Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Black Cherry Punch Clone Day 113

This is for you Shed. I haven't gotten around to up potting her over the last two days. Got caught up with life and then the final trim of the Hindu yesterday. Will get her up potted tonight most likely. Goal will be to flip her next friday.

All the shoots except for one are growing normally on this girl. She is getting big and really hitting her stride. No idea how the strain yields but I am figuring I should do pretty good with her yield wise. She's gonna eat up a good chunk of that 4x4 when I put her in there!

Thanks guys. Will do an update on the Hawaiian Mayan Gold later. Gotta head over and check on a buddy that just had hip surgery and see how his pains are doing. He is loving the ATF.....gave him some out of my secret stash. Hasn't taken any more pain killers since I hooked him up. See everyone in a couple hours!
Hi Stank, just stopping by to say hi. Outdoor ATF is starting to flower, it got huge, it's about 6 feet in diameter now. Got clones of her going now :D Turns out the big 13 fingered one was a male. Was thinking about crossing it with the big one, but I think I'm going to try to get some feminized pollen instead. I'm gonna let the male plant decide... Cut all of its limbs down, snapped and twisted its stalk up, if it survives I will let it pass on its legacy lol
Black Cherry Punch Clone Day 113

This is for you Shed. I haven't gotten around to up potting her over the last two days. Got caught up with life and then the final trim of the Hindu yesterday. Will get her up potted tonight most likely. Goal will be to flip her next friday.

All the shoots except for one are growing normally on this girl. She is getting big and really hitting her stride. No idea how the strain yields but I am figuring I should do pretty good with her yield wise. She's gonna eat up a good chunk of that 4x4 when I put her in there!

If it flowers Like duggans gonna be a monster
Hey Fert! Glad to see ya brother! Great news on that ATF man! She should yield you a good bit my friend, especially with her being that big! Throw up a picture of that big girl! Cheers brother!
Hey Fert! Glad to see ya brother! Great news on that ATF man! She should yield you a good bit my friend, especially with her being that big! Throw up a picture of that big girl! Cheers brother!

This is from about 5 days ago, she's been a bit droopy lately, I think because she's having trouble holding the weight of her limbs up, I may have went a bit crazy with topping and fimming. Gonna be cutting some of the extra leafs off and putting stakes in to lighten the load.

Got my new journal up too, but not much to see yet. Just waiting on roots.

Alaskan Thunderfuck SOG With 315W CMH
Hawaiian Mayan Gold Clone Day 79

Watered this girl today. She gets about half a gallon in her 3 gallon pot every 2-3 days (getting closer to 2 days now). She seems to really be getting legs underneath her and is growing nicely. Not getting a definitive scent from her other than sweet. A few of the side branches are starting to become more dominant which is nice as she's getting bigger.

I need to do a bit of LST on her to even out her canopy. She had some funky growth after her Neem bath a while back and that led to 4 shoots popping out from the top. I wanted to see how they would grow and develop before I worked them into the canopy. I see what its doing and will do another bout of bondage on her tomorrow.

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