Yooooo brother Irie!!
Been a long time away bro and I missed you guys!
I’ve only really been back on here the last few days and it’s been so good playing catch up and seeing how the homies are going :ganjamon:

The new setup looks craaaazy!! Those are some super happy, vibrant ladies my friend, congrats! Mind you, I gotta say I’m not surprised at all and it’s almost expected when popping by one of your journals :laughtwo: no pressure! :yummy:

Count me in brother can’t wait to see how these beauties end up!
Just stopping in to enjoy the show-Plants are looking super good,irie!
That mainline is a real standout-beautiful!
Hey fellow growers! I hope you're all doing well :high-five:
It's been a while since I've updated - work has been the busiest iv'e ever experienced and iv'e hardly been able to get out to the irie garden close to as much as i would of liked to recently. Twice the last 10 days iv'e had all my pots dried out - i'm quite bummed as the rich micro life that has developed within my soil over the last couple weeks is now fucked. :rip: All good i'll get that sorted before bloom. :morenutes:
I had to transplant my mainline & my Double Glock mother from 10L fabrics to 20L's as i could not keep up with their daily waterings, they were drinking too much and i could not keep up with how quickly the pots were drying up. I'm now watering all the 20L pots every 2 days. I'll also be flowering that Double Glock mother out as iv'e only worked with 3 DG phenotypes and iv'e got plenty beans of it so i'm considering doing a pheno hunt on it next round as it is definitely one of my favourite smokes and i'd like to find my keeper.

Time for the update! No individual pics of the plants today, i'll post some more detailed pics up soon.

Full tent shot:

Left side:

Right side:

Mainline / Flux / Skeleton / irie's crazy plant:
Alright so last you guys saw this girl she was in a 10L pot and a tad smaller than this. She was transplanted into her 20L fabric on Monday 26/08 and after the couple transplants i did plus a large watering i was just honestly too tired to tie down her ties again... the week ended up being wild and so i only got out to retraining her today and it took 2 hours due to her stiffening & curling up. I'm still not too happy as she's not looking as neat as before but i'll see how i can work on her the next few days.
Here she is before her training today:

Here she is after her training:

Sweet that's it for today. I wanna thank everyone for joining in on this journal, i'm loving the support!! :yahoo::green_heart:
I'll be around to all your journals the next coupa days.
Happy growing :Namaste:
Hey fellow growers! I hope you're all doing well :high-five:
It's been a while since I've updated - work has been the busiest iv'e ever experienced and iv'e hardly been able to get out to the irie garden close to as much as i would of liked to recently. Twice the last 10 days iv'e had all my pots dried out - i'm quite bummed as the rich micro life that has developed within my soil over the last couple weeks is now fucked. :rip: All good i'll get that sorted before bloom. :morenutes:
I had to transplant my mainline & my Double Glock mother from 10L fabrics to 20L's as i could not keep up with their daily waterings, they were drinking too much and i could not keep up with how quickly the pots were drying up. I'm now watering all the 20L pots every 2 days. I'll also be flowering that Double Glock mother out as iv'e only worked with 3 DG phenotypes and iv'e got plenty beans of it so i'm considering doing a pheno hunt on it next round as it is definitely one of my favourite smokes and i'd like to find my keeper.

Time for the update! No individual pics of the plants today, i'll post some more detailed pics up soon.

Full tent shot:

Left side:

Right side:

Mainline / Flux / Skeleton / irie's crazy plant:
Alright so last you guys saw this girl she was in a 10L pot and a tad smaller than this. She was transplanted into her 20L fabric on Monday 26/08 and after the couple transplants i did plus a large watering i was just honestly too tired to tie down her ties again... the week ended up being wild and so i only got out to retraining her today and it took 2 hours due to her stiffening & curling up. I'm still not too happy as she's not looking as neat as before but i'll see how i can work on her the next few days.
Here she is before her training today:

Here she is after her training:

Sweet that's it for today. I wanna thank everyone for joining in on this journal, i'm loving the support!! :yahoo::green_heart:
I'll be around to all your journals the next coupa days.
Happy growing :Namaste:
Nice framework Irie! Good to hear from you again my friend. Hope all is well in Irieland!
That mainline is kinda creeping me out it reminds me of the Alien face sucker for some reason...but I...can't....look...away..... :oops::yahoo:
That mainline looks like a whole different plant when the ties come off-no wonder you put it off a little-there's a crapload of ties on that beautiful girl!
Keep up the good work,irie-everything's looking spot on!
Hey man, good to see you stretching out a bit with the tent. I had a tent for a bit in the garage but when Summer hits and the temps get to 110 (F) in there, growing isnt very popular. I still give advice to the kid o sold it to.

Glad to see your plants are doing so well. It will be fun to watch your progress. Cheers
Are you doing OK,Irie?
It's been awhile....kinda missing you around here...
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