DrZiggy's 2nd Journal - ACE Seeds - High Brix - LEDs

Different pics of 'getting there'...:thumb:
may get a Kg..from the Biggun(she's in a 15Gal)
hoping its done by 9/30

im feeding the smaller sativas GE today along with BRIX/SnakeOil :) hoping a couple are done by next week this time..

Foundation poured last week, cesspools were dropped in yesterday/today..

thats why I'm hoping for rapid maturation..

its all happening 60 ft away :rofl:

The Rasta Fig tree is helping a lot!

Hope youre much better...:circle-of-love:

Flu-s suck
That lady in the first pic is just a big ole sexy beast!!!! Good lord Ziggs I'd like to get my hands on her lol! If not just give her a good look over. Her mass is very impressive!! Me likely!!! .......

Definitely the largest, heaviest plant I've seen in person...Big pot for me! :)
She was lifted out of the pot to dunk in a 30 gal tub...
im hoping for Kg- :)
Wow, can't believe you're dunking that big girl .. Amazing!!

She's 8ft above the soil..had to lift the rootball by the bottom, and not the trunk to remove the tree from the drench.. tried dunking the pot..its didn't soak in very well...

there are 20+, almost 25 including the center. colas, some 16-18" long...and getting dense :)
Absolutely spectacular, Ziggs.....can't say enough about how tremendous this plant is.....
I can't wait to receive CAT drench to drench it- it will really start to frost up.
I'm going to dunk same way.. will use rubber dishwashing gloves so not to absorb CAT :)

Its been the start of a great learning experience for me this year! Outdoor growing...with Docs kit..
I've grown now, many HB non cannabis plants outdoors.. but first time all outdoors except sprouting.
-theres so many more environmental variables with little to no control over compared to indoor.
-but not only is the grow style different, the herb quality.. its different outdoors too..

even from pots that are outdoors...the in ground soil plants are the frostiest I've grown. I'm really looking forward to harvesting, drying, curing them...

speaking of which...Shiggs! I m going to need that bucket curing technique of yours. :)

gotta go find the info on it.

im smoking some Z'ACE Panama :thumb:

Im giving Nieko a break tonight :circle-of-love:
I think you kick it very well in your climate, especially using genetics that are mostly your own creation. Heavy trichome coverage is most likely owed to HB soil, but also to temps which in the north should be just right. Down south the main problem is the heat that can be detrimental to plants' vigour, which is why I always welcome cooling down. Now I should have day temps in the low 70s for a while, which I hope will give them a chance to frost up nicely. I definitely hope you're gonna end up with some high grade shit :)
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