420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: February 2024

Renee Roberts

420 Support
420 Staff
Welcome to 420 Magazine's Photo of the Month Contest!

Please submit your best 420 related photo for a chance to win some cool prizes.

Photo of the Month contest is all about the quality of an individual photo. It will be judged on composition, lighting, creativity, originality and general quality.

We love showcasing 420 Magazine cultivators’ photography, so we provided this platform for entrants to share their photos and cultivate some creative expression. Originality and creativity will be given preference over recycled images and ideas.

The contest will be open for submissions from the first until the 15th day of the month. Winners will be decided by the 420 Moderation Team and announced in-thread on the 1st of the following month.

Your entry must be one, and only one, photo. Entries with more than one photo will be deleted. The photograph may be of a cannabis plant or plants, part of a plant (e.g. a cola, a bud, even roots!), a nug or nugs, a seed or seeds or Cannabis extracts. It must be an original photograph that you have taken and contain no nudity.

All winners receive "420 Photo of the Month" title and the following Prize Packages:

First Place
420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet, 420 Magazine Stickers
Foods Alive: Organic Toasted Hemp Seeds

Second Place
420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Third Place
420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Shipping fees may apply to some packages shipped outside of the U.S.
You are responsible for any additional fees applied by customs.
Additional Details On Prize Shipping & Customs Duties

Contest Guidelines:

1. The contest is open to members with 50 or more posts. Members must also have at least 50 posts to be entitled to vote.

2. Your contest entry must be an original photo of your own, rather recent and not previously entered in another Photo of the Month contest. The same photo cannot be entered into more than one contest in the same month. Winning entries cannot be entered into any future contests.

3. Images entered must not include text, watermarks, copyright images, or added digital content. The entire image must be the entrants own original work. Any entrant or image found to be using copyright material may be removed from the contest and restricted from entering future contests.

4. Maximum of one photo per member. Updating photos throughout the month is not allowed.

5. Remember to upload your photo through our Photo Gallery before posting them on this thread: Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos. All entries should include a title and description of the image. Provide the strain name, grow method, or subject of the submitted image during the upload process to provide some context to your image.

6. Self-nominations only. The first place winner is ineligible for entry for the following three months.

7. Promotion (i.e. campaigning) for yourself or a friend, or any attempt at voting more than one time per person (i.e. multiple user names, etc.) is considered cheating and is prohibited. Promotion also includes family and friends who register a new account for voting purposes. Campaigning in any form - including but not limited to mentioning the entry in any thread outside the contest, a signature link to the entry and campaigning via PMs - will result in the entry being removed from the month's contest. A second instance, either in a different contest during the same month or in any future contest, will attract a lifetime ban from all future contests. General encouragement to vote in all the contests is fine, as long as it's not excessive or crossing the line into campaigning. Any post which explicitly or implicitly encourages members to vote for a specific entry is not.

8. Editing Photos: You may resize and/or crop your photos, however adding text, images and frame borders are prohibited. Photos must be cropped properly, leaving no large empty spaces at top/bottom or left/right of the image.

9. The use of Photoshop and other digital manipulation tools are acceptable for enhancing your own original photos (i.e. contrast, filters, and other image adjustments), however, these tools may not be used to create new elements that were not part of the original photograph (i.e. super-imposing multiple photos or adding a digital rendering of an object to a photo where that object did not originally exist, etc.)

10. Staff members from this or any other cannabis forum/community are not permitted to enter or vote in our public contests. It's okay for staff to post photos in the contest for fun, however to retain the credibility of the contest, their photos will not be added to the voting polls. Sponsors can vote, but not enter.

This is not a Photoshop contest or a Graphic Arts contest and entrants should understand this difference before submitting an image. Entrants should be open & transparent about the process which their pictures are made, in the same way we share cannabis cultivation techniques.

If anyone has any questions or problems with ANY of the entries in ANY of our contests, please speak up publicly in the respective contest thread, before the end of the contest or forever hold your peace. Once a winner is announced, that will be the end of discussion, there will be no take backs, unless we made a clerical error.

By posting a submission into this contest, it is assumed that you have read and agree to abide by each of the aforementioned rules. Consider your submission your "virtual signature".

Congratulations to
:adore: February's Photo of the Month Winners

1st Place - @gwhunran


(Fuel D.OG, Colombian Gold, Golden Tiger & Acapulco Gold)


2nd Place - @OGpapa

"420 Strain"


3rd Place - @024backwards

Crescendo RBx-1



Consolidated Entries - Voted on by the Staff

NickHardy - "The Night Before Flip"​




Gwhunran - "Gold" (Fuel D.OG, Colombian Gold, Golden Tiger & Acapulco Gold)​


Sparkey224 - Marshmallow OG Reverse​


Ke0ncp - "Sunday Night Smoke" (Gorilla Cookies)​


Dream Tiger - Sharingan​


Marcus611a - Black Sugar​


Hash Hound​


Absorber - Obi-Wan Kush​


Tokin Roll - Nothern Lights Auto​


Jon - Strawberry Gorilla​


Preston9mm - Lemon Tree​


Jmrl - Bubba Glue​


G-one-three - Wedding Crasher​


Con - Alien vs Triangle Auto​


CultivationArt - Bored Grapes​


OGpapa - "420 Strain"​


024backwards - Crescendo RBx-1​


Grand Daddy Black - "The Intruder" (Forbidden Fruit Clone)​


Greenvein - "Sunday Service" (Mami Madness)​


Roy Growin - "Sudden Freeze" (Lemon Pineapple)​


Jungle Joseph - "The Circle Of Life"​


:goodluck: Good Luck Everyone! :goodluck:
Welcome to 420 Magazine's Photo of the Month Contest!

Please submit your best 420 related photo for a chance to win some cool prizes.

Photo of the Month contest is all about the quality of an individual photo. It will be judged on composition, lighting, creativity, originality and general quality.

We love showcasing 420 Magazine cultivators’ photography, so we provided this platform for entrants to share their photos and cultivate some creative expression. Originality and creativity will be given preference over recycled images and ideas.

The contest will be open for submissions from the first until the 15th day of the month. Winners will be decided by the 420 Moderation Team and announced in-thread on the 1st of the following month.

Your entry must be one, and only one, photo. Entries with more than one photo will be deleted. The photograph may be of a cannabis plant or plants, part of a plant (e.g. a cola, a bud, even roots!), a nug or nugs, a seed or seeds or Cannabis extracts. It must be an original photograph that you have taken and contain no nudity.

All winners receive "420 Photo of the Month" title and the following Prize Packages:

First Place
420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet, 420 Magazine Stickers
Foods Alive: Organic Toasted Hemp Seeds
MagicStone: MagicStone Alchemy

Second Place
420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Third Place
420 Magazine Magnet & 420 Magazine Stickers

Shipping fees may apply to some packages shipped outside of the U.S.
You are responsible for any additional fees applied by customs.
Additional Details On Prize Shipping & Customs Duties

Contest Guidelines:

1. The contest is open to members with 50 or more posts. Members must also have at least 50 posts to be entitled to vote.

2. Your contest entry must be an original photo of your own, rather recent and not previously entered in another Photo of the Month contest. The same photo cannot be entered into more than one contest in the same month. Winning entries cannot be entered into any future contests.

3. Images entered must not include text, watermarks, copyright images, or added digital content. The entire image must be the entrants own original work. Any entrant or image found to be using copyright material may be removed from the contest and restricted from entering future contests.

4. Maximum of one photo per member. Updating photos throughout the month is not allowed.

5. Ricordati di caricare le tue foto tramite la nostra Galleria fotografica prima di pubblicarle su questa discussione: Guida alla Galleria fotografica - Come ridimensionare, caricare e pubblicare foto . Tutte le voci devono includere un titolo e una descrizione dell'immagine. Fornisci il nome della varietà, il metodo di coltivazione o l'oggetto dell'immagine inviata durante il processo di caricamento per fornire un contesto alla tua immagine.

6. Solo autocandidature. Il primo classificato non avrà diritto all'iscrizione per i tre mesi successivi.

7. La promozione (ad esempio una campagna) per se stessi o un amico, o qualsiasi tentativo di votare più di una volta per persona (ad esempio più nomi utente, ecc.) è considerato un imbroglio ed è proibito. La promozione include anche familiari e amici che registrano un nuovo account a scopo di voto. La campagna in qualsiasi forma, inclusa ma non limitata alla menzione del contributo in qualsiasi discussione esterna al concorso, un collegamento per la firma al contributo e la campagna tramite PM, comporterà la rimozione del contributo dal concorso del mese. Una seconda istanza, in un concorso diverso durante lo stesso mese o in qualsiasi concorso futuro, attirerà un ban a vita da tutti i concorsi futuri . L'incoraggiamento generale a votare in tutti i concorsi va bene, purché non sia eccessivo o oltrepassi il limite della campagna elettorale. Qualsiasi post che incoraggi esplicitamente o implicitamente i membri a votare per una voce specifica non lo è.

8. Modifica delle foto: puoi ridimensionare e/o ritagliare le tue foto, tuttavia è vietato aggiungere testo, immagini e bordi delle cornici. Le foto devono essere ritagliate correttamente, senza lasciare ampi spazi vuoti nella parte superiore/inferiore o sinistra/destra dell'immagine.

9. L'uso di Photoshop e altri strumenti di manipolazione digitale sono accettabili per migliorare le proprie foto originali (ad esempio contrasto, filtri e altre regolazioni dell'immagine), tuttavia, questi strumenti non possono essere utilizzati per creare nuovi elementi che non facevano parte dell'originale fotografare (ovvero sovrapporre più foto o aggiungere una resa digitale di un oggetto a una foto dove quell'oggetto originariamente non esisteva, ecc.)

10. Ai membri dello staff di questo o di qualsiasi altro forum/comunità sulla cannabis non è consentito partecipare o votare nei nostri concorsi pubblici . È consentito che lo staff pubblichi foto nel concorso per divertimento, tuttavia, per preservare la credibilità del concorso, le loro foto non verranno aggiunte ai sondaggi di voto. Gli sponsor possono votare, ma non entrare.

Questo non è un concorso di Photoshop o di arti grafiche e i partecipanti devono comprendere questa differenza prima di inviare un'immagine. I partecipanti dovrebbero essere aperti e trasparenti riguardo al processo con cui vengono realizzate le loro foto, nello stesso modo in cui condividiamo le tecniche di coltivazione della cannabis.

Se qualcuno ha domande o problemi con QUALSIASI partecipazione a QUALSIASI dei nostri concorsi , si prega di parlare pubblicamente nel rispettivo thread del concorso, prima della fine del concorso o di tacere per sempre. Una volta annunciato il vincitore, la discussione terminerà e non ci saranno rinunce, a meno che non abbiamo commesso un errore materiale.

Pubblicando un contributo a questo concorso, si presuppone che tu abbia letto e accetti di rispettare ciascuna delle regole di cui sopra. Considera la tua presentazione come la tua "firma virtuale".
Sharingan, again.

This is a shot of my Strawberry Gorilla, foxtailed due to dumb me overdoing the light a bit (lol), and lounging in the pinkish light of my LED with the reds and such kicked in.
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