HizzyB's Purple Dream by GDP - GH Modified Mega Farm Mini Cubes


Well-Known Member
HizzyB here,

1st ever journal here at 420mag

We are blessed to have been turned onto RX-Green Solutions 2 part nutes.
We are veg'n a purple dream by GDP female that will run in our GH MegaFarm that's been a lil modified to suit our needs and make it a bit easier to maintain.
we like to grow via mini grow cubes and have been for what must be ten years now? If not ten its close to it.
Rx-Green Solutions nutrients are really amazing that all you use is a two part solution and that's it, other than spraying some proteins every 14 days via foliar.

Pics will be uploaded and attached asap

One BIG reason we stick with cubes is how your almost assured not to have pests arriving for a free feast lol, gotta love working with a coir medium and getting free garden thrips. We were veg'n a small purple dream in a 78% Coco Coir and 22% Perlite until I found little tiny microscopic brown cigars in the leaves that run from ya.
I'm not positive it came in the new media but its the only new thing we introduced to the garden in a good while so the odds are HIGH.
I will be back as soon as I get a little growth on the cut.

1000 Watt Super HPS by Hortilux-8" XXXL Air Cooled hood

This coming winter we will test run the same exact everything but replace the HPS with a LED to show that HPS is still the way that we're insured to get BULK out of our garden.
Went and shot a few pics on the iPad but off course they're all sideways and upside down, when my husband gets back I'll have him break out the digital camera and get some better ones but this one pic is acceptable.
It's a purple dream vegging a little over a month and has only gotten RX-Green Solutions two part GROW, no other additives, supplements added to the reverse osmosis water at all. When we mix it up it comes in at a PH of 4.5, i leave it there and i let it rise to 5.9 and then we change out the ten gallon reservoir. Seems to give the specimen a wide range of availability and is working great. This hybrid has a habit of getting in a deficient state pretty easy and so far isnt.
The first week of August the plant will be transplanted into the mega and will veg another three weeks before we bloom her for 63 days.
Enjoy the pic and please keep coming back, promise it will be a monster good time
Stopped in as per your invite, Thank You.

Very healthy looking garden... big light too :cheesygrinsmiley: This should be fun. I am the worst to invite though because I am terrible following journals. The next look and bam its harvest time, I really do suck at following, just to let you know. I will try to stop in.
Stopped in as per your invite, Thank You.

Very healthy looking garden... big light too :cheesygrinsmiley: This should be fun. I am the worst to invite though because I am terrible following journals. The next look and bam its harvest time, I really do suck at following, just to let you know. I will try to stop in.
Im super glad you stopped by at all and if you make it back by harvest time it'll be even better lol, thanks sir

Here as requested :) should be fun! The hps vs LED should be informative, although in my mind unless your going top end led then hps will indeed win out ;) your grow style seems to fit into being LED friendly, anyway best of luck :)
Thanks light, I've got a good led lamp, it's similar to yours. It'll be a minute before were up and running and then a few more before its under the diodes but it should be this year.
Thank you for stopping by.
Im thinking to make it fair I will do a 600 vs the diodes instead of a grander? I dunno we'll see as it really depends on time and which station comes available. Summertime all the 1000s get swapped for 600s
Hey Hizzy B! Thanks for the invite and excited to watch these genetics real time :) I'll be cheering you on :)
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