Duggan Does Kosher Kush With DBHBB: 4 Plants, Two Pots, Lots Of LEDs!

That's an excellent recommendation CT. Added to the long list of strains that should be grown in kit soil. I find it funny that, although I know that both of my soils will grow comparable produce, I can't bring myself to plant a Carnival in LOS. It just seems wrong somehow. :laughtwo:

It amazes me how differently the plants grow in each of the soil types. Doc always says what we grow in the kit soil looks different, and that truth is boldly on display in my garden. Different look, different energy.

Good morning Duggan. I thought I'd drop a couple hugs to greet you in the morning. I'm off to the virtual coffee shop and you were right there in front of me. Have a wonderful day. :love: :hug::hug::hug: :love:
That's an excellent recommendation CT. Added to the long list of strains that should be grown in kit soil. I find it funny that, although I know that both of my soils will grow comparable produce, I can't bring myself to plant a Carnival in LOS. It just seems wrong somehow. :laughtwo:

It amazes me how differently the plants grow in each of the soil types. Doc always says what we grow in the kit soil looks different, and that truth is boldly on display in my garden. Different look, different energy.

Good morning Duggan. I thought I'd drop a couple hugs to greet you in the morning. I'm off to the virtual coffee shop and you were right there in front of me. Have a wonderful day. :love: :hug::hug::hug: :love:

Good morning Susan! yes , i'm glad your liking the "kit" soil. You are doing so well over at your place ...it's really good to see you getting all this experience and having fun ta boot! Thanks for the hugs girl...and ya ...i'm pouring my first cup , right now...cheers to ya and have an awesome day would ya!:high-five::hug:
Morning duggs! Have some purple kush to go with that coffee. It really is quite delicious. Nice head high to get ya going on the day.

Nice looking setup, nismo!

Mornin' duggan! Probably not a holiday weekend up there - eh? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Have a great one!
Mornin Major...ya , we had our long weekend last one....Victoria Day. Cheers bud, and have an awesome day!

Tell your employer I gave you permission to take Monday off.
It will be OK. Yep ... pretty sure. :rofl:
It's me, Duggs...:bitingnails:

Just hanging in the background, reading everyone's posts in all the HB gardens and giving out lots of "likes".

Killing me not being able to grow until the Fall. Moving back to WA state in Sept., but probably on the coast this time instead of the east side of the state. Oregon is also a possibility, but 90% sure it will be WA. Two years in the desert SW is about 1.5 yrs too much...lol

The desert has its own beauty, but I always preferred the pine trees since moving out West many, many moons ago.

Still soaking up all the great knowledge Doc, Ziggs, Gov, Major, Ice, you and many, many others offer so freely as we all still learn and improve our HB grows.

Like I said, I really miss growing and cannot wait to pop those first seeds again. Have accumulated quite the library while out of commish and looking forward to years of trying all kinds of new strains.

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Summer...I'll be on here more as Summer approaches...the triple digit temps will keep me indoors more now...
It's me, Duggs...:bitingnails:

Just hanging in the background, reading everyone's posts in all the HB gardens and giving out lots of "likes".

Killing me not being able to grow until the Fall. Moving back to WA state in Sept., but probably on the coast this time instead of the east side of the state. Oregon is also a possibility, but 90% sure it will be WA. Two years in the desert SW is about 1.5 yrs too much...lol

The desert has its own beauty, but I always preferred the pine trees since moving out West many, many moons ago.

Still soaking up all the great knowledge Doc, Ziggs, Gov, Major, Ice, you and many, many others offer so freely as we all still learn and improve our HB grows.

Like I said, I really miss growing and cannot wait to pop those first seeds again. Have accumulated quite the library while out of commish and looking forward to years of trying all kinds of new strains.

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Summer...I'll be on here more as Summer approaches...the triple digit temps will keep me indoors more now...

Hey Shrike , mornin brotha, ya , it's good to hear you have the passion and will start a grow , just as soon as ya can.Thanks a bunch for lettin us know your plan, look forward to your new en devour!! Cheers and you too have an awesome summer....don't forget to drop in now and then K ...:Namaste::high-five:
Tell your employer I gave you permission to take Monday off.
It will be OK. Yep ... pretty sure. :rofl:

Would be nice bud...:thumb:.my foreman comes back tomorrow from a three week trip to Greece....so....plus i took this Fri off as a holiday cuz my youngest has an all day PD Day hockey camp that i have to be around for....well at least drive him and pick him up...but i always like to watch him play....he looks for me . Cheers pal! ...Wow we're having high humidity and hi temps...not good for my GR...temps are pushing high eighties with RH of hi 70's. I 'm a lil worried but not too much as the buds are still forming and are not too big or too dense to handle the hi RH right now but i need it to drop over the next few weeks or i may be in some trouble. Anyhow have a great day Major ....and all my other brotha's ....and sista's.:circle-of-love:
Good morning Duggan. Just slipping through on the way to the shower. Strange how my hallway ended up over here. :laughtwo:

Have a wonderful Sunday. :hug:
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