Light Addict Goes Big With 9 Strains All Trained In Separate Methods Or Styles!

Re: :) Light Addict goes BIG, with 9 strains all trained in seperate methods or style

He he yep, I've convinced my girl that giving our bedroom up for a few months is a good thing. Gonna be sleeping in my front room with mattress on floor! Not the best but I need some good product asap really and I'm fed up after Gert so had to go big really.

Glad to find your new journal on the same day it started. First thing I gotta say other than high is you've got your work cut out, reps for taking on caring for nine diff favors lol, I've been there with as many as 13 lol, never again :) best of luck, not that you need it.

So last thing, lol I tried talking my wife into the same thing lol. You see how far that got me? 61 miles away from my plants and home. I told her "But honey my eight foot by eight foot tent will fit in their nicely " she say something like "I don't give a f how nice that tent will look in my master bedroom, I aint moving into the living room!" So I stay with my plants more than I do my wife and kids, by a long shot. Hopefully in a year or so I can buy some property closer to home and construct a metal building shop/grow and design it properly for what I do, instead of making something wrong, work. Haha
Look fwd to seeing those babies thrive! I also got the Amherst OG or however you say and spell it, did you get the desert diesel? Heard its dank!
Cya tomorrow, unless you swing by my place sooner:)
Just had collect Mrs Oz from work....but I'm here now :)
For some reason I just assumed you would've been the 1st one subbed.

Yeah many thanks guys and girls for such a great start to what I hope will be a big improvement on the last journal. Once again thanks for the support I just hope I can entertain some more! Best of buds!
You've got a crowd here so let's get this thing started!
Resplendent day to all, may the Goddess of green have smiled down upon your crop. Blessing your beloved girls with vigor and strength. Giving them unrivalled potency all for your pleasures!

Hey, high420kwatts. Glad to have you my friend gonna be a fun one, might get a bit hectic later on down the line!

Paper towel awaits in a bit! On other business Ill finish my research on water curing. Then be using it on my recent sub standard crop. Ill post pics etc on my old journal later.
Hey Sir Light. Hope your day is progressing nicely :) Postman been and gone beans for me today....damn the anti-climax lol :) Ohhhh well, tomorrow then :).
I'll pop some pics on my journal later and would love to hear your opinion mate. First feed was yesterday and I've noticed some "yellowing" on leaf tips today ??? Also, the "round baby leaves" are curled and looking like poo??? here
Can't wait to see the fluxed girl :). Hope my Tutts aren't Gert style eaters or I'l be on the Marmite and toast for the duration of my grow lol.
I've been running around sorting out "pots" and drip trays today lol. No, not wheelie bin lids btw lol :)
Is there any real difference between germing seeds in a glass of water vs a wet paper towel? Or is it just down to personal preference?

Probably down to preference my friend !

I've used my paper towel and dvd case method for years and it's worked like a dream everytime ...

I wouldn't dare try any other way now because I've gotten into a nice routine :)
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