Klinger's Tribute Shed - 2015 - Master Kush + ?

Yea maybe overthinking things? Thinkin turn off the lights at 4pm and be done with it.

If anything clever, maybe I'll just make that first night 2 hours longer so that they wake up their normal time at 6, or even 5 like you suggested, GT, but thinkin one night probably fine even.

Well, you'll know if you start seeing weird leaves afterwards. But remember, you ARE in kit soil bro :) Itll be a first for us to see that...I think?
Anybody got a good solution for temp/rh monitoring? I want something that will upload realtime data to cloud via wifi.

I've shopped around and there seem to be a few options in the $100-150 range, but mixed reviews.

Considered aiming a webcam at a meter lol, but seriously I'd like to have a graph to look at.
Ummmm, yes you can photostress these plants! I think Zigg's might see some before the end. Hopefully not, but it's always a danger.

Yes sir I have done it lots some of them were even on purpose:rofl:
Daybreak is more important than nightfall, so you need to change from 6AM to 4AM, backing it up 2 hours, which really isn't very stressful. If it were me, I'd do it in stages - back it up to 5AM daybreak and 4PM nightfall for a week, then to 4AM/4PM.


I think I gave some bum advice. It's probably not a good idea to go from 18/6 to a shorter day like 11/13, and then to a longer day like 12/12. For the stepped change, I'd do 5AM/5PM, then 4AM/4PM.
What if I just left the lights on all night tonight and turned em off tomorow afternoon at 4?

I'm trying to decide what to do before I leave the house...

Turn off at 6p tonight...then on at 4a tomorow...aaaa the humanity
What if I just left the lights on all night tonight and turned em off tomorow afternoon at 4?

I'm trying to decide what to do before I leave the house...

Turn off at 6p tonight...then on at 4a tomorow...aaaa the humanity

That's what I'd do.
When I get clones locally, that's how I switch them to my light schedule. I don't have a ton of experience, but never any weird leaves, or other evidence of photo-stress...so far.
Well I just turned the lights off at 6 last night and walked away lol.

Doc suggested I turn the days back 15minutes at a time every 2 days. Considering the go slow concept, I was like fugggit, flip, I'll deal with the deets later.

Heading over to prune and half strength destress.

Temperature was steady 80f/40rh yesterday with lights dropped down, 1000w, 95f outside.
I was looking at your shed setup and showing my old lady the pics. We agreed im gonna build one in my barn in August most likely :)
Thanks BK for the ideas :)
I think I got mites. Seen little white specks..found 1 web. Closer inspection found like 2 leaves with a tiny hole in them.

Rough day today not even gonna start, lets just say if I wasn't such a stupid human it would have been a little better.

Got some pics of some weird leaf coloration incoming.

Appreciate advice on mites and these leaves. Pretty not interested in spraying any chemicals.

On the bright side leaves that are good are shinier than ever, maybe they will resist the mites?
Hey man. I had the same spider mite issue and It was a large infestation. I went out and brought "SMC leaf wash" it's organic and very effective. I hope you get it sorted. They can be a real problem
Doc recommends not using it indoors bro :)

OK - now I need to know why??? :cheesygrinsmiley:
I was going to get some but most of my grows will be inside.
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