Duggan Does Green Crack In DBHBB: One Kit, Two Pots, 4 Plants & Loads Of LEDs!

That's gonna be pretty awesome to see bro. You know me, im a "flip at transplant" guy! They might not get huge but they're gonna use all that fresh soil for flower energy. I'm pretty sure you're gonna see a difference in the end product bro. They're not gonna fade like you usually see them do and that GC is some super potent stuff! I cant wait to see how this one turns out :)
Hey bud, ya , gonna be a little bit different this time around.They're still gonna get a good 10 days so it's not quite as fast as you like but , pretty close. Man, this Laniakea, not only has a great flavor, but is wicked potent Tard...you could say it's High Brix "Weapons Grade" cannabis....OH YA!:high-five:

Hey Duggan

I'm subbed for your grow. Do so enjoy reading Brix journals. I do need to get a kit from Doc one of these days. I want to go to the next grow level!! as many of you have done. Mighty impressive guest list you have!! I'll be the one in a dark corner toking away!! Peace!
Hey there Main,...glad you joined us, welcome aboard to ya! Make yourself at home...there is some Stella's and other drinks in the cooler there...help yourself ! Yes, my quest list is very special....good growers...great people!:thumb: If you have ANY Q's. about Doc's gear , just fire away bud,...OK!...:welcome:

Looking good! I can't wait to see them explode! :)

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Budz, me too ! This crop will move fast to harvest as time is limited this round. Cheers bud!:high-five:

Thanks for the explanation. Truly helps. :thumb:

Nis, thanks man , no probs...i have a bad habit of thinking people know stuff , when i should maybe be explaining stuff more. It's just that i'm still learning too , and i don't want some to think i think i know it all,..cuz i don't. I try to only explain things that i'm 100% confident is the correct info., as i wouldn't want to steer someone the wrong way if ya know what i mean. One of the great things about using DBHBB is nothing is written in stone but the instructions are a very SOLID foundation to learn from as a grower does multiple harvests with different "runs" of our soil. There are marked differences in how each run of three , behaves. They each have benefits of their own.
First run soil is fresh and ready to go with more tolerance to our Drenches than say 3rd. run that has already been amended three times with fresh "amendment" and EWC and all the salt build up from the previous two grows with it. I like first run because it's easier and a bit more forgiving than later runs are. Think of 3rd. run as being very rich and jammed packed full of everything so it's easy to overload 3rd run but first run can "take" a lot more abuse and still perform fantastically because it's not so rich and finicky . Remember , we are in containers , so it's very hard to maintain the proper balance with everything. Doc and AG Labs have designed this for broadcasting in fields at first , then Doc started to adjust it for container use with a lot of R & D, and us of course giving him constant feedback about performance ,concerns, results, etc. You are enjoying the "kit" so far Nis?:Namaste:
That's gonna be pretty awesome to see bro. You know me, im a "flip at transplant" guy! They might not get huge but they're gonna use all that fresh soil for flower energy. I'm pretty sure you're gonna see a difference in the end product bro. They're not gonna fade like you usually see them do and that GC is some super potent stuff! I cant wait to see how this one turns out :)

Good Stuff guys. I do have a question in regards to transplanting and flipping. Do you guys think its better to flip so the roots have all that new soil to grow into, or is it better to let the roots establish themselves a nice amount in a larger pot before flipping? When i flowered in some 10/15/20 gal, i pulled up the root mass after chopping and i felt like the root ball could have been larger. So my thoughts were i should try to veg longer to fill out more of the finishing pot.... feels like i am wasting media if i flip to soon in large containers/smart pots. what do you all think??
Good Stuff guys. I do have a question in regards to transplanting and flipping. Do you guys think its better to flip so the roots have all that new soil to grow into, or is it better to let the roots establish themselves a nice amount in a larger pot before flipping? When i flowered in some 10/15/20 gal, i pulled up the root mass after chopping and i felt like the root ball could have been larger. So my thoughts were i should try to veg longer to fill out more of the finishing pot.... feels like i am wasting media if i flip to soon in large containers/smart pots. what do you all think??

Personally I flip at transplant. It gives a lot more soil energy to the flowering stage of the plants and in our soil, it doesn't get wasted at all because we reuse it at least 2 more times after the first run. I don't know if you've seen my journals but they're results of my technique which I must say, are stellar. You wont get rootbound in smarties like in a plastic pot because when the finer roots reach the cloth, they die and get eaten by microbes which in turn get fed back to the plant. To me, this isn't a theory, it's a reality because I've seen the effects time after time. In the end its up to you which way you want to go. Observe your plants carefully and go with what you feel is best. Remember, in high brix, it's all about the soil, the stuff above the ground is just a result of happy dirt :)
Personally I flip at transplant. It gives a lot more soil energy to the flowering stage of the plants and in our soil, it doesn't get wasted at all because we reuse it at least 2 more times after the first run. I don't know if you've seen my journals but they're results of my technique which I must say, are stellar. You wont get rootbound in smarties like in a plastic pot because when the finer roots reach the cloth, they die and get eaten by microbes which in turn get fed back to the plant. To me, this isn't a theory, it's a reality because I've seen the effects time after time. In the end its up to you which way you want to go. Observe your plants carefully and go with what you feel is best. Remember, in high brix, it's all about the soil, the stuff above the ground is just a result of happy dirt :)

Right on 'Tard. I definitely reuse my soil (in supersoil right now) but i was just thinking the longer the roots grow in veg the bigger your plant will be in flower, and you can maximize all the space available in the pot.... I use fabrics too. Theyre awesome. And thanks for your journals too man. Ive been lurking around those as well and your results do look incredible! Keep up the good work amd thanks for the response.
Right on 'Tard. I definitely reuse my soil (in supersoil right now) but i was just thinking the longer the roots grow in veg the bigger your plant will be in flower, and you can maximize all the space available in the pot.... I use fabrics too. Theyre awesome. And thanks for your journals too man. Ive been lurking around those as well and your results do look incredible! Keep up the good work amd thanks for the response.

Thats why I let my plants get rootbound in solo cups then in 2 gallon plastic pots before they go into 10 gal cloths. The roots are already established and in my cases, the plants themselves are quite large when I do transplant.
Do you have bugs in supersoil? Bugs thrive on low nutrient, low sugar, essentially unhealthy plants. In high brix, the definition of which is basically high nutrient, high sugar, we dont get bugs because they're unable to process sugars and thusly, die as a result of trying to do so. Higher brix, less bugs, healthier cannabis. Is it the subcool supersoil or your own concoction? I follow him on IG, Twitter and FB so I know he's continuously battling bugs....the bad ones
Thats why I let my plants get rootbound in solo cups then in 2 gallon plastic pots before they go into 10 gal cloths. The roots are already established and in my cases, the plants themselves are quite large when I do transplant.
Do you have bugs in supersoil? Bugs thrive on low nutrient, low sugar, essentially unhealthy plants. In high brix, the definition of which is basically high nutrient, high sugar, we dont get bugs because they're unable to process sugars and thusly, die as a result of trying to do so. Higher brix, less bugs, healthier cannabis. Is it the subcool supersoil or your own concoction? I follow him on IG, Twitter and FB so I know he's continuously battling bugs....the bad ones

Right on the money Tard... makes sense with your method of transplant/flip...i guess i skip a step and go from solo to finish pot...or 1gal to finish pot....i do battle pests tho ( subs mix) , and that is a very appealing feature of running high brix, that it also combats bugs ..Its crazy because my plants look great but they must be unhealthy as the pests stick around, even though i am a clean freak....anyways cant wait to get my highbrixie goin! Doc just hit me so hopefully i will soon know exactly what you guys are all talking about! Duggan..cant wait to see an update! Thanks again fellas!
Top of the day to ya gang! A little update for the Green Cracks....man i really don't like that name!
Oh well, it's not about the name ...is it! Anyhow they are doing just fine . I burnt the one with too much GE earlier but she has recovered and tought me another lesson, i knew already!! They have been in the 26ers for only 5 days and i like how they are responding to their new home. it will soon be time to get that second batch of DBHBB soil cooking . I'm gonna try doing Double Berry next round. I like it's lineage of Mazar and Skunk #1...supposed to be mega fruity with an awesome berry taste and flavour with very high yields. Anyhow back to the GC's. They are on the standard regimen of drench , water, water , drench, water , water...repeat. This very easy pattern is Doc's ORIGINAL instructions and they WORK! they are also getting the sprays according to directions ....DeStress and Brix every 7 - 10 days...NO MORE!!!! Cheers Gang ...:circle-of-love:
Lookin' mighty fine there my man!

While some of the referendums werent what they appeared to be on the surface, Im feeling VERY optimistic that NH will be legal in the very near future. Overall, some great strides were made,.

Girls are looking great. Only a few days to flip right? How long do you wait to flip after transplant usually? Just enough time to get cozy in their new home?

Evenin Nis,...my brotha! Good Q's. mate. Ten days from last Fri....that's flip.I simply don't have enough time to get them big and still have them jarred before my vacation. I usually like to grow them a good three weeks in the big pots , before i flip,...that gets them nice and bushy and "set" to go. Doing it this way does require more soil, but i like the returns i'm getting. Three plants gave me 24.5 z's. Remember Nis, i grow for yield. To simply put it...growing this way potency is up to you , with the right strain selection, that's covered. So i never worry about quality , but i do however rely on a good yield to live. Have a great night Nis.:high-five:
:passitleft:.....some "Lilly"

Top of the day to ya gang! A little update for the Green Cracks....man i really don't like that name!
Oh well, it's not about the name ...is it! Anyhow they are doing just fine . I burnt the one with too much GE earlier but she has recovered and tought me another lesson, i knew already!! They have been in the 26ers for only 5 days and i like how they are responding to their new home. it will soon be time to get that second batch of DBHBB soil cooking . I'm gonna try doing Double Berry next round. I like it's lineage of Mazar and Skunk #1...supposed to be mega fruity with an awesome berry taste and flavour with very high yields. Anyhow back to the GC's. They are on the standard regimen of drench , water, water , drench, water , water...repeat. This very easy pattern is Doc's ORIGINAL instructions and they WORK! they are also getting the sprays according to directions ....DeStress and Brix every 7 - 10 days...NO MORE!!!!

That'll be the only advice I give from now on bro...follow the directions lol. It's so much easier that way!
Looking good bro...like high brix should :)
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