Nick Hardy & Co Graduation: Coco Co2 High EC: Grown in Thailand: Perpetual

Nice video! Although watching it makes me feel like I'm on a boat and don't quite have my sea legs yet. 🤪
My Mum just got off a boat in Patagonia. 4 days no internet and just my Dad for company.

She said something similar 😆

We’re a close was with love.

Yeah - sorry its super quick with the camera in places not trying to hide stuff, just trying not to be in the room as terrified for messing with it! Crap phone camera - its an honest video. I deal in honest. Fair?

I believe someone once said, John Dutton:

But not hiding stuff with the quick camera - just a busy person running around robbing banks down town... whilst pitching Costner Homilies!

Tick - Tock - the clock is running out on these girls.

Nick & Co

Threw my 16 year old step daughters boyfriend out the house earlier 😅

"How come you get to to sleep in until 1pm buddy? Everyone else wakes up 6:30 to 7:30 am and I pay the AC bills and lend your parents money. What is special about you can lazy man sleep until 1pm?

@InTheShed a great bet would be - over/under I've thrown a 72 year old and a 16 year old out my house this week - makes 88 years of throwing out!

You want over or under on 100 before end of Sunday!
You need G&R Welcome to the jungle playin during the video homeskillet!! But seriously.... Looks great!! Can't wait to see what you pull from The Jungle!! Happy Sunday!! 😎✌️
So as anyone who reads @Jon Final Florida journal knows - I spotted oh so late that the kid while adjusting one of the C02 pipes left the "House Lights" on - they're 3000k 28w spots. Meh, enough. Why he thought he needed them on with 2190w of Mars Hydro in there already, no idea.

So this morning I killed the lights. I can't hermie another grow. I think it was Saturday evening. so they got loads of light and now darkness. I'm a really quite annoyed, plus our housekeeper he got pregnant got induced into labour this morning, its the first match for the pool team I bought tonight as well 😅

Busy day!

So I killed all the lights, all the gas and no water, its OK for some, a little early for others. We'll dark them and obvs drought them until say Wednesday (L's obsessed with Wednesday from the Addam's family - she doesn't know her Papa knew some of the Adam's family in London as a younger man. Google your friend there. Its like the Corleones's of London... Meh. That stuff not for me.

Wednesday maybe the most interestingly named day of the week anyway.

So yeah this grow is nearly done. As is the journal.

Some pictures I'll add in a sec of the next wave, switching from laptop to phone, but when tops and bottoms are tested we'll see how we did. but yeah winding down.

Oh the kid isn't getting my family name Arthur as a first name boy or girl! Not my choice! But it was a favourite story of mine as a kid. I have a growing suspicion & Co and my Mum have a secret back channel!

Nick & Co

Pictures - its really really sweaty and hot in there. Must be 90% Rh which is fine by me. Needs more light by my eyes. Will take the edge off that Rh too. Spot rhe single leafed dead plant & Co won’t let go of!

The seedlings under the UV purple light all banging. 100% success rate. They belong in Swicky cups - stretchy, right? But likely that’s got to wait for tomorrow.

So as anyone who reads @Jon Final Florida journal knows - I spotted oh so late that the kid while adjusting one of the C02 pipes left the "House Lights" on - they're 3000k 28w spots. Meh, enough. Why he thought he needed them on with 2190w of Mars Hydro in there already, no idea.

So this morning I killed the lights. I can't hermie another grow. I think it was Saturday evening. so they got loads of light and now darkness. I'm a really quite annoyed, plus our housekeeper he got pregnant got induced into labour this morning, its the first match for the pool team I bought tonight as well 😅

Busy day!

So I killed all the lights, all the gas and no water, its OK for some, a little early for others. We'll dark them and obvs drought them until say Wednesday (L's obsessed with Wednesday from the Addam's family - she doesn't know her Papa knew some of the Adam's family in London as a younger man. Google your friend there. Its like the Corleones's of London... Meh. That stuff not for me.

Wednesday maybe the most interestingly named day of the week anyway.

So yeah this grow is nearly done. As is the journal.

Some pictures I'll add in a sec of the next wave, switching from laptop to phone, but when tops and bottoms are tested we'll see how we did. but yeah winding down.

Oh the kid isn't getting my family name Arthur as a first name boy or girl! Not my choice! But it was a favourite story of mine as a kid. I have a growing suspicion & Co and my Mum have a secret back channel!

Nick & Co
He seems to be fucking everything and everyone 😳
Hope you don't end up with another batch of seeds 😪
Yep! He’s gone soon though.

Just get the baby kid to flower and they are all gone. Was meant to be a business, a job for him. Independent income for my wife. He can’t do it, it seems. Meh.

But like that single leafed seedling shows - we give everything a chance in this house!

We won’t get seeds, but with the power cut as well last week just seemed like the safe move
Yep! He’s gone soon though.

Just get the baby kid to flower and they are all gone. Was meant to be a business, a job for him. Independent income for my wife. He can’t do it, it seems. Meh.

But like that single leafed seedling shows - we give everything a chance in this house!

We won’t get seeds, but with the power cut as well last week just seemed like the safe move
Sent you a little video
I've heard that leaving them in the dark just before harvest for a period helps build the frost like it's some kind of stressor. Don't know though. They don't get that in nature so I'd be surprised if that was really a thing. Droughting on the other hand does seem to have a foot in science.

Even if the extra light this late did cause some male flowers there isn't enough time for any seeds they may produce to develop, let alone ripen.
I've heard that leaving them in the dark just before harvest for a period helps build the frost like it's some kind of stressor. Don't know though. They don't get that in nature so I'd be surprised if that was really a thing. Droughting on the other hand does seem to have a foot in science.

Even if the extra light this late did cause some male flowers there isn't enough time for any seeds they may produce to develop, let alone ripen.
The only real positive with leaving them in darkness for 48h before harvest is if you're out of drying space between cycles and need more time for drying other plants. Leaving them in darkness do nothing that the drying process already does by leaving them to dry slowly in darkness for days(weeks).
I've heard that leaving them in the dark just before harvest for a period helps build the frost like it's some kind of stressor.

The only real positive with leaving them in darkness for 48h before harvest is if you're out of drying space between cycles and need more time for drying other plants.
Thank you both!

Yeah Azi I’ve read the same

And Wastei, yeah! Its exactly what this is 🤣

Thanks for small mercies.

Anyway Arthur was born by C Section 2 hours ago. Both mother and and baby doing well.

& Co officially a Grandmother.

These are for the 4x8 tent grow. 19/19 I think? Too tired to check but its 95% hit rate at worst so far. That’s a lot of luck. We have a bunch of free seeds in there.

We did shake the potting soil up quite a bit with just fingers. The first phase of 30 or whatever was a bit “stale”. Aerated it I guess. Busy week.

95% - dunno I’d be happy to hit 85%.

They’re going in Swicky Thingies tomorrow. More details in the Dissertation Grow.

We have a lady coming tomorrow afternoon who’s gonna help physically chop the plants, fold the lights and we’re gonna use some our commercial fk ton of PVC coloured pipe in the garage to hang them upside down off the electric winches.

The room is at this now - can get the Rh down a bit more. We’ll have them in there for a week like that once they’re hung. Like Wastei noted - its a drying decision room decision. Nice spot. Smart man is Wastei!

Basically we ‘re doing this to the plants


But Plant of The Month? Yeah borrowing a Nikon off a mate! There’s some absolute bangers in there 🤣

Dunno some pics tomorrow then its dry and test. Close the journal. Mark as complete pretty soon. Weird.

Nick & (a very very tired & Co)
I don’t mind it either as a finishing technique.

Dunno Azi? Shed? @Keffka

Blast them with extra light and let them live in the dark cold and dry for 48 hours before chopping and hanging.

I like how that sounds!

But then it is what it is so probably best I like it!

I’m not sure what your question is but in my opinion, all the extra stuff at the end isn’t necessary and has no quantifiable effect. Basically it’s psychological in my opinion.

Once the plant is ready for harvest it’s ready for harvest, it’s done. It has expended its last bit of energy by design and has completed its lifecycle. Forcing them into dark for 3 days or using cold water or any other variety of backyard hints for a better harvest have no basis in the way plants behave from everything I know.

Once the plant has been chopped the main reason you want darkness is to avoid any of the trichomes, terpenes, and flavonoids from being broken down by exposure to the light. Same with keeping temps below 68.

I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. A plants lifecycle is pretty specific, especially with annuals, and cannabis isn’t a special mystery plant, it plays by the rules of others.
I’m not sure what your question is but in my opinion, all the extra stuff at the end isn’t necessary and has no quantifiable effect. Basically it’s psychological in my opinion.

Once the plant is ready for harvest it’s ready for harvest, it’s done. It has expended its last bit of energy by design and has completed its lifecycle. Forcing them into dark for 3 days or using cold water or any other variety of backyard hints for a better harvest have no basis in the way plants behave from everything I know.

Once the plant has been chopped the main reason you want darkness is to avoid any of the trichomes, terpenes, and flavonoids from being broken down by exposure to the light. Same with keeping temps below 68.

I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. A plants lifecycle is pretty specific, especially with annuals, and cannabis isn’t a special mystery plant, it plays by the rules of others.
I'd agree with the exception of droughting. There does seem to be strong anecdotal evidence of a drought increasing trichomes and therefore cannabinoids. There was also a scientific study done Summarized here that tested that theory.

A few of us have some criticisms of the study (limited plant numbers, not repeated that I know of, no identification of plant (indica, sativa, hybrid), no variation in substrate, etc.,but there does seem to be something to it.
I've always wondered if the dark period before harvest came from misinterpretation of a dark period before flipping to bloom. The latter is done to increase the hormones in the plant and force flowering faster. Sure there's some truth to that... But I've always been sceptical about the preharvest dark period.
Yeah we just didn’t have the time to harvest then. Figured it was the path of least harm. Was going to drought them, not sure like Keffka says on the “backyard” darkness. Just looked at them and look fine. Not sure they’re going to get chopped today either. The poor little kid been taken into ICU, not sure why, language thing and & Co is too busy (understandably) to explain.

Anyway got this done this morning.

The ones on the right went into Swickies - not sure why more water was added to the tray, it was already humid as. That was for a few days ago. Opened the tent a touch.

These we’re gonna fully grow out in 3 gallon airpots in the 8x4 tent next to this one.

This tent is meant to be for the Canuk grow in Solos but they’re still at sea it seems. I’m really keen to get them to see how we go with getting them popped. I need to check the numbers but I think we’re at about 85% Phase #1 and 100% Phase #2 there are 46 cups in there but one is dead 🤣 so 45 all told.

25 Canuk Banner x Gorilla is a big enough sample size to know the seeds are a problem or not. Our method clearly works!



400L of coco peat, 4 new @Mars Hydro 10” oscillating fans and 20 3 Gallon Airpots.

We need 420L Coco this grow (really 21*5 Gallons!)

We need the relatively trivial 36 litres for Dissertation - this is why I like downsizing the pots!

Then 18x 3 Gallons for 216

We had 100L on hand

772 Litres Required

Mulling reusing some from this grow for the 3 gallons random pop all the seeds grow.

Probably rinse it in H2O2 water first. We’ve always bought new before but they’ve put the price up by 30% - I’m guessing so many people quit growing they needed to.

So many decisions, decisions!

Nick & Co
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