Graytail Goes LED - 810W Intelligent-Gro II w/ High Brix

I have a portable washing machine similar to the Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine that I put the trimmings in a mesh bag and place inside the washing machine, I then fill the washing machine with cold water and ice cubes and set it for 2 cycles. I then place my 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble bags inside of a 5 gallon pail then drain the washing machine through its discharge hose into the bucket. I then remove each bag one at a time as I drain the liquid from the bag. The trichomes are gathered in the bottom of the bags and are removed in different grades and pressed in a pressing screen to remove excess water. I then take my Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press and press the hashish into convenient sized disks.

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine

Bubble Magic 5 Gallon Mini Washing Machine

5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit 5 Gallon All Mesh five Bubble Bag Kit

Large Piranha Aluminum Pollen T-Press large piranha aluminum pollen t-press
I would buy the bags only, bubblebags now have a sturdy cheap option(bubblebag lite) 160 for 8 5gal bags, then I would buy a drill attachment for mixing paint. Do the same thing the the machine does but cheaper.

Mornin brother! Ya , i highly recomend bubbleman's "light" bags. Price is right and you just can't beat his Mark's bags for quality and integrity.As far as the paint mixer thing....that was one of the ways that people used when we first started mixing this way. Instead of using a paint mixer on a drill you really should think of mixing it by hand with a cut off broom handle or smooth stick. Mix good by hand for about 10 min's. ,that's all more.Then pour that mixture thru your bags.Another way is to use a kitchen mixer ,ya know one of those mixmaster things....set on medium fast for about 5 minutes, no more ...then thru the bags. Always wash the bags off right away with COLD water to get all the missed resin off the screens before it dries .Iv'e done it using all combinations off mixers,by hand and with the little washer(bubblenow or bubblelator). The best way by far is the little washer (bubblelator). I only mix for 3-5 min'. and almost always get full melt hash in the 73 micron bag. I only use 5 bags from my 8 bag set. The others just are not needed. Here's how i line my 5 gal pale. First the 25,then the 73 then the 120,then the 160 and finnally the last to in the pale is the 220.I leave out the 45,90 and 190 micron bags ,as their resin just continues down into the next bags where it's trapped there. The 220 and 160 catch all the garbage....the 25,73,and 120 micron ,are the collector bags where all the goodness is! So instead of 6 grades of bubblehash i have three grades.Enough for me! I forgot to add that,i no longer use fan leaf trim and only use sugar trim or popcorn buds for my bubble. Gray....sorry for the highjack bro!

Anyhow if a person can't afford the heavy bags and the washer, i i'de go with a set of the "lite" bags and mix by hand with a broom handle . Will work sho! Cheers all!
I should also add, that using the drill attachement (used to mix drywall compound and paint) is WAY TOO violent a mix for this purpose.The better way is with the kitchen mixmaster,better still by hand w/a broom handle and the best way is with the mini washer.If the mixing method is strong and violent you will always get bits of green plant matter in your hash ,just cuz the trim has been beat to death ,know what i mean!Later ,and have a great day all !
OK....sorry more thing on the "bubble". The most important thing when makin g hash this way is to use lots and lots of ice.If the gland heads and trichomes are not cold enough the heads will not want to break free from they're "plant matter prisons".It just doesn't work if the mix isn't really,really cold. The heads will just flex around and not break off. Remember the only place there is thc and cbd's. is in the heads of the trichomes....not even in the stalks of them....just the heads that's it! That's why bubblehash is so's only the "heads" where the goodies are!;)
Hey Duggan, I really appreciate the tips! :thumb:

So, with dry sift, do you get more plant matter?
Hey Duggan, I really appreciate the tips! :thumb:

So, with dry sift, do you get more plant matter?

Ya sweat bro! Glad to pass on the info to brother! Bubblehash was my passion for quite a while so it's nice to help others.

With dry sift....can be awesome ,depends alot on the screen or screens. the raw mat'l. matters just as much w/ that method. The good thing about bubble is that all you get is the gland "heads" they are the heaviest thing in the mix of raw mat'l. and sink down thru the diff. micron sized screens till they get trapped. No solvents,no chemicals,no heat,just the goodies that are in the unbroken gland heads,perfectly preserved and unharmed. Some people press this final product after it dries ,of course.I mostly leave it in crumbly ,powder form. Looking at it under a low powered scope's really cool to see all the roundish heads sticking together to form the piece of hash.

Gray could prolly get all you need from bubbleman for around two bills. Just get a five bag set and get one of the mini washers . They only cost 150 or so! Then you can do it much easier and be ashured of great results. Goin for zz's. cheers Gray!
With dry sift the better the mesh, the better the final product, and yield-wise you can get really a lot from small amount of quality trim. It's also quick and simple, and retains the essence of terpenes well. Not as good as with hand rubbing, which produces as aromatic hash as it gets, but it gives better flavour with certain sativa varieties, and stronger, more peppery taste with indicas. Potency is nowhere near bubble hash, but it's easier to dose :) And as always dry sift gets better with time :)
Utopia Haze1 is dried and jarred and yielded 40 grams.

And I'm happy to announce that this is my first worthwhile harvest from a fluffy sativa! :yahoo: :slide:

I grew a Hawaiian Snow and a Tangerine Dream - the HS went south at the finish, and the TD just wasn't all that great. Bah.

But this UH turned out jus' fine! I was hoping for another pheno like the first one I grew and drew two fluffies instead. The first one hermied badly soon after bloom, but this one went the distance. Yay!

And! It's a great buzz! :yahoo:

It got a bit too dry so when I pulled it off the stems I left a lot of powder on the tray. Heheh. We like that nice pale blond stuff, don't we? Soooo ... I got a lil buzzed up with a couple pipefuls.


I did, however, have the energy and inclination to take some pics. :cheesygrinsmiley: This is very nice marijuana. Very nice. I can recommend it wholeheartedly. It has a key lime pie taste :cheesygrinsmiley: and a high that closely resembles the first one I grew. Very nice. Am I repeating myself? Could be that blond stuff.

Um ... I think I'll load some pics and try forming intelligent sentences at another time.

Here's a sample of the produce:




But there was all this nice stuff that fell off ... so I smoked some. :bongrip:

That was a good idea. :cheesygrinsmiley:



Nice flufiness, Mexican or Thai, innit? :bong: :)
Congrats on the harvest :) tip on the tumbler if you go that route: The two cylinders I have are 110 and 140 mesh. Just like power mixing in the bubble bags, the longer you tumble the more plant matter gets into the kief. I like to dry the pot just to the crumbly point (past normally dry for smoking) and do the tumble as soon as I can. Don't let it sit either; if you don't have enough for a tumble put it in the refrigerator until you get more. The instructions on the tumbler say not to exceed an hour but I think it's because of the motor possibly overheating. I know after 45 minutes you can taste the junk when you smoke the kief, but I haven't tested to see how short I should do the first run (I do two runs). Good luck!
Nice flufiness, Mexican or Thai, innit? :bong: :)

It's probably from the Haze it's crossed with. :cheesygrinsmiley: I was an ugly thang, but it produced jus' fine. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Congrats on the harvest :) tip on the tumbler if you go that route: The two cylinders I have are 110 and 140 mesh. Just like power mixing in the bubble bags, the longer you tumble the more plant matter gets into the kief. I like to dry the pot just to the crumbly point (past normally dry for smoking) and do the tumble as soon as I can. Don't let it sit either; if you don't have enough for a tumble put it in the refrigerator until you get more. The instructions on the tumbler say not to exceed an hour but I think it's because of the motor possibly overheating. I know after 45 minutes you can taste the junk when you smoke the kief, but I haven't tested to see how short I should do the first run (I do two runs). Good luck!

Thanks a ton! I'm getting more interested in fooling around some ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good day Gray, nice little harvest bro! Too bad about the TD and HS. I always wondered how that HS from Greenhouse would be . I remember when they brought that strain out a bunch of yrs. back....was supposed to be awesome....not so much eh, or what.Did it hermie on ya or just didn't finish nice for ya? Cheers.

The Hawaiian Snow was in mineralized soil and just ran outta oomph near the finish. And it was one of my first plants so I didn't have the skill to manage it well. The fluffy ones are kind of a crapshoot. You put all that time into them, and you just don't know how they're going to eventually turn out. Sometimes it goes well. :slide:
Gray...ya know ...there's a fantastic sativa out there that never gets talked about.Grew it about 10 yrs ago,i think. Kali Mist,from Serious Seed. Very heady....only weed i ever smoked and got ripped from one good toke.Makes ya wanna cut the grass,clean house....whatever ya know! It's 90% pure sativa.Simon did a real nice job with it. It doesn't take all that long to finish and the buds are long,big,and very resinous. If a person is prone to panic attacks or anxious.....Kali Mist is not good. Very energetic high! Did two grows of her,once from seed and then from clones.Not sure if they are available as fem. or not. Anyhow have a great night bud! Cheers.

Kali Mist used to be top smoke from what I read, but then Simon (I think that's his name) lost all his P1 clones to sneaky pig raid in Holland, and since then a lpt of Afghan has been added into it, which cut the high in half and made it heavier. Recent reviews are consistent in that, and it was one of the reasons I never went for it. Curious if someone keeps a clone of the original version though like people did with Cinderella 99.
I've had Kali Mist on my buy list for months, along with Y Griega, but so far I haven't pulled the trigger - always something else I want to try first. :cheesygrinsmiley: And this last buy was heavily sativa anyway, with all the Brazilian crosses (shoulda done a Brazil Amazonia).

But maybe I won't, if it isn't the strain it once was ... I'm jonesin' to do a Dr Grinspoon ...

Thanks for the tip, Conradino! :thumb:
I'm not super stoked about the WOS amazonia after smoking it for a while. I will let you know if this one turns out better but after it cured it's nothing special really.
I'm already set to bring Vietnam Black x Thai to my sativa grow next year, and cause my friend had to dump all these Oaxac Highland seeds I've been tellin you about in my journal, Gray, I'm gonna go for Jarillo de Sinaloa from Cannabiogen insted, if they still have it in stock, I need to check :)
Kali Mist used to be top smoke from what I read, but then Simon (I think that's his name) lost all his P1 clones to sneaky pig raid in Holland, and since then a lpt of Afghan has been added into it, which cut the high in half and made it heavier. Recent reviews are consistent in that, and it was one of the reasons I never went for it. Curious if someone keeps a clone of the original version though like people did with Cinderella 99.

Hey that's sooo too bad about the KM .when I grew it about ten yrs. ago it was very top notch smoke ,hard to beat .Too bad about what happened to Simon....he has his shit together over there w/ his strains. Have a great day Con .man!
+REP great job bringing that wily sativia to finish!!!

I have a mother of Durban poison from dutch passion my buddy gave me a while back ive had sitting in the corner waiting to take a cut a grow it out for a while but just have some many to do before it came into the picture :)

Its supposed to 100% sativa..not sure if it really is or not though....does any one else know??
It is a pure sativa, but has been watered down by Dutch Passion over the years of indoor inbreeding. If you want it in pure landrace form go for Seeds of Africa stock. They carry it and their shit is serious as I just found out from my Malawi Gold :)
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