This isn't a comparative thing for the journal, so I won't be detailing which plant is getting what, but I would like to know for myself how things go.
Do you mean we'll have to guess? :straightface:
Do you mean we'll have to guess? :straightface:
Lol, I'll DM you if you ask. I'm pretty sure comparing a sponsor's product to a non-sponsor's in the open forum would be a no-no.
Lol, I'll DM you if you ask. I'm pretty sure comparing a sponsor's product to a non-sponsor's in the open forum would be a no-no.
I had not thought of that!

I've had a few grows where I did just that, I guess.

I had a grow using MC and Geoflora on different plants, and another using MC and Prescription Blend on different plants. I identified which plants were getting what and nobody (mods or other members) said anything to me.

My days here may be numbered and I don't even know it, especially since I've just highlighted my past transgressions!

Thanks for getting me kicked of the site, Mel! You and your damn request for feedback! :laugh:
As much as I like the idea of naming my plants, I, personally, would always have to look up who was who.

And, as such, I do enjoy reading the new names. However, I wonder if there is anyway you could include which strain each name belongs to at the same time? That would make following your journal easier like the way Trala posts her pics:

Bluebell Bee aka Blue Sunset Sherbert
As much as I like the idea of naming my plants, I, personally, would always have to look up who was who.

And, as such, I do enjoy reading the new names. However, I wonder if there is anyway you could include which strain each name belongs to at the same time? That would make following your journal easier like the way Trala posts her pics:
Sure thing!
I chose the names for Skywalker OG and Jack the Ripper by using a feminine form of Luke and Jack, and I used the name of one of my 2 favourite Romulan women from Star Trek for the Romulan seedling.
And of course the most creative of the bunch is Divvy for DV.:p
Day...well...Look, I don't really count how many days the plants have been growing. The entire Doug's Varin thread I had to check what day I was on by checking the last post and hope I hadn't made a mistake.

I'm happy to report that the new nutes arrived today!
Space Grow 21 April 2022 New Nutes.jpg

They came with a little graduated picher, instead of the syringe and shot glass in the description, and honestly that seems better to me. It did come with a lighter leash.
I gave the tent a wipedown, and popped the girls in there. They seem happy with the exception of Divvy the Doug's Varin. She has a thin spot on her stem that looks like damping off without the brown. She hasn't grown much, and looks kind of pale. I'm really not sure she's going to make it. If she doesn't I'll be planting a Black Amnesia Haze from @Canuk Seeds
Space Grow 21 April 2022.jpg

Here we have Lucille Skywalker (OG)
Space Grow 21 April 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 21 April 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore
Space Grow 21 April 2022 Donatra.jpg

And Divvy, the poor overexposed Doug's Varin
Space Grow 21 April 2022 Divvy.jpg

I am very high, and very tired tonight.
Hope you all have a great night!
Here are the girls. I've hit a bit of a bump in the road.
Space Grow 22 April 2022 .jpg

As you can see most of them are doing well.
Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 22 April 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 22 April 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 22 April 2022 Donatra.jpg

And now we get to the problem, Divvy the Doug's Varin
Space Grow 22 April 2022 Divvy.jpg

Yes it's a terrible pic, but you should be able to see the problem in the stem in the next one.
Space Grow 22 April 2022 Divvy 1.jpg

It gets really thin there. The leaves are curling and starting to yellow, and she's not growing. I'm really considering pulling her. I'll give her a couple more days, but if she doesn't improve that'll be it and I'll get to work popping the Black Amnesia Haze seed.
Well, Divvy has passed away. Her stem dried up, and she started to turn yellow. When I pulled her up her taproot was only 1 cm long.
I have put the Black Amnesia Haze seed in to soak. The way this grow is going I'm going to hold off on posting the strain info until she has her first set of true leaves.
Other than that things are going fairly well. In the pics they're still kind of pointing to the side from being in the window.
Space Grow 23 April 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 23 April 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 23 April 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 23 April 2022 Donatra.jpg
Black Amnesia Haze seed has cracked open, now just to wait for it to break the surface.
The others in the small pots seem ready to get started on nutes, so they'll be getting a weak dose when their pots are light. The two for my neighbour will be getting nutes as well. I'm wondering whether or not to pass them to him now, or wait until the weather is ready for them to go outside. He has a bad habit of growing stretchy plants indoors. I think he might be giving them GA3 or something as a few have hermed on him as well.
Space Grow 24 April 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 24 April 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 24 April 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 24 April 2022 Donatra.jpg

That's all for tonight!
Have a great evening!
Hi MH, I am looking forward to watching you train. Beautiful DV you grew and documented in your DV journal! Have you tried any yet?
Hi MH, I am looking forward to watching you train. Beautiful DV you grew and documented in your DV journal! Have you tried any yet?
I haven't tried her quite yet, but I'm thinking that she might be just dry enough for the dry herb vape this evening. If she is I'll post a report in the thread!
I'm going to have to set the vape to a higher temp than usual as THCV doesn't vaporise until 220C (428f).
THCV doesn't vaporise until 220C (428f).
That's interesting and good to know. I use my dry herb vape quite high and I just start inhaling at around 60C (Edit: 160 C) to get the lovely terps because by the time it gets to over 200 those flavours are pretty much gone. I found I got way higher off the higher temps. What is your experience MH?
That's interesting and good to know. I use my dry herb vape quite high and I just start inhaling at around 60C to get the lovely terps because by the time it gets to over 200 those flavours are pretty much gone. I found I got way higher off the higher temps. What is your experience MH?
I've mostly stuck to 185C, as I feel like I get the flavours I like and a nice high without it feeling too harsh at the back of my throat. I also get a lot higher at higher temps.
I've been using avb to make cannabutter, so I like to leave some of the THC in there. 185C seems to work well for that.
How about you? Do you use avb for anything?
Do you use avb for anything?
I used to use it for butter and found it worked well. Vaping at higher temps there's nothing left to use though. I am a pipe smoker at home where there are no restrictions, so I seldom use the vape these days. I must see if it still works!
Sorry I’m late!

Your doorman wouldn’t let me in!

I had to scale your back fence, dodge your guard dogs, and squeeze through your bathroom window!

Looking schmicky doo bruv :)

PS Sorry about the shower curtain damage.
The babies are starting to look like teenagers! Sorry about the DV but you should have a bit on hand for a while. ;)

Always a good idea if you have the space until then.

Who gives their plants GA3 unless they're trying to reverse them? :eek:
I do have the space. He had some problems starting seeds, so he was looking for something to help. One of our neighbours is pretty old school when it comes to growing and told him GA3 speeds up germination.
I told him he probably just needed to keep them warmer, but he won't listen to me.
Sorry I’m late!

Your doorman wouldn’t let me in!

I had to scale your back fence, dodge your guard dogs, and squeeze through your bathroom window!

Looking schmicky doo bruv :)

PS Sorry about the shower curtain damage.
Damnit, I specifically told them you're on the VIP list!
Glad you're here now!
It's a rainy day out, so they're in the tent early.
Space Grow 25 April 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 25 April 2022 Lucille.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 25 April 2022 Jacinda.jpg

And Commander Donatra
Space Grow 25 April 2022 Donatra.jpg

We are still awaiting the shuttle transporting our replacement for the unfortunate redshirt, Divvy.

Until then, the shop that sent the nutes threw in a couple of samples of something called Optic Foliar Overdrive. Has anyone heard of this stuff? They're not sponsors, so I can't link to them.
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