravo:...:tokin:
Yeah, I like to go by look and feel rather than timelines, so this should be a great experience for me. I'm glad I'm starting with just 4 plants. Then I can really give them the attention they deserve. Love me some Stella. The brew house down the street sells pitchers for $6.

SHUT the Front door...:thedoubletake:.6 bones a big glass,....good deal!:thumb:
You absolutely don't need a refractometer. I wouldn't get one unless you just find that sort of measuring and recording data fun/interesting.
You absolutely don't need a refractometer. I wouldn't get one unless you just find that sort of measuring and recording data fun/interesting.

True. I only use mine to test garden food now and even that practice is rarely happening now because you just get to know what "high brix" looks like.
Happy Friday Duggs! :)
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