Another Brix In The Wall: Sweet Pink Stink & Coked Out Girl Scout

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Move to other tent and get a surprise when get back.

Exactly right. No sense in wasting the time and effort. You won't be there while gone therefore, no more time invested in it til you find out for sure what sex it is when get back while away. I don't remember how many days yours have been the flower tent but, when I flipped my plants it was 12 days later before they showed gender. Keeping it won't hurt. Move it other tent in case it is male.

Thanks TB! I agree and was leaning towards doing that just in case like I did last weekend. They're +19 so it's very odd! A few pros here have said its female and I hate to question them because they are the best! It's just that this plant is so odd, it really does look like a female with "buds" in all the right places AND no visible pollen sacs but there are also NO white pistils. It's hard to explain and the pics don't really explain what I'm seeing very well. One thing rad pointed out was what looks like trichomes, gonna look at em in my 420 scope at lights on. Either way, I'll separate them this weekend, just in case.

If it were me, I'd be spending the day trying to justify the risk in not culling it. :laugh:

I absolutely hate giving up on a plant, but I also hate putting several extra weeks of attention and effort into an ultimate loser. :straightface:

Thanks GT! I agree and hate to give up, especially since the 2 of 4 clones I took that have rooted (so far) are from this plant. I hope this questionable plant turns out to be the finest smoke I've ever grown! I wish that of all the pot I grow though.

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

So I finally found pistils! Sorry for being a major PITA and thanks for all the help and insight! Have any of you had buds like these? I've not seen anything quite like it. I'm gonna leave her in with her sister this weekend. Trichs are there so she has that over her sister.





re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

So I went through the this before with this strain, money maker. Last time I culled, this time I'm gonna give her a chance, the quote and pics below are from the previous plant. Gonna go look for other grows of this strain to see if the same odd buds formed.

I'm not sure these pics will help but I can't find any definitive pistils and think I want to cull it.




re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I just checked out seedfinder to see what other growers may have said about the odd buds and guess what ... ?

"have a truly beautiful phenotype. Never seen anything like it. Very few pistils and extremely high calyx ratio. The pistils are hardly visible once mature. Its all calyx! Very nice, tall, full head trichome formation on on the sugar leaves. The other pictures I've seen look nothing like it. Its very distinguishable. It is a regen of a failed plant so the growth structure is different than from seed but I regenerated it after getting like 2 grams of the most unique looking bud I've ever seen (12.04.2017, 13:12)"

Another one said it wasn't a very stable strain ...

So maybe you have something special (and also probably a PIA :laugh:). PotChimp has been running a GDP project, and he's into F3 now I think, and he's had "curly haired" phenos ... dunno ... :hmmmm:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

So I finally found pistils! Sorry for being a major PITA and thanks for all the help and insight! Have any of you had buds like these? I've not seen anything quite like it. I'm gonna leave her in with her sister this weekend. Trichs are there so she has that over her sister.






Hey Ween...did I hear someone say Major PITA? Where is he....worried about him...we should have seen him around by now...WTF eh....Major , where are you??
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Ween...did I hear someone say Major PITA? Where is he....worried about him...we should have seen him around by now...WTF eh....Major , where are you??

Yeah, I haven't seen him in a while either. I've noticed lots of people come and go on this site. Mason, Shiggity, stage and a bunch of others.

We have some money maker seeds as well... now I think I'll curiously start a seed tonight.

Cool, I'll be interested to see if you get the same, really odd plant.

Heading up to the mountains! Have a great weekend! :passitleft:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Ween, hope you have fun in the mountains! Sounds like a great time. Your girls are looking beautiful! Top notch work right here. That sure is an odd thing where the plant has almost no pistils. Very cool. I'll keep my fingers crossed it ends up being some of the dankest bud! Keep up the savvy work :ganjamon:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks DB! Mountains were fun but more work than fun, opening up camp for the season. The "buds" are growing but still very few pistils, lots of swollen calyxes and trichomes. So wondering if it will be worth it to grow out my 2 money maker clones, what do you guys think? I could also throw them outdoors somewhere and let nature do the work....?

Watered last night, last was a trans drench so that means another water in a few days before the Cat drench, I was also going to scratch in some EWC and recharge before the water. I bought in bulk and I also don't run a full kit, I have 2 in #10's, can someone tell me how much recharge I should add per plant, maybe by weight or how much 1 bag of recharge weighs and I can do the math?

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I would put them outside and let nature due her thing. That's if you don't want to deal with it again. :laughtwo:

As for the recharge, I've always just grabbed a handful and scratched it in. Couple tablespoons and about a solo cup of EWC. I can get there is roughly an exact measurement but didn't think "estimating" would hurt. Didn't have a negative impact that's for sure.
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks DB! Mountains were fun but more work than fun, opening up camp for the season. The "buds" are growing but still very few pistils, lots of swollen calyxes and trichomes. So wondering if it will be worth it to grow out my 2 money maker clones, what do you guys think? I could also throw them outdoors somewhere and let nature do the work....?

Watered last night, last was a trans drench so that means another water in a few days before the Cat drench, I was also going to scratch in some EWC and recharge before the water. I bought in bulk and I also don't run a full kit, I have 2 in #10's, can someone tell me how much recharge I should add per plant, maybe by weight or how much 1 bag of recharge weighs and I can do the math?


My last bag of recharge weighed 18 oz, so I divided it into 6 bags of 3 oz each.
(I used the same size for both 7 and 10 gallon pots.)
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I would put them outside and let nature due her thing. That's if you don't want to deal with it again. :laughtwo:

As for the recharge, I've always just grabbed a handful and scratched it in. Couple tablespoons and about a solo cup of EWC. I can get there is roughly an exact measurement but didn't think "estimating" would hurt. Didn't have a negative impact that's for sure.

Thanks Nis! It's not that I don't want to deal with them, I was wondering if it would be worth the electricity expended. If I can get some great weed without pistils then it's worth it as long as there is a decent yield. Some pics of where they are today at +23

My last bag of recharge weighed 18 oz, so I divided it into 6 bags of 3 oz each.
(I used the same size for both 7 and 10 gallon pots.)

Thanks Rad! 3oz it is.

My funny looking money maker is packing on the trichs, can't wait to see her after her cat drenches.






re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks DB! Mountains were fun but more work than fun, opening up camp for the season. The "buds" are growing but still very few pistils, lots of swollen calyxes and trichomes. So wondering if it will be worth it to grow out my 2 money maker clones, what do you guys think? I could also throw them outdoors somewhere and let nature do the work....?

Oh nifty, what kind of camp? As long as those buds increase in frostiness you're good to go :) If you have two rooted clones and the space to grow them out I say why not. More friends to add to the party haha. If you can successfully grow outdoors, more power to ya!

Your girls look absolutely stunning Ween, mad respect. :ganjamon:
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Oh nifty, what kind of camp? As long as those buds increase in frostiness you're good to go :) If you have two rooted clones and the space to grow them out I say why not. More friends to add to the party haha. If you can successfully grow outdoors, more power to ya!

Your girls look absolutely stunning Ween, mad respect. :ganjamon:

Thanks Dank or should I say Dank you! Just a summer camp up in the mountains. Not sure if I'll grow them in or outdoors but I'll update here when I decide.

re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks G2HM!

I asked over at the timing the cat drench thread but that one doesn't get a lot of traffic. So my girls are +25 and are due to get their 2nd straight RO tonight or tomorrow then another 4 or 5 days until their 1st Cat, my question is should I skip this RO and go straight to Cat! Also, wonder what people think of my money maker with its pistil less buds, are they set?





re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Hey Ween , waz goin on ! Ya eh,..look at those wierd lookin buds. What do ya make of that...strange lookin bud. You grow this before?
It's kind of creepy lookin eh...:rofl: She 'l prolly surprise ya with these really huge, frosty nugs...:high-five:
Cheers Ween and friends!:circle-of-love:

Oh ya meant to ask you if you've considered changing your photo period in veg to 16/8 instead of 18/6. That's what i do now , don't notice any negative results , and save a few bucks along the way...:)
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

Thanks Duggan. I did grow it before but wound up culling because I and others on here thought it was male. Oops.

I actually switched to 20/4 because i was having issues with the temps getting low and it's helped but I also added a heater to my flower tent that has a built in thermostat and it's helped keep temps at 70 during lights out so I can try that'll in veg too.

What do you think about skipping a straight RO to get to the Cat? I'm guessing you'll suggest sticking with the 2 ROs, correct?
re: Another Brix In The Wall - Sweet Pink Stink & Girl Scout

I actually switched to 20/4 because i was having issues with the temps getting low and it's helped but I also added a heater to my flower tent that has a built in thermostat and it's helped keep temps at 70 during lights out so I can try that'll in veg too.

What do you think about skipping a straight RO to get to the Cat? I'm guessing you'll suggest sticking with the 2 ROs, correct?

I would like to see the buds a bit more developed before giving the two CD's, but it's your choice Ween. See my colas and buds...i always give the CD's later than most, like to see some cola structure first , then i hit them with the 'other' N. Why not go with one more 'just water' then see how they look in about a week /ten days. You in a hurry....:tokin: Cheers Ween.
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