LKABudMan And The Vivosun Auto Oasis - Sponsored By VIVOSUN

The Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*, a VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS).

VIVOSUN GrowHub 42A ** Currently set to -Seedling- Mode
  • VSF6450
    • 22:00-04:00 OFF
    • 04:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flowering, Intensity:40%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES (34-36 DLI)
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating
    • 22:00-24:00 - Speed 5/10
    • 04:00-22:00 - Natural wind
  • AeroZesh T4 - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-04:00 High 52% RH, Speed 10, default off
    • 04:00-24:00 High 82F / 62% RH, Speed 10, default off
Other Equipment:
- 8" floor fan
- Oscillating tower fan

Gaby (Herbies Seeds Gorilla Glue #4 Auto)
Date: 1/29/24 Day# 91 (Flower day# 65)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with FFHF & Dynomyco
Nutrients: MC Blend (4MC+2SC+.5MgS=95N-71P-247K-94Ca-55Mg-85S)​

Gaby will finish up her nutrients tomorrow. After that she'll go on plain water until harvest. Well, I might throw a little Sweet Candy in there too ;)
Gaby Tracker.png
I haven't picked off many leaves in the last couple of days because she hasn't needed it. She doesn't have that many leaves left but she's making the most of what she has. It looks like she's finishing up now, maybe another week to go. I'm loving what I'm seeing, though :)

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
The Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*, a VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS).

VIVOSUN GrowHub 42A ** Currently set to -Seedling- Mode
  • VSF6450
    • 22:00-04:00 OFF
    • 04:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flowering, Intensity:40%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES (34-36 DLI)
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating
    • 22:00-24:00 - Speed 5/10
    • 04:00-22:00 - Natural wind
  • AeroZesh T4 - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-04:00 High 52% RH, Speed 10, default off
    • 04:00-24:00 High 82F / 62% RH, Speed 10, default off
Other Equipment:
- 8" floor fan
- Oscillating tower fan

Gaby (Herbies Seeds Gorilla Glue #4 Auto)
Date: 1/29/24 Day# 91 (Flower day# 65)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with FFHF & Dynomyco
Nutrients: MC Blend (4MC+2SC+.5MgS=95N-71P-247K-94Ca-55Mg-85S)​

Gaby will finish up her nutrients tomorrow. After that she'll go on plain water until harvest. Well, I might throw a little Sweet Candy in there too ;)
Gaby Tracker.png
I haven't picked off many leaves in the last couple of days because she hasn't needed it. She doesn't have that many leaves left but she's making the most of what she has. It looks like she's finishing up now, maybe another week to go. I'm loving what I'm seeing, though :)

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
That is some serious bud.
You never cease to grow amaze me!
Thanks Trala. One of these days I'll be able to keep one green to the end. Until then, she's a pretty good consolation prize ;)
You're going to have quite the trophy closet when Gaby comes down!
You know it Shed! Even better, very little trimming will be needed :)
The Vivosun Auto Oasis
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis, a VIVOSUN 32x60x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun SGS.

Vivosun GrowHub 42A ** Currently set to -Vegetative- Mode
  • Vivosun AeroLight - The world’s first 100W LED grow light with an integrated circulatory fan
    • 04:00-24:00 Spectrum:Seedling, Intensity:50%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES (30 DLI)
  • Circulation Fan
    • 00:00-24:00 - Speed 1/10
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating using Circulation Fan settings above
  • AeroZesh - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-04:00 High 70% RH, Speed 5, default off
    • 04:00-24:00 High 82F / 75% RH, Speed 3, default off
Vivosun AeroLight A200SE with GrowHub E25 ** Currently set to -Vegetative- 50%
** All controlled on my smartphone through the VIVOSUN App (wi-fi)

Other Equipment:
Vivosun Air Circulator Fan with Remote - Oscillating horizontally and vertically on 'Natural Breeze' mode
Vivosun Humidifier set to 65% warm mist

Buddy (Blueberry Auto)
Date: 1/31/24 Day# 37
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with FFHF & Dynomyco
Nutrients: 1/2c Geoflora veg (1/12/24 - Day# 18)​

I've pretty much left Buddy alone in the Vivosun Auto Oasis. Her res was filled on 1/19 (day# 25) and it's still over half full today. I really don't think she ever took hold in the SIP. Her bottom half looks burned, and her top half looks starved.

I pulled those dead lower leaves off today, and noticed that she is teeming with fungus gnats. This girl just can't catch a break.

I sprinkled the surface with DE and sprayed the res with H2O2. I also lowered the light, raising the DLI from 20 to 30. I'll be starting a new auto soon, and I'm thinking of moving to coco. If I can't get buddy's pest issues under control by then... I may just get rid of her. Time for this girl to get going or go away!

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
If the larvae are causing those issues then I'd go with BTi in a 5 gallon water bucket left for 24 hours and then used for your nutes. In the meantime aim a fan directly at the top of the soil. And that DE would really have to cover almost 100% of the surface of those rocks to be effective.

I'm not sure it is gnat larvae that's the problem since they don't usually cause such symmetrical damage (that I've seen). Is it a new batch of soil or from a bag you've used before?

Poor thing. :(
If the larvae are causing those issues then I'd go with BTi in a 5 gallon water bucket left for 24 hours and then used for your nutes. In the meantime aim a fan directly at the top of the soil. And that DE would really have to cover almost 100% of the surface of those rocks to be effective.

I'm not sure it is gnat larvae that's the problem since they don't usually cause such symmetrical damage (that I've seen). Is it a new batch of soil or from a bag you've used before?

Poor thing. :(
Thanks Shed. Yea, I probably should have put a trigger warning on that post ;) I use BTI in all her water, including her initial watering. It really doesn't seem to help that much, although mine is old and may need replacing.

It was the end of the bag of FFHF, the same used for the last two autos. It probably had plenty of the little buggers in it, though, as it was in a tote down in the basement.

They were getting pretty bad on Gaby in the annex. I added the tower fan in there and it does a great job of blowing across the top of the soil and keeps them in check pretty well. I'm not sure what to do with Buddy. I'm not sure it's the fungus gnats, but based on how mush she's drinking her roots are not getting established. If she doesn't start going soon I'll probably just get rid of her. I'd rather her, and all her fungus gnats, be out of the tent before I put anyone else in there.
The Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*, a VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS).

VIVOSUN GrowHub 42A ** Currently set to -Seedling- Mode
  • VSF6450
    • 22:00-04:00 OFF
    • 04:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flowering, Intensity:40%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES (34-36 DLI)
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating
    • 22:00-24:00 - Speed 5/10
    • 04:00-22:00 - Natural wind
  • AeroZesh T4 - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-04:00 High 52% RH, Speed 10, default off
    • 04:00-24:00 High 82F / 62% RH, Speed 10, default off
Other Equipment:
- 8" floor fan
- Oscillating tower fan

Gaby (Herbies Seeds Gorilla Glue #4 Auto)
Date: 2/2/24 Day# 95 (Flower day# 69)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with FFHF & Dynomyco
Nutrients: Water only​

Yesterday was the end of the nutrients I had mixed up for Gaby. I gave her some water with a few grams of Sweet Candy. Today she starts water-only through the end. She's close :)
Gaby Tracker.png
I still see all the signs that Gaby is finishing up. She has plenty of white pistils on her foxtails, but the rest are turning and crinkling in. Her smell is increasing and she's swelling up. I'm watching this one branch that isn't tied to the net creep further and further out. It'll be on the side of the tent soon, then I'll tie it back to the net.

I took some trichome pictures today. I see some cloudy trics, but still plenty of clear and little to no amber.

Coming up on the end of her 10th week of flower she still has another week, probably less than two. I don't see any nanners or mites, though, so I'm in no rush with her. And I'm enjoying watching her put more weight on her already chunky buds :)

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
Those buds are obese! :yummy:
Dude at the nursery told me bugs are attracted to weak plants. Much like bacteria/viruses and immunocompromised humans. Optimum plant health is always your best defence when it comes to crawlies and your poor little girl demonstrates this. She is a gardening challenge. I hope you keep trying.

If she was mine, she’d get repotted and cut right back.
The Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*
Featuring the VIVOSUN Smart Grow System
Sponsored by VIVOSUN and Herbies US Express

Welcome back to the Vivosun Auto Oasis *ANNEX*, a VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent equipped with the Vivosun Smart Grow System (SGS).

VIVOSUN GrowHub 42A ** Currently set to -Seedling- Mode
  • VSF6450
    • 22:00-04:00 OFF
    • 04:00-22:00 Spectrum:Flowering, Intensity:40%, Sunrise/Sunset: YES (34-36 DLI)
  • AeroWave E6 oscillating grow tent fan - Oscillating
    • 22:00-24:00 - Speed 5/10
    • 04:00-22:00 - Natural wind
  • AeroZesh T4 - 4" Ultra powerful automated exhaust fully programmable through the GrowHub
    • 00:00-04:00 High 52% RH, Speed 10, default off
    • 04:00-24:00 High 82F / 62% RH, Speed 10, default off
Other Equipment:
- 8" floor fan
- Oscillating tower fan

Gaby (Herbies Seeds Gorilla Glue #4 Auto)
Date: 2/2/24 Day# 95 (Flower day# 69)
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with FFHF & Dynomyco
Nutrients: Water only​

Yesterday was the end of the nutrients I had mixed up for Gaby. I gave her some water with a few grams of Sweet Candy. Today she starts water-only through the end. She's close :)
Gaby Tracker.png
I still see all the signs that Gaby is finishing up. She has plenty of white pistils on her foxtails, but the rest are turning and crinkling in. Her smell is increasing and she's swelling up. I'm watching this one branch that isn't tied to the net creep further and further out. It'll be on the side of the tent soon, then I'll tie it back to the net.

I took some trichome pictures today. I see some cloudy trics, but still plenty of clear and little to no amber.

Coming up on the end of her 10th week of flower she still has another week, probably less than two. I don't see any nanners or mites, though, so I'm in no rush with her. And I'm enjoying watching her put more weight on her already chunky buds :)

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
What are you using to get such great trichome shots? They are so clean and clear. Those buds are fantastic.
What are you using to get such great trichome shots? They are so clean and clear. Those buds are fantastic.
Thanks g13. It's just a standard wireless microscope using MaxSee. The trick is to touch the side of the microscope to the bud and then lean in to focus. Well, that and take about 30 shots for 5-6 good ones ;)
You could give her a good foliar of whatever nutrient she's lacking (looks like iron to me). If she can't drink thru her roots, feed her thru her leaves until she's healthy again.
Dude at the nursery told me bugs are attracted to weak plants. Much like bacteria/viruses and immunocompromised humans. Optimum plant health is always your best defence when it comes to crawlies and your poor little girl demonstrates this. She is a gardening challenge. I hope you keep trying.

If she was mine, she’d get repotted and cut right back.
I agree that weak plants are bug magnets, I see this all the time. A couple of brown leaves and all of the sudden they're covered in bugs. She is a gardening challenge, and if she were a photo I would probably keep trying. An auto, though...
You could give her a good foliar of whatever nutrient she's lacking (looks like iron to me). If she can't drink thru her roots, feed her thru her leaves until she's healthy again.
Thanks RSR, I always forget about foliar feeding. That may have helped a couple of weeks ago, but she's an auto on day# 42 now ;(
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