Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Harborside health center, the same place the tv show Weeds was built around has Harlequin strain. tested @ 4.58 thc, 6.86 cbd

They have clones.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

hi all, what would you say is the best height to turn plants to flower, i dont have a height problem as its floor to ceiling, my room is roughly 3ft square, its an old drying clothes cupboard and has a small tube like heater in the back looks like a poster rolled up but its some sort of heater, i also have a built in vent at the top which when my plants start stinking ill make my own carbon filter and vent through this vent, so heights not a problem but ive only got 3 plants at the minute in veg, 1 big bug, 1 northern lights x big bud femenised and ive got 1 special kush, these are all from seed so im hoping for at least 1 fem from the lot, i will take cuttings and veg these seperately while i bud off what ever females i get out of these, i just wondered on the height of plant before i switch to 12-12, their only sprouting the 1st real leaves now so no rush as of yet. the link to my journal is below, its an experiment using basic cfls, ie 30 and 40 watt cfls, but will be using plenty of these above and around and below the plants to get the most penetration, so im after any help and advice i can get as ive never used cfl's before, so if you do get time have a read through my journal and see what you think and where im going wrong, im just in the process of changing the lights around to make it look a lot neater than it is and also making some reflectors for the lights to control the light penetration.

any help is needed, this is an experiment, and im hoping to see some results, using google ive seen some good grows using only 1 basic cfl so using several should increase the results, thanks peeps
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I hear that alot of the Thai herbs help with nerve pain. Another I hear about is called Cannatonic X. It's suppose to have 'up to 20 % CBD. It was talked about last months high times mag. Resin Seeds has it. It's a cross between MK Ultra/G-13 Haze. They say a 1 to 1 ratio going. Check into them. Haze's might also work if ya don't mind the longer flowering times. +++ to ya and Keepem Green
BTW I have acouple new auto's. I plan on growing them out so they can finish in July. I'm going to start them in a 3 gallon smart pot and flower them out back.

Cool info my friend. I'm going to have to look into those a little more. Thanks for the +reps, much appreciated. :thumb:

I've got a Super Lemon Haze momma that I plan on taking cuttings from for my next round I think. I'm finding that for the nerve pain, it seems like more the THC than the CBD, but maybe that's not correct, either. But, generally speaking it seems like the Sativa traits are the ones that help most.

I'll definitely keep Chocolope in the loop, but I'm going to try to find more that help as well. I've decided that if/when I order seeds again, I'm going to definitely get one of the Cannatonic/Harlequin style strains to see how much more or less effective it is for my pain. Thanks again for the info and insight!! :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Holy cryminy! 20%CBD!?! That would be amazing! Highest I can find is 2% in any of the "High CBD" strains out here. I'ma have to go check that one out!

Edit: Just did some quick research on the analysis at a couple of the "breakdown" sites. The (~)1:1 ratio is accurate! Mind you this is not one to really get stoned on, (sorry couchlock lovers) but the promise of a (~)1:1 should have any chronic pain sufferer at least wanting to give this one a try.

For the Records here.

Strain: Cannatonic
Sex : Feminized
Overall Rating: 4/5
Type : Indica / Sativa 50/50
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : MK-Ultra x G13 Haze
Flowering Time : Long 70days/9-10 weeks
Outdoor Harvest : October
Height : Medium, Tall
THC Level : CBD/THC is 6.2/6.9
Characteristics : Grows like an Indica, smells like a Sativa
Yield indoor: 500g m2.
Yield outdoor: 250-400 per plant.

SPONSOR: Autoflowering Feminized Cannabis Seeds Bank
5 fem seeds per pack $114

SPONSOR: Cannabis Bud Beans
5 fem seeds per pack $110

The sponsors, BuyDutchSeeds and SingleSeed do not carry them.

Heya Jandre - :thanks: for posting the info and links to those CBD strains. I really want to grow one now, and next time I order seeds I'm going to work something out to include them. I want to try that to see if it can help me with some of my ongoing chronic pain stuff. Thanks again!
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Harborside health center, the same place the tv show Weeds was built around has Harlequin strain. tested @ 4.58 thc, 6.86 cbd

They have clones.

Cool - Thanks for sharing that, Bassman. Good info for anyone near Harborside! Harlequin is one I've heard about a few times now, can't wait to grow one of these CBD's eventually. :high-five:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

hi all, what would you say is the best height to turn plants to flower, i dont have a height problem as its floor to ceiling, my room is roughly 3ft square, its an old drying clothes cupboard and has a small tube like heater in the back looks like a poster rolled up but its some sort of heater, i also have a built in vent at the top which when my plants start stinking ill make my own carbon filter and vent through this vent, so heights not a problem but ive only got 3 plants at the minute in veg, 1 big bug, 1 northern lights x big bud femenised and ive got 1 special kush, these are all from seed so im hoping for at least 1 fem from the lot, i will take cuttings and veg these seperately while i bud off what ever females i get out of these, i just wondered on the height of plant before i switch to 12-12, their only sprouting the 1st real leaves now so no rush as of yet. the link to my journal is below, its an experiment using basic cfls, ie 30 and 40 watt cfls, but will be using plenty of these above and around and below the plants to get the most penetration, so im after any help and advice i can get as ive never used cfl's before, so if you do get time have a read through my journal and see what you think and where im going wrong, im just in the process of changing the lights around to make it look a lot neater than it is and also making some reflectors for the lights to control the light penetration.

any help is needed, this is an experiment, and im hoping to see some results, using google ive seen some good grows using only 1 basic cfl so using several should increase the results, thanks peeps

Hey there PDP -

Personally, I've never grown with CFL's, so I'm not really a good source for info regarding how to use them most effectively. But, if you are planning on using only CFL's, my advice would be to flower it right away - don't even veg it, unless you are planning on using a LOT of CFL's. They don't have good penetration power, and you will have a hard time making good flowers if you let it veg to much size. Again, I haven't tried any of this, but that's my initial thoughts/take.

If you are comfortable taking and preserving cuttings/moms, then turn your seedlings or a few cuttings into moms as you suggested, flower as many cuttings as you want immediately to keep them low, and use the quick flower to your advantage in getting more crops per year. Any foliage density and your buds will be fluffy and poor if they develop much at all. If you are willing to invest in enough CFL's, why not get a T5 HO setup instead? I'm sure it would be more efficient, and you could always accentuate it with more t5 strips or CFL's. They run cool, too.

Last bit of advice, if you are set on using CFL's, find a journal that had success this way, and emulate them as much as possible. Everything about a grow depends on all the factors involved, so it works best to emulate something close to what you have as much as you can. I'll always be happy to help, but wanted to throw this tip your way, as we are all emulating things we learned - every one of us, and it's what's worked best for me... :)

Here's a link to pauldonp's journal if anyone has more qualified advice for him:

First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

If you are interested in the 1:1 ratio I would look into CBD Crew seeds (Mr Nice and Resin Seeds). The Shark Is advertised 6:6 THC:CBD Nordle 5.5:5.5 and the Yummy 5:5
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

thanks Xlr8, ive got a lot to think about, im planning on sticking with the cfl's for this grow, but if ive got a fem out of any i will take cuttings and depending on my results ill then change the lights and try something else, im just doing it as cheap as poss, if it goes wrong then i know i need to change, ive used you tube and saw plenty of really nice grows just using cfl's. their was one on their who had 2 plants and only 2 cfls and the results where pretty amazing considering it was only cfl's. ill look into the T5 ho setup and see how it works and what it is, thanks for posting the link to my journal, the more help and advice the better. my plants seem ok today, im thinking of having a few bulbs above the plants say between 5 and 7 lights in a line, then i was going to hang sum all around the plant so light penetrates to the lower branches better, but then im thinking would lights below the plant work, could you shine lights up through the bottom of the plant to increase light to lower and middle branches, not seen it done but might give it a try.

thanks again
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

If you are interested in the 1:1 ratio I would look into CBD Crew seeds (Mr Nice and Resin Seeds). The Shark Is advertised 6:6 THC:CBD Nordle 5.5:5.5 and the Yummy 5:5

Awesome, I'll definitely refer back to this when I order seeds again. Cool that there are more strains than I realized, this is a good niche if it works for people. :thumb:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Update on flowering plants - Day 21 Bloom

Jack the Ripper male:

This morning I collected pollen from the Jack the Ripper male, carefully, and applied it to a budsite on each plant, with the intention of producing a few seeds to play with for future projects. I used a clear dish, and a q-tip, after making sure all of the fans/ventilation were off. I let the pollen sit on the buds for about 15 minutes, then sprayed them down with water, which will hopefully kill any remaining pollen in the room. I took many other precautions as well, but... we'll see how it goes!

Here's the male Jack the Ripper - soon to be slaughtered (avert your eyes if you are frightened by male cannabis plants):


The females in the Flo N Gro are starting to ramp up bud development, and are still pretty low for being at 21 days, though stretch isn't at all done yet. The OG Kush is getting really frosty already, and the Jack the Ripper has a (not too uncommon) mutation where it grows a small bud at the base/center of some of the fan leaves - see the pictures below. All the plants are little bushes, as I've trained quite a bit, and flowered pretty early. I put the HPS bulbs in about 4 days ago (I start bloom with MH about 2 weeks typically to help control stretch). I'm due for a heavier defoliation that I'll do some time in the next few days...

Some pics of the gals in flower - now on day 21 from initiation of bloom phase - currently on 11/13 flower cycle:

Group Shot from above - they're pretty consistent height-wise (L to R -- OG Kush, Deadhead OG, Jack the Ripper fem):

OG Kush:


Jack the Ripper - notice the fan leaf to the right of the bud featured in the center:

Closer view of a mutant leaf (fairly common trait of Jack the Ripper and some other Sativa dom strains):

Deadhead OG - Really pretty plant with great structure, and nice deep green leaves:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012




Indo's get them leaf buds or as they call it, ' Bulbils'. Those pic's are my Vantage. Funny thing Sisco grew some Vantage, and it happened to him also. According to the Breeders Bible, it's very common from plants from around Nepal and the Himalayas. Seen flowers grow on the leaf stems, or 'petioles' as they are called. Looking great there Dude
Keepem Green
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

(avert your eyes if you are frightened by male cannabis plants):


[Guy in the Sky] Arthur! Arthur, King of the Britons! <stops his "speech"> Oh, don't grovel! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people groveling.

[ARTHUR] Sorry--

[Guy in the Sky] And don't apologize. Every time I try to talk to someone it's "sorry this" and "forgive me that" and "I'm not worthy". <more perturbed> What are you doing now!?

[ARTHUR] I'm averting my eyes, oh Lord.

[Guy in the Sky] Well, don't. It's like those miserable Psalms-- they're so depressing. Now knock it off!
GodSpeed said:
Beautiful male you have there X cant wait to see the out come of the seeds. Strange looking mutation you have going on is that pistils shooting out ?

Girls are looking perfect!

You doing okay my friend? I've been worried about you - really sucks that you are going through all that you are at the moment. Yeah, it's pistils - crazy huh? Guess its a known common mutation on Jack the Ripper (other strains too, as Norcaliwood pointed out.) Pretty cool, if I'd have been thinking, I should have pollinated one!!!

Hang in there man, I have to check out your thread for news.

I'm super tired, gonna have to get more caught up tomorrow.
Norcaliwood said:
Indo's get them leaf buds or as they call it, ' Bulbils'. Those pic's are my Vantage. Funny thing Sisco grew some Vantage, and it happened to him also. According to the Breeders Bible, it's very common from plants from around Nepal and the Himalayas. Seen flowers grow on the leaf stems, or 'petioles' as they are called. Looking great there Dude
Keepem Green

Awesome info and pics. Thanks for posting those! I was noticing that I have quite a few of them on that plant once I started looking closer. +rep if I can!

teSmp said:
Looking sweet :) +rep'd your last pics and came back to see just uploaded new ones!

:thanks: so much, and welcome! Hope you stick around. :)
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

HI X.:high-five:

I'm still back at the Rapid Rooter page. I've seen them is stores, but never looked closely at them. I understand all you said about your germinating method . Since I've never used one, I have probably a dumb question, but here goes......The sprout is up and the roots show through the bottom and sides. What do you do with them then? Just stick the whole thing in the soil or what? Thanks. OMM. :Namaste:
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