Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Update :hookah:
Summer has been so busy for us and it’s only going to get busier. The upside though is that everything we are doing is fun :Namaste:
Here’s the ladies:
Green Doc 2 in one gallon DBHBB quadlined. She is due for a transplant and flip rather soon.

Seedsman Cheese in 2 gallon Hempy and quadlined. This girls gonna have to be flipped a lot sooner than I’m used to cause she grows way faster than soil and I’m not used to the speed she’s moving hehe.

Mexican Airlines in three gallon grow bag DBHBB she might be destined for SPOG cause she’s getting close to flowering surely and she’s about four or five inches tall. Poor thing, it’s not her fault. My growbox got up to 99 the other day. :eek:

The outdoor girls. They’ve sorta melded together into one bush.
Critical Haze in front
Carnival in the rear....not my rear though okay :sorry: :laugh:

I count eleven. This is on Critical Haze.

Cheers :passitleft:

Great to see you and the garden Archie :ciao: :passitleft: Those outdoor kids look about perfect! Excellent work. Are you finding the drench amounts we talked about for the raised bed all those months ago are in the right ballpark? Whatever you’re doing, it’s obviously just right.

All best to you with all the busy-ness. Glad it’s all fun :Namaste:
Dang Archiweedies (lol my phone auto typed in your name) those raised beds are looking hearty, can’t wait to see how big they get!

unlike me who clones and grows more versions of everything;).
If you find a way to make it stop please let me know. I feel like I’m building a clone army or something. On the other hand, I’m going to harvest the first of the clones you gave me today; there are some great side effects of this horrendous addiction. I just need to train myself to not think it’s brutal murder to cull good, strong, healthy plants.

Your garden is looking great - both inside and out! :thumb:
Mexican Airlines in three gallon grow bag DBHBB she might be destined for SPOG
So are you pretty sure your environment is to blame for the SPOG-like growth? I'm interested because Mexican Airlines is on my potential list for next year's growth. I'm might be reconsidering now.
The outdoor girls. They’ve sorta melded together into one bush.
Looks like both you and @Agemon underestimated the success of your first outdoor grows. They really like that big light bulb in the sky, and they need lots of room to spread. :morenutes:
If you find a way to make it stop please let me know. I feel like I’m building a clone army or something. On the other hand, I’m going to harvest the first of the clones you gave me today; there are some great side effects of this horrendous addiction. I just need to train myself to not think it’s brutal murder to cull good, strong, healthy plants.
I'll let you know if I do but hasn't happened yet. My first step it to get cuttings from the 1 gallon plants and toss them, since I can't keep mothers. I really don't need another two Peyote Criticals, Berry Bombs, and a Bedroom Cookies right now :oops: .

Any takers? I've got Candidas on offer as well!
Hey Shed, aren't you the Sativa Guy? I can't find any info on the Bedroom Cookies, but if it's a Sativa I'd like one or two. You got any Sativa Clones, I'll just place my order here and you can let me know...
Hey Shed, aren't you the Sativa Guy? I can't find any info on the Bedroom Cookies, but if it's a Sativa I'd like one or two. You got any Sativa Clones, I'll just place my order here and you can let me know...
BC is an indica (as PW said), but I have the IIP which Sue says acts more like a sativa (despite its lineage), and Van's DTF is a sativa. Stake your claim!
Hmm Bedroom Cookies are (GSC x WW) x Afghan #1 so almost pure indica. I use it to put me to sleep at night.
I know right? Between the Bedroom Cookies and the Berry Bomb I'll have enough indica for a few years! And yet...I still have clones :oops: .
Clone Wars!
just need to train myself to not think it’s brutal murder to cull good, strong, healthy plants.
You know, it’s beneficial to eat them at any stage. Earlier in the plants life, cannabinoids like CBC are present. So it’s not like they’re useless for consumption. :yummy:Eat them I say!

I think the outdoor babes look the perfect size. Bit more stretch to go... upwards... and it looks like it will be easy to give each branch and cola its own space. I am biased of course because I’m on of the people who said “put 2 in there”... so vested interests and all... but I really do think they look spot on! Exactly what I would have wanted! So exciting to have some outdoor Brix babies :slide:
Another excellent harvest! You're killing it in the Springs Age :).

Oh, and there's your hookah!

Guess I forgot to hit the insert quotes button...

BC is an indica (as PW said), but I have the IIP which Sue says acts more like a sativa (despite its lineage), and Van's DTF is a sativa. Stake your claim!

I know right? Between the Bedroom Cookies and the Berry Bomb I'll have enough indica for a few years! And yet...I still have clones :oops: .

On the name alone I'll go with the DTF, the Euphemisms abound...

BTW: gonna grind up some NL tonight,
BTW: gonna grind up some NL tonight,
I'm dieing to try some NL. Still have another 2.5 months before mine will be ready. :drool:
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