Mag7 LST Heaven In DBHBB

Making Oil in my awesomesauce MB2 that was so graciously gifted to me by none other than our own MOM winner Duggan the Great!!!! Thank you sir, I'm taking a chance this evening and letting her do her thing, only bad thing I can say about this thing is it takes a minimum 2 cups of ingredients, beyond that is a beautiful piece of equipment.

After putting her to work I went and checked on the ladies. Over the past few days I've been combating the humidity. With two dehumidifiers in a small grow room it begins to create more heat. So I had to cut one off and let one do the work. Still I had high humidity. Then it dawned on me to take the larger of the two a place it in the open area in out side of the room where it draws in most of the fresh air. And boom, no more rh issues and the environment has been stabilized. I can turn the LG DH on when the th begins to rise and then off when its stabilized otherwise the fan just runs.

Now that we're good to go there I went ahead and pulled the ladies out and gently payed them on their sides and opened up the pots and pulled bottoms out and then Kate's them back in their pans so that they have the ability to wick up and I can give them a better Drench through flower. I will have to add some top soil as they have dropped a bit in their pots. But all in all I'm happy with the progress of today. I also moved the ladies around and added some support for those long lanky limbs. They are strong but kinda long lol.

Ok that's it y'all, hope that was detailed enough for today. Now for the pics. I turned the lights off for these ones. I'm like the way they came out too!! Good evening y'all!!



Wow Mag! Looking awesomely brixy! :high-five:
Yeah buddy!! Those plants are excellent! They are going to fill all the way in, you're going to have a tent full of bat sized colas.

I happen to be making butter in MB2e as well. I love that machine. Go to their website and look at all the recipes. Infuse some coconut oil and make the coco butter lotion. That stuff is amazing in it's pain killing properties, not to mention the women in my family love it for what it does to their skin. They say it's better than the really expensive skin care lotions. I made that just to see what it was like and I got 2nd degree burns and used it on those and man it was a lifesaver! I was pain free after 5 minutes of application. That was after suffering for hours before it occurred to me to try that lotion I had laying around. Now I have to make that stuff regularly....people are depending on it now.

Yeah buddy!! Those plants are excellent! They are going to fill all the way in, you're going to have a tent full of bat sized colas.

I happen to be making butter in MB2e as well. I love that machine. Go to their website and look at all the recipes. Infuse some coconut oil and make the coco butter lotion. That stuff is amazing in it's pain killing properties, not to mention the women in my family love it for what it does to their skin. They say it's better than the really expensive skin care lotions. I made that just to see what it was like and I got 2nd degree burns and used it on those and man it was a lifesaver! I was pain free after 5 minutes of application. That was after suffering for hours before it occurred to me to try that lotion I had laying around. Now I have to make that stuff regularly....people are depending on it now.


Ok Neiko you've sold me!! Only question is, does it matter the strain we use?? I'd love to convince my lady to give it a try!!
No it doesn't matter the strain at all. Once you decarb the flower you are stripping the terpenes. The terps are what differentiates the strains and effects. Just use your least favorite strain or a mix, it really doesn't matter. It doesn't use a lot of material either. I think I got about 65 oz's of lotion from 3/4 of an oz of flower.
I would say the strain counts - even if the terpenes gets killed, the high is still very different from strain to strain. It takes away the smells, but not the effect - at least not all of it
Sorry guys, I had surgery today so I'll be out for a few days. I may lurk but I don't think I'll have much to update. .
I would say the strain counts - even if the terpenes gets killed, the high is still very different from strain to strain. It takes away the smells, but not the effect - at least not all of it

I haven't found this to be true. Once you strip the terpenes and all you're only left with cannabinoids, the only difference is what ratio of cannabinoids are present. THC is THC, the molecule doesn't change based on strain. The only thing that differentiates strains is the terpene profile. I've made tons of edibles and the buzz is the exact same no matter what strain or combination of strains is used. The only thing that changes the effects is potency and CBD content. A sativa strain that is motivating when smoked does not have the same effect for me when stripped of its terps and used in edibles. I've not had 1 patient say they prefer oil from one strain or the other. When I ask for input from them, they tell me it all "feels" the same.
Allright. I usually smoke the stuff I decarb so maybe that's why

I haven't found this to be true. Once you strip the terpenes and all you're only left with cannabinoids, the only difference is what ratio of cannabinoids are present. THC is THC, the molecule doesn't change based on strain. The only thing that differentiates strains is the terpene profile. I've made tons of edibles and the buzz is the exact same no matter what strain or combination of strains is used. The only thing that changes the effects is potency and CBD content. A sativa strain that is motivating when smoked does not have the same effect for me when stripped of its terps and used in edibles. I've not had 1 patient say they prefer oil from one strain or the other. When I ask for input from them, they tell me it all "feels" the same.
I prefer non decarbed because of the taste. I just do it to dry them fast so I can get them to burn

I've never tried smoking decarbed weed. Is is like smoking already been vaped weed? I heard it's pretty narcotic. Do you like it better than non decarbed weed?
All the best Seven.

Sounds like the perfect recovery: no pressure, just browsing the forum and medicating (I hope .).

Thanks Amy, the meds are ok but my meds are a bit better. I mean I'm medicated but the pain is so much, nothing seems to really help.
Sending healing vibes .


Been real busy Seven, sorry I've been MIA! Your garden looks great! Hope your recovery is successful and speedy! Good vibes your way bud!

DL my man, not worries buddy, takes time, sometimes we don't have all the time we'd like, right?!
Gootabsat congrata to you bud as well, your garden is looking fantastical.

Good morning and heal up my friend....this forum will wait for ya....we aint goin knowhere! .

Ahh yeah, pershiate it Doogs, I'm kinda medicated right now. All kinds of shit has me a little fucked yo. This is know to be the most painful procedure out there.

Rest up mag. May your recovery be speedy
Thank DS, I really hope so myself. I don't feel like I can do this for weeks and weeks. The last two days have been the closest to complete misery as I have ever been. My previous back, shoulder, hernia, both wrist and lasic surgery just don't compare. This (very embarrassing) procedure I will share with you because I hope not one of you have got this. If you have then you understand. The procedure is call a "Hemorrhoidectomy" Youtube it for the extreme detail. All I can say is even though I am embarrassed to speak of of such a private matter I feel I must share this little tidbit. Do whatever it takes to avoid going through this. If your doc gives other option before surgery, you know to take them and be very diligent on preventing a surgical procedure. Cause I tell you what, the pain is so bad the the hydrocodone, purple Peyote capsules 2 per serving and some PP smoke and liticane cream still can't but take the edge off. It's the worse and I should have chosen to do more research before the procedure. It's very very very painful! But I am feeling better than yesterday but I'm floating on medications!!

420 FAN FOLLOWER: I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for your support along the journey to greater our understanding of the cannabis plant.
Good morning to ya 7 , brotha! Hope some of the pain is gone today bud! Hang in there and be strong sir!...You will get better ..glad that operation is over eh! Try and enjoy your weekend bud! Thinking of you!:Namaste:
Yes, 1 of 4 surgeries down and hoping this one is can heal faster!! This is the worst post op I've ever had. But I need all my body parts in good working order before everything is supposed to happen in the next few weeks.

Thinking bout me ehh, give my ring, you got the digits lol
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