Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Ok, so enough with the funny stuff.
+reps go to X.
I just want a good journal people enjoy and if they see me fuckin something up or have a better way to do something they let me know.
Being a master mechanic I have trained one or two youngins in my life. We all need to learn somewhere and we all need help at some point.
One day I hope to be able to help someone on this forum who needs it. What you all pass along to me now will be passed along by me later.
:peace: out

I didn't mean to put you on the spot, there, so thanks for being cool with me reposting that bit here. I'm sincerely glad to have gotten to know you a bit, and you'll be a great grower, passing along what you've learned, in no time with that approach. Also thanks a ton for the reps and the kindness. :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I use the User CP to keep up with all the new posts/replies to journals to which I am subscribed. I just click the little arrow by the last poster's name and am taken to the new posts. It shows only those which have been recently updated, so it's quite handy. Once in your User CP, bookmark it for easy access from your browser.

420 Magazine ® - User Control Panel

Nice! That's pretty much how I do it too - thanks for sharing that, as I've found a lot of people rely on their email notifications, etc., and the User CP is pretty helpful if you use it right. + rep for sharing that tip. :thanks:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

You are reeeeally going above and beyond with everything :Namaste:

You are always trying new things (i.e. cloning, coco, diy etc)...and the best part is you give solid reviews of pros and cons of almost everything you've tried out with success!!!:Namaste:

I'd rep you 10x everyday if I could...:love:

Awwwww.... :circle-of-love: :love: :circle-of-love:

See, you always brighten my day!! :thanks:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Well, about a week ago, I posted my method of germination, using Rapid Rooter plugs as I was about to put a Chocolope seed in a rooter plug.

Yesterday, I transplanted it into a 1 gallon Coco coir Smartpot:


So far, so good! I've been using straight coir in these Smart Pots, and they all seem to love it so far. I mean LOVE it. I'm definitely an instant fan of this stuff. Hopefully, Chocolope loves it too! :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

So far, so good! I've been using straight coir in these Smart Pots, and they all seem to love it so far. I mean LOVE it. I'm definitely an instant fan of this stuff. Hopefully, Chocolope loves it too! :)
Only problem with coir is it's ugly. Hairy & nasty looking un-groomed magic.
Americans want pretty. Big teeth on display, and expensive fashionable clothes.
"No dear, don't say anything. Camera loves you baby, so just smile, OK?" Atta girl

Rapid roots one week? Fully engulfed already. That's pretty to my eye.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

hi all, ive just been having a good read about the lighting schedules ie, 24-0 or 18-6, now it goes into depth about the pros and cons of the lighting schedule, but what it all came down to was this, plants that are grown under 24-0 tend to produce more horizontal growth where plants under 18-6 produce more vertical growth, now the argument was that the plants stretch more due to the lights being off and this causes the plants to grow tall, where as 24-0 prevents this so called stretch period and promotes more horizontal growth and keeps the plant lower to the pot,
so if thats the case, would a mixture of both mean you could say start with 24-0 for few weeks then change to 18-6 for next few weeks before turning to veg, surely this should then make the plant bushy during first few weeks but then it will grow more under 18-6 and produce bigger buds, does anyone see this as been a good idea,
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

hi all, ive just been having a good read about the lighting schedules ie, 24-0 or 18-6, now it goes into depth about the pros and cons of the lighting schedule, but what it all came down to was this, plants that are grown under 24-0 tend to produce more horizontal growth where plants under 18-6 produce more vertical growth, now the argument was that the plants stretch more due to the lights being off and this causes the plants to grow tall, where as 24-0 prevents this so called stretch period and promotes more horizontal growth and keeps the plant lower to the pot,
so if thats the case, would a mixture of both mean you could say start with 24-0 for few weeks then change to 18-6 for next few weeks before turning to veg, surely this should then make the plant bushy during first few weeks but then it will grow more under 18-6 and produce bigger buds, does anyone see this as been a good idea,

Personally I don't think it would hurt the plant at all to give it a try. The only way to know for sure though if it helps or not would be to do a comparisson grow with everything being the same execpt for the light schedule.
I myself am using the GLR lighting schedule and so far so good.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Nice! That's pretty much how I do it too - thanks for sharing that, as I've found a lot of people rely on their email notifications, etc., and the User CP is pretty helpful if you use it right. + rep for sharing that tip. :thanks:
w00t! Thank you for the rep! I found that little bit about a month after I joined here and still lurking a bit. I really helps keep me on top of new posts in the threads I'm sub'd. Plus when there are no new posts......it tells me the last 5 people that rep'd. You're currently at the top! And I thank you, brother.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Only problem with coir is it's ugly. Hairy & nasty looking un-groomed magic.
Americans want pretty. Big teeth on display, and expensive fashionable clothes.
"No dear, don't say anything. Camera loves you baby, so just smile, OK?" Atta girl

Rapid roots one week? Fully engulfed already. That's pretty to my eye.

Yes, it's definitely not sexy stuff. I hide mine with a layer of hydroton on top. ;)

I originally worried that I should have mixed some perlite in with the coir, but I'm really glad I didn't, as these smart pots are so good at getting air to the rootzone that they need water/nutrients daily as it is (once they have an established rootzone). I suspected as much, but I'm glad it worked out to plan.

Simple as it gets - straight coir in a smartpot. Nutrient love provided by Blue Planet. :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

hi all, ive just been having a good read about the lighting schedules ie, 24-0 or 18-6, now it goes into depth about the pros and cons of the lighting schedule, but what it all came down to was this, plants that are grown under 24-0 tend to produce more horizontal growth where plants under 18-6 produce more vertical growth, now the argument was that the plants stretch more due to the lights being off and this causes the plants to grow tall, where as 24-0 prevents this so called stretch period and promotes more horizontal growth and keeps the plant lower to the pot,
so if thats the case, would a mixture of both mean you could say start with 24-0 for few weeks then change to 18-6 for next few weeks before turning to veg, surely this should then make the plant bushy during first few weeks but then it will grow more under 18-6 and produce bigger buds, does anyone see this as been a good idea,

I admire your determination in your quest for the ultimate optimum veg schedule, but I think you are focused on the wrong thing. My sincere, honest best advice I can give is this:

Pick something simple (either 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0) and stick with it for a couple of grows and develop your skills in all aspects of growing. I'm just saying, at this point in your growing experience it's the least of your worries/concerns, or at least it should be.

Let me give you an analogy - bear with me on this one. I used to be into competitive cycling. Expensive components sometimes cost hundreds of extra $$$, just to save a few GRAMS of weight on a bicycle. Consumers actually buy these components too. Lance Armstrong had a great perspective on this - unless you are racing in the Tour De France, why spend hundreds of dollars on saving a few grams of weight, why not take a few grams off or your OWN weight, it's much easier and cheaper, and it's all the same in the end as far as how much weight you are carrying on the bike. Once you get to the point you are fit enough for the Tour, then start shaving grams off with light-weight components. Needless to say, I find this brilliant advice that can be applied somewhat metaphorically to a lot in life.

My point is, there are so many other more fundamental things you can do to improve your outcome that will have more impact on your final results. Once you get those things mastered, or at least have a good comfort with them, then look at lighting cycles. I know people love the Gas Lantern Routine (also called 12-1 technique) but even that I think is better left for more experienced growers. Not saying a new grower can't do it, but why not keep things simple while you learn the other more important aspects of growing, which are (in this order):

  1. Environment
  2. Environment
  3. Environment

Kidding, KINDA. ;) Having your environmental conditions dialed in are a big part of the battle. Learning how to not over-love your plants is equally important. Once the environment and appropriate feeding/watering schedules and amounts are dialed in, master training your plants (Topping, LST, manipulation to get a consistant canopy). Once you get all that really comfortable (expect this to take more than one grow) then start exploring alternative vegging cycles. There just isn't that much appreciable difference to focus so much time on it at this point in your growing experience.

Just my opinion and the sincerest advice I can give you. May I respectfully suggest --- Don't try to paint a Picasso before you've successfully completed a few paint by numbers... ;)

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Personally I don't think it would hurt the plant at all to give it a try. The only way to know for sure though if it helps or not would be to do a comparisson grow with everything being the same execpt for the light schedule.
I myself am using the GLR lighting schedule and so far so good.

I obviously was more long-winded about this in the previous post, but I think the best bet is to pick something tried and true, get good at growing, and then look at making it more complicated by using GLR or outside the box vegging schedules. Give yourself something to compare too, and keep life simple until you get bored and the plants are always green... Just my opinion though, and I certainly understand the urge to learn and do the "best" thing.

I do think the GLR cycle works effectively, so I don't think it's bad to do. As far as switching veg cycles between 24/0 and 18/6, I guess I would only do that in the order I wrote it, personally. Since they are eventually going to something closer to 12/12, I would feel most comfortable with a progression that went "down". In other words, I'd personally not go the route of trying to go from 18/6 to 24/0, then 12/12 (or similar). Doesn't seem as natural to me. Just my own opinion on it. I'm always up for watching a comparison grow though, so if someone does it please let me know. :) :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Subbed... a little late.

There is alot of excellent info here!

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I feel like I owe Corey from Blue Planet Nutrients another big shout-out, as I'm continually impressed by how much my plants love his nutrients, especially now that I have my Cal/Mag needs better managed. I use the 3-part Elite series, and I have ZERO complaints. It's really good stuff in my book.

I put a net in the tent, not for SCROG purposes, but to further aid in training as they complete their stretch. It's a big help already. I've also done quite a bit of defoliation (believe it or not, lol) and have gone a little lighter than last grow. Focusing most on budsites that are covered, and leaving more of the fans that don't seem to be in the way. In the last grow, I removed nearly all of the large fans. Just experimenting with finding my happy spot as far as leaf removal.

Hopefully the stretch will slow down soon, but right now they are still eager to grow up. Especially the Deadhead OG - holy cow! it's been about 24 days bloom phase now, and it must have shot up 2" yesterday. The OG Kush is really packing on the trichomes already, which makes me smile! :)

Group shot from above - check out all the tops!:

OG Kush

Deadhead OG

Jack the Ripper
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Wonderful advice ^ and I agree 10000%. I would suggest getting one of the many great books out there and read it from beggining to end, maybe a few times. Even with that you will be overwhelmed with the amoun of stuff it takes just to keep the environmental conditions in check. You will produce way more buds if those are dialed in perfect over any light schedule you might choose :) +rep to both of you!

:thanks: I really appreciate that! :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Pretty ladies! I am also using BPN, same stuff as you with the liquid blue bloom booster, really loving it. I was wondering if I should throw some cal/mag in the mix but I don't appear to have any deficiencies. What made you add it in?

I only add it because I have pretty poor water out of the tap, and I run it through an RO filter. With my water, and without the Cal/Mag, I've had minor Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies in the past (both). Nothing major, but the addition of Cal/Mag to my (now) zero PPM water has really dialed things in so far. I don't think it most people would need it depending on their water, etc.

I use the Liquid Blue booster, too. Good stuff, huh?! :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Subbed... a little late.

There is alot of excellent info here!



Hey buddy! Glad to have you here - did you bring and Steve Miller Band you can crank up for us in here? I've about worn out the Doobie Brothers album we've been listening too... ;)

(I had fun reminiscing music in your thread recently!)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

thanks for the long winded advice, i guess your right, i mean going back 8 years it didnt really bother me and i didnt worry about nutes or anything like that, i was using an old street lamp fitting as a light and used miracle grow as nute n my plant turned out 5 ft tall and smoked real good, and i wouldnt say it was well cared for but it always looked healthy and gave a good return. im taking the advice in, this grow im keeping at 20-4 till i go to flower i can experiment more when i see what results i get from these cfl's, thanks for the advice, i think my temp and humidity are ok, not to sure about co2 but i open the door a few times a day to let fresh air in and ive got 2 12v fans in their causing a breeze and slightly blowing the plants so im hoping this will create sturdy and strong stems, ive read about co2 but not sure if i need to impement anything to produce more, my jack flash years ago was in a bigger room so had lots of air but these are in a cupboard that i wouldnt say is small, my plants look healthy so im not to worried at the minute, well should i say they was healthy when i left them yesterday but i wont be back to check till tomorrow as im at my moms with my daughter so im hoping ill notice a big difference when i get back instead of looking at them 2 or 3 times a day, so they was well watered and the lights raised in case the grew and touched the lights and fans and timer left on 20-4, so all been well ill get back 2 notice a change.

these cfl's dont get hot and you can hold them in your hand for as long as you like and they only feel warm, would the plants hurt if the touched the bulb, im also considering having lights shining from under the plant so it can shine up through the stems, im hopinh this will produce more growth in the middle and lower branches, this grow is more an experiment than what im going to go with, just wanted to try cfl's due to low cost and low heat, ill guess ill find out tomorrow how well the lights and plants are doing,

your plants look healthy and if i get anywhere near as nice as that ill be more than happy
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

ive read about co2 but not sure if i need to impement anything to produce more...

co2 is like veg light cycles -- something to try once you get the rest down and mastered, so to speak. You can grow fantastic plants without supplementing co2.

Better lighting/lamps will be a priority for you before co2 - that's where you'll see the biggest boost once you want to start throwing more money at things, and efficiently boosting co2 gets expensive. Minimize your complications at the beginning if you can, and you'll maximize your success sooner.

:thanks: for the compliment on my plants!! :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Put em on a pole and show em a strippers dance baby!
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