More Phyto's Phun!

Back from the mountains and 7 days of pine needle hell!!! Pretty sure LandSat picked up the plumes from a couple of my burn piles, literally raked and burned a couple acres of pine needles. Time phor an update, was gone for a week and the wiphe did a great job of watching the girls. I'm getting a slight bit of yellowing, but I don't think it's nute related, most of the lower leaves are phine, the mid level leaves are showing it most, but they are also very old phan leaves. I'm thinking it's a issue with lights (burn/bleaching), I turned up the lights to 80% and the yellowing got worse, so I turned them back down to 70%. Still many weeks to go, but a couple are starting to purple up. Temps are holding between 76-85 during the day, probably dropping to the mid 60's at night (I'm not getting up at 4 AM to check the temps when the lights come on). R/H is mostly in the 40-55% range slightly more right after watering. Thanks for phollowing along!

So, an overview:

A little purple showing:

Another one of the girls:
Love the color. Beautiful. 🍋
Checked the tent this morning and phound that I guess I'm gonna have to replace my supplemental lights, one lost the veg ciruit, which is phine now, but won't be for the next grow. The lights in question are about 8 year old Bestva 285W veg/bloom burples. It's not worth trying to replace the driver. The lights were relatively expensive in their day, but I think for the same amount I can get more and better light. Another 400-600 watts would be perphect for my 6.5x6.5x7 tent.
I think an update is in order. Things are starting to wind down a bit, have another phew weeks to go, but things are looking pretty good. Getting a little phade as the plants purple up, still convinced that most of it is light related, because I'm right on the edge when it comes to distance from the light. Nice tight nuggies. So here we go:

An overview:

Some close ups:



Yayyyyy someone's gonna have scissor hand! Beautiful garden mate!
Yeah, I refer to it as "trim jail", nothing a spliph and a tube of Voltaren gel can't phix (Arthritis, sucks to get old, but it beats the alternative!).
A little update, things are still looking good and I estimate another couple weeks phor at least some of the plants{ Getting some yellowing of the older fn leaves, but I gave them their last shot of nutes an watered heavily today. Leaving town, so they'll be on autopilot for 5 days. Here's some new pics:

IMG_0960 (1).jpg

Individual bud pics:




Found a nanner below!

It's been 10+ weeks since phlip, and I'm starting to get quite a bit of yellowing, which I believe is mostly from light bleaching so I turned the lights down to 60%. The leaves that are shadded are phine, the leaves in direct light are suphering a bit, but I've only got a couple weeks to go, though I'm going to have an issue because I'm going out of town again just about the time I need to pull most oph them. So I was checking the buds today and I think I've got a couple that are very close, like to get some input on whether they're done. The buds are rock hard and 98% of the pistils are shriveled back into the caylxes. I have a bad habit of letting them go a bit too long, but I don't want to put the habeus yankus on them too early either:

Number 1:


These I know are done (but I've got about 150 more still in the ground)
So what do you think, ready or another week? I’ve been at this for 50+ years and I still second guess myself!
Normally I'd ask how often she is draining her pot?
Gives a good indication if she is dieing/ finishing.
But she is ready imo.
That's a beautiful ripe garden ready to chop. :adore: :adore:
Nice work my friend. :welldone:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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